Honestly, I don't care anymore, I have zero hope of they implementing the PnP system as it is on a computer game, even if there is an "old school" rpg project on this list of games. Larian make use of cooldowns and I don't trust them to make good mechanics after D:OS 2, Obsidian is going on that route too with PoE 2 with per encounter spammy abilities, no RPG developer, even the ones that supposedly are developing old school games want to implement a vancian system or anything close to the system that ToEE had, fuck, they don't even want to implement anything close to what NWN 2 had.
I played quite a few Bioware cargo cult RPGs from Obsidian and Larian, not sure if I will keep interested for longer, you know the drill, when you are talking with NPCs, it is adventure game time because the horror of actually implementing stat checks on a meaningful way and when you are fighting, it is trash mob cleaning time with ability spam. Just played the Swordflight module series for NWN 1, this series is what I really hope modern isometric RPGs would be on the NPC interaction/adventure side with really interesting stat check uses and proper roleplay opportunities, look, I'm not interested on your story of the terrible evil bad guy that will destroy us all, I couldn't give a fuck about your bland fantasy stock NPCs, just let me roleplay or it is better to play something like Beautiful Isolation or any proper adventure game.
I really miss something like ToEE for combat too, I already know how Baldurs Gate 1 played, I don't need yet another dumbdown version of that.
If they are going to release Baldur's Gate 1 dumb down edition with just a new coat of paint, dunno if I'm interested.
At this point, I'm more interested on someone releasing a decent toolset for someone that actually wanna make RPGs to produce one that is actually interesting to play.
I'll purchase this DnD RPG in a heartbeat:
- Take FRUA, and modernize the game for today's PCs, Macs, and Linux.
- Make the graphics better and sound. I'm not talking to AAA levels, but something like a more successful indie title of today would be fine.
- Add the ability to cover other rulesets so the DnD 5th Edition crowd would be happy, but so would grognards like me.
- Throw in a few games from your old modules from each ruleset, primarily the mega-dungeons like The Ruins of Undermountain for 2nd Edition or Adventure Paths like "The Shackled City".
- Allow ease of use for mod creators like Ray Dyer, so we can get smaller adventures made.
- Profit. I'm ready to throw money in right now.