- No real bug or issue, at least 100% sure ones. Had a couple hacking wtf moments, a lancer doing weird shit once, but other than that, no real problem, no crash and whatnot.
- Once I turned off AA, got a pretty good FPS overall (60ish) during play though tad choppy here and there, but nothing problematic. Hopefully will be patched in to be even more stable.
- Way too many pauses during play.Not sure what causes it but reveals, enemy movement, overwatch and everything need to be tuned to be way smoother. Biggest annoyance by far for me as it really pulled me out of a good fun every time it happened.
- Might be because of Veteran but shit needs to slow the fuck down on start. Was completely overwhelming at first, then past June/July I pretty had nothing left to research/engineer but the story stuff. Mods will fix that bit I'm sure but it was fucking annoying.
- Didn't even touch PSI but didn't need to. Was rough at first because of new mechanics, new classes, random maps and everything happening at once, but once I found my footing, was pretty easy. Will probably try on commander at some point but apart from the very beginning, I don't think it should be a problem.
- Last mission was both bullshit and fun, weirdly enough. Didn't lose anyone though almost got overwhelmed at some point but for a first time, that can happen I guess. Now klnowing the place/setup, shouldn't be much of a problem.
- Overall, good fun for sure. Timers are great addition to put some pressure during missions and provided good variety. Random maps/Missions are awesome and will really boost replay-ability by a shit ton even as the story stays the same.
- I hope they're gonna put the cliff hanger thing in a DLC, not some XCOM 3 or some shit. With it's openness via mods, they really need to stick to this one in the future and just pile on shit onto it (maps, props, missions, classes, etc).
- Screw aliens! I want a Freedom Force mod for this shit, with super hero props/costumes/classes.