Skipping most of these flavour events these days now that the rewards are trivial, but I'm still surprised at the variety of them even after playing for a year.
Took down yet another cruiser. 2 operatives, no... whatever the higher tier guy is.
Well, shit. Honestly didn't expect anything to make it through all that.
Which is why this base is garrisoned with... suboptimal gear.
Better yet, most of the troops can't access that gear?! WTF?
I eventually figured out you can juggle some stuff around, but the behaviour of dragging something off the character and ctrl-clicking it is different. Also, while this ogre has a nice suit, he can't shoot for beans. Not good.
We've got some advantages though. First, this base has no hangars. Which means the only place the enemies can come in is the access lift, which I shoved in the corner.
Two, we've got werewolves! A pleasant surprise. Only 3, but they're quite useful even this late in the game, at least compared to raw peasants.
OTOH, our summoning circle seems to have let a merc in over here? I guess it 'summoned' one of the invaders? Luckily, one of our few plasma guns is in the hands of the peasant in the room with him.
And, of course, we've got these beefy laser and plasma turrets. Except this one died before it could fire. Apparently our turrets don't reaction fire. Lame.
Well, it's a target rich environment?
Thankfully the plasma turret fares better.
And after a couple turns, we start getting people in position for pot shots. They might not be elites, but heavy plasma does a lot of heavy lifting.
Of course, the enemy has gauss hover tanks as well. Thankfully, it seems to have eaten a lot of shots from our plasma turret.
Scratch one tank. Actually, this one died courtesy of the werewolves, indirectly- I howled at a merc with one of those AoE plasma scorchers, and the dude went berserk. Nasty.
We also engage in some rat diplomancy. Insanely effective for the cost, I should make way more of these. I can't remember what was needed, but it must be trivial by now. And drowning the AI in a horde of 50 summoned rats while they shoot themselves in the feet would be hilarious.
Werewolf claws still hit like a truck, but there's a problem- when they deal health damage, they restore werewolf energy at the cost of draining their TUs. So while they can swing for only 10, once they hit a beefy merc, they're sitting ducks.
Except this doesn't apply to reaction swings apparently. Murdered like 3 dudes trying to wrestle this werewolf.
More howl induced friendly fire.
Infuriatingly, while there's half a dozen catgirls here with grav boots, there's no melee weapons for them to abuse their TUs with.
Plasma turret is doing a lot of work, it's shields and armour must be quite a bit higher. Probably helps not getting surrounded as well.
And of course eventually the workers start waking up to help.
Bringing only the most powerful of our reserve weapons, naturally.
Slaves too.
Blood hounds actually scored several kills too, like the werewolves, the hit real damned hard. I think we can buy these now? Might be a good idea. I mean, really, I should just make proper garrisons. But I really don't want to kit out a dozen people at each of 5 different bases.
Eventually we claim enoguh ground we can loot the enemy weapons.
Rats spot the cunt sneaking through the sewer too.
Remember the drawback of the werewolf claws? Doesn't apply to shield damage. Slash slash slash! He died for it though.
Followed by 2 more peasants. Really didn't think it had so many TUs remaining. This was the final enemy though, we pulled through!
Base layout. After looking it over, I realize we had a spare mess hall I can replace with something. Going to work towards the repulsor defenses.
Also moving our plasma beams out of here... which I apparently made 3 extras of. Whoops.
And I go through and give everyone a real gun. Thankfully the mercs left a bunch behind as well.
Yeah, while I was trying to intercept one, this invasion was a result of 4 merc cruisers deploying for crackdown missions all at once. At least we shot this second one down.
But not the third!
Here we go killing again!
No rats this time, burned all the freshness on the last invasion, which was mere hours ago.
Laser turret survives to return fire this time! Should help a ton.
That's still... a lot of enemies. Did I mention we lost 2 werewolves as well last mission?
Got a luck hit with the plasma scorcher. To be fair, with this aoe, it didn't need a direct hit. But it also had like 18% accuracy. I think I'm sleeping on these. Would be great in the hands of an elite. If you don't care about loot. Which I don't in many cases.
Lost another peasant here, but our ogre just destroyed a hovertank with a single volley. Gun fires in bursts of 3. Holy crap.
Bastard commano hovered above another laser turret and managed to kill it by abusing LoS bullshit.
Still, only a single hand lost this time. But we also lost the last werewolf.
And while the 4 peasants we lost in the first defense were newbies with a single kill each, this time we lost a well trained zoner with 30 kills. Ouch.
Yes, this is a fourth attack. They all hit the same base.
We survived!