The game runs great in Yuzu emu. Even if it hasn't been updated since the C&D, I've played for ~4h and only found one minor visual glitch.
I'm two dungeons into Echoes of Wisdom and have visited most of the map areas that don't require a story trigger. The first dungeon made you use plenty of echoes, the second one (Jabu) was a gauntlet with few new mechanics added in. I'm hoping the mid and late game dungeons introduce some complexity and make the dungeons more puzzlebox-y.
Echoes are the way of unlocking the map, and going through the story you'll find traversal tools to unlock new areas, i.e. bombs. There are platforming and exploration sections that can be solved with your choice of Echoes. There are some Echoes that are clearly better than others, there is a bit of creativity involved but not a lot.
Combat is okay, you either spend energy to transform into Link, or use a summon that fits. Choosing the right summon can be fun, but makes the combat slow as summons' attacks are on a timer and you have to re-summon them when they're killed.
Hero mode is pointless because the bed can heal you out of combat anytime. In combat several enemies can one or two-shot you, so you have to cheese them with summons from afar. I'm not sure that makes the game more fun or challenging.
Cooking is back; it's smoothies this time around. The problem is that most chests and quests give ingredients or rupees (to buy ingredients).
There are three "collectables", one is charms that give passive boosts, other levels up the time you can transform and the damage you do, or stamp altars which give you...rupees.
EDIT: So. Much. Menuing. The Echoes are in a scrolling list similar to the weapons one in BotW that can only be sorted by Last Used, Most Used, Last Learned, Cost and Type. If you need to find an echo past the early game, you're looking at 15s scrolling a menu, followed by another 5s to go back to whatever you were using before.