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Freedom Force 2 official announcement

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Freedom Force 2 official announcement

Game News - posted by Spazmo on Fri 17 October 2003, 14:57:48

Tags: Freedom Force versus the Third Reich; Irrational Games

Late yesterday, Irrational Games made the official announcement of Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich in a press release.

About "Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich" "Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich" brings dynamic storytelling, fast-paced tactical role-play, and larger-than-life characters from the comic book pages to the computer screen. In this title, the league of heroes must travel back in time to defeat Blitzkrieg, defender of the Reich and his homicidal henchmen. With action spanning from the blasted battlefields of World War II to the dazzling depths of distant dimensions, "Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich" will give Freedom Fans more than they can handle.

Features for "Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich" include:

* New nemeses of nefariousness like Tombstone and Sky King.
* Destroyers of democracy like Red Oktober and Fortissimo.
* Supremely stupendous superpowers like "Dancing Dead," "Aztec Mercy" and "Whirlwind Tour."
* Awesomely augmented AI that gives your teammates the ability to carry the fight to their foes.
* A radically revised rendering engine that gives "Freedom Force" a look torn right out of the comic book pages.​

Looks like the game will adopt a more freeform plot after all! And more communist enemies can only be good, capitalist dogs.

Spotted at Blues News

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