you know what time it is
He was a lead designer on vanilla diablo 3, that should tell you all you need to know. You can google for extra nonsense regarding this douche if you want to know more though.
And now he gets to help bury WoW.
Summer 2016 but thankfully the garrisons completely killed any interest I had in WoW for a long time.
Maybe that's the idea. Blizzard needs to kill WoW, but no matter how many bad ideas they have people still play. So they bring in the expert, the man who turned loot farming into the world's most boring and pointless grind.And now he gets to help bury WoW.
Vanilla designs have been incredibly tame before the revamp of T2. Like, "standard Warcraft 3 unit" tame. Everything you posted came after this happened:![]()
Those are two things I remember from vanilla, although I have to admit armor went batshit crazy after Vanilla and TBC, weapons always were a bit weird. How's the story by the way? Haven't played since Cataclysm, and always had a weakness for the shlock Metzen was peddling. Are they still busy with the entire "HURR DURR Varian Wrynn hates orcs so new conflict!" arc of the story?
But while Holy Paladins possess the heavy armor and strong defensive ability themes, in practice they spend most of their time behind the frontlines with the more fragile healers. In addition to shoring up the identities of Protection and Retribution Paladins, we’re adjusting Holy Paladin gameplay to bring them closer to the front, where they belong.
Beacon of the Lightbringer
- Passive
- The maximum bonus from Mastery: Lightbringer is increased by 24%, and it now increases your healing based on the target's proximity to either you or your Beacon of Light, whichever is closer.
Almost every designer on the WoW team has the title of lead designer. Some even have the title of Lead Designer II.Jay Wilson is what's wrong with that picture. Lead designer part is particularly great.
Um... the 'old' sets were placeholders. We're talking maybe ten months into Vanilla and four or so months after Blackwing Lair was added.Vanilla designs have been incredibly tame before the revamp of T2. Like, "standard Warcraft 3 unit" tame. Everything you posted came after this happened:
Yes, i think that's actually one of the better ideas they've come up in the last few years, as many people i know didn't bother with CMs because they didn't offer anything tangible (as tangible as a bunch of purple pixels can be), and many are not intersted in the mounts or t-mog sets at all. On the other hand, i have to agree with Zetor - if dungeons can be alternative to raids, then it should not be mandatory otherwise we'd have again "LFM /power 8 dungeon, require 720+ gear / curve/ etc. On yet another hand, it may stimulate people to play in guilds instead of being loners who have no social ties or obligations - a group of like-minded persons can progress in these dungeons together, without setting up ridiculous requirements so the content won't be wipeable, and have a blast together. Most of the raids, and blizzard seems to not know it, raid not for the progress (which is the thing that bothers 0.01% of the guilds in the world first race), but for fun and socializing together, and WoD basically ruined that feels.challenging and interesting 5-man content into the game