It needs be far better. I don't think Link's Awakening is all that great.Eager to see how this will measure up to the Link's Awakening remake.
"It's interesting when I hear people say [they prefer the old entries] because I am wondering, 'Why do you want to go back to a type of game where you're more limited or more restricted in the types of things or ways you can play?' But I do understand that desire that we have for nostalgia, and so I can also understand it from that aspect."
The switch is a dinosaur. I wasn't surprised.Wait what? Instead of fixing the framerate issues they managed to make them even worse?Feels alot better to play than Link's Awakening (shitty framerate aside)It's not a fuckin da Vinci, a game looking like that shouldn't suffer from framerate drops to begin with. Unbelievable this shit wasn't addressed
The Switch is based on 15 year old tablets and Japan is infamous for it's incompetence in coding. Expecting good performance from a Japanese game is like expecting an Indian to not shit in the street.Wait what? Instead of fixing the framerate issues they managed to make them even worse?Feels alot better to play than Link's Awakening (shitty framerate aside)It's not a fuckin da Vinci, a game looking like that shouldn't suffer from framerate drops to begin with. Unbelievable this shit wasn't addressed
The worst shit in the game so far. The more time passes, the more I begin to believe that TotK is asshole cancer.the game clearly takes inspiration from TotK and even has one ability directly ripped from it, (the ultrahand being able to pick up and move stuff)
Wait what? Instead of fixing the framerate issues they managed to make them even worse?Feels alot better to play than Link's Awakening (shitty framerate aside)It's not a fuckin da Vinci, a game looking like that shouldn't suffer from framerate drops to begin with. Unbelievable this shit wasn't addressed
Played through this recently and thought it does a good job of what it set out to do, which is turning Zelda 2 into every other Zelda game while trying (and mostly succeeding) to keep the aesthetics and mechanics in line with the original. There are some nice options for picking different Link sprites, variety of music tracks, and randomization options I'll never touch. The boss fights (which were severely lacking in the original) are slightly tweaked and there is now an epilogue at the end of the 2nd quest that culminates in a pretty decent 3-stage battle. The new content blends in well for the most part. Basically every town now has a mini-dungeon for you to visit for some side quest (you go into the mountains to rescue a fairy, or an abandoned well to restart water flow, etc.) - these all take just a few minutes to complete. Heart and magic containers are now found in thirds, so you won't get a health upgrade until midway through the first palace now if you've found the others. Also The fairy spell has been completely reworked (in a rather humorous way).This is absolutely not the best way to play Zelda 2, nor is it really Zelda 2 at all.
It's funny, my nostalgia is the opposite. I have nostalgia of games where I were not limited and not restricted to how solve and overcome obstacles. So for me games like BotW are a kind of return to the good old days. Maybe it's because that when I was a kid I was playing games on a PC and not on a console.Didn't write this, but thought it was a good post. The Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom main campaigns were quite poor.
Eiji Aonuma speaking at the Game Awards 2023:
"It's interesting when I hear people say [they prefer the old entries] because I am wondering, 'Why do you want to go back to a type of game where you're more limited or more restricted in the types of things or ways you can play?' But I do understand that desire that we have for nostalgia, and so I can also understand it from that aspect."
"That’s quite a clueless statement. It reeks of the same philosophy of the advent of 3D gaming and why anyone would prefer 2D when they can have 3D.
"Player agency has never been Zelda’s core appeal, a grand sense of adventure has. If they want to turn the franchise into a physics-based sandbox toy at the expense of marginalizing that sense of adventure, then attribute players’ desires for it to return to basic nostalgia (an incredibly reductionist viewpoint, IMO), then it’s obvious the game is in the hands of a current designer who holds no sense (or care) of the original spirit it was conceived in. I believe many fans of the franchise would be willing to sacrifice the freedom these sandboxes afford for that magical and wondrous feeling of progression through a more linear and structured framework, even if quite a bit more restrictive.
"Not everyone wants to play with a toy, they want to experience a journey. Unfortunately, that’s not the philosophy that Nintendo builds their games upon anymore."
The fact that only one child every hundred years is a man implies that they're some kind of magical species, which is not out of the norm in this setting. We know from Ocarina of Time that the Gerudo come around to find "boyfriends" (they don't mention whether these are real relationships or that a hapless man is dragged off to be violently milked dry by several dozen tall, buff, dark-skinned women), so they don't need to engage in kiloptolemys of incest to keep the population going. Plus, having that would require a long-lived king who manages to keep knocking up Gerudo until his son comes of age so that he can knock up all of his half-sisters who are also his cousins.Father, mother and daughter.
Liked it better when it was implied that the Gerudo were a harem, one male breeding with many women and another male born only every... what was it, hundred years? Presumably Ganondorf would have been that male in Ocarina of Time. The women leaving Gerudo Town to find Hylian men yet somehow keep their dark complexion through generations beginning in Breath of the Wild is lame. Well, there are a few lighter-skinned Gerudo now.
Did anyone play the 3DS versions of OoT or MM? I remember being interested until I saw this:
Just awful. Fire the designers who thought adding phases to the boss fights was a good idea.
making Link the oldest he's ever been