Games Workshop armies are about striking color combinations and bold, instantly recognisable silhouettes. Oversized weapons are mostly carried by superhumans of sorts. Proportions are exaggerated of course, which is part of the style, but it does not help a lot to distinguish some weapons from others, because nobody knows about weapons. Speaking 40K the only weapon set which is widely known by all players is Imperial one, but try to find a regular player who can tell the difference between your eldar starcannon and scatterlaser.
So I don't think it's worth it to turn models in the game into impossible monsters, it's probably better to use flags and icons to explain which unit carries what, if you're not good with creating a very clever model.
...oh and uh, downloading game. Right.
So I don't think it's worth it to turn models in the game into impossible monsters, it's probably better to use flags and icons to explain which unit carries what, if you're not good with creating a very clever model.
...oh and uh, downloading game. Right.