Looks graphically inferior to AoW1.
Yes, sure, 100% accurate assessment. It can be said it looks generic - it does but at least its less pixelated than AoW1.
Looks graphically inferior to AoW1.
Civ5 doesn't look like shit and this game is not a Civ 5 lookalike. Try harder.What annoys me about these graphics is that it's another CiV lookalike. It seems that TB strategy developers didn't get the memo, but CiV looks like shit, move on please.
But just what the fuck is up with the dragon conveniently landing on his ass waiting for melee units to attack him? What the fuck is this shit, HoMMo? Part of the reason why flying units were so dangerous in the previous installments was that they played by their own rules. You just couldn't tackle them like you normally would with any other unit. Low gravity, entangle, web, frost spells, shock spells or range units was what you needed. I bet they won't even be able to fly over terrain on the campaign map either.
EDIT: also, none of the units ever missed. There's still an attack rating, right? Right???
The graphics are adequate, the battle system is fucking awesome so who cares anyway.
Laaaaaaaameeeeee. They could have conjured up something else to prevent exploits instead of axing flying.Flying units still have strategic map flight, but they land in combat to prevent an exploit where people would defend a city or choke with a cheap hawk and pass turns until the battle timed out.
Laaaaaaaameeeeee. They could have conjured up something else to prevent exploits instead of axing flying.Flying units still have strategic map flight, but they land in combat to prevent an exploit where people would defend a city or choke with a cheap hawk and pass turns until the battle timed out.
Hope dwarfs still get their mountaineering.
Well, they could do it realistically. An air unit that doesn't attack will not prevent enemy to enter the city/fortress and finish theirs goals. See? It's simple, efficient, realistic, and it works with rules AoW uses.Flying units still have strategic map flight, but they land in combat to prevent an exploit where people would defend a city or choke with a cheap hawk and pass turns until the battle timed out.
More than adequate I'd say, not a huge fan of the UI style or the fonts used, but the graphics themselves are p. cool.
Implementing Artificial Intelligence is always the hardest part in a game like this. For every gameplay rule, spell or unit ability we need to determine if the AI would be able to use it effectively. We went back looking at mechanics from the previous games and indentified some bottlenecks like sea combat and flight, which have been changed to help AI, as a consequence it should also be more fair and balance for human players.
Your alignment is also affected by what races you absorb in your empire. So if you’re a nice guy and absorb a tribe or nasty orcs, you have to consider that there’s going to be some unrest and your alignment goes down, at least for a while. The bigger the relations difference, the longer it takes for to absorb the people of a conquered town.
The concept of sieges is the same, it’s all about breaking through the wall and getting to the defender. We have changed the layout of siege maps, with the clashing armies standing opposite of each other and the wall in-between. The advantage is less longwinded treks around walls for multi-army attack and more realistic looking towns.
AoW3 will ship with six player races, six player classes and at least six specialization “spheres”, which include magic. The initial races will be High Elves, Humans, Dwarves, Draconians Goblins and Orcs. It doesn’t mean the other races have all gone extinct and we hope to release them at some later stage!
Heroes are a bit strong tho.
Heroes are a bit strong tho.
C'mon, it's not like a mage in Eador couldn't summon phoenix and win even when he was killed.
Getting an Eador vibe off this. But in Eador you are a blank state so your actions build your character, in AoW if i pick Yaka the fire mage and take orcs you know damn well i won't be playing mr. nice guy. On the other handThe mixing and matching of races is still there! However alignment is now variable, determined by our actions, like razing and looting, or being a super nice guy to everyone. Your alignment is also affected by what races you absorb in your empire. So if you’re a nice guy and absorb a tribe or nasty orcs, you have to consider that there’s going to be some unrest and your alignment goes down, at least for a while. The bigger the relations difference, the longer it takes for to absorb the people of a conquered town.
This also exists in AoW so i think the final result will be that instead of seeing this on your character screen:Your alignment is also affected by what races you absorb in your empire.
The concept of sieges is the same, it’s all about breaking through the wall and getting to the defender. We have changed the layout of siege maps, with the clashing armies standing opposite of each other and the wall in-between. The advantage is less longwinded treks around walls for multi-army attack and more realistic looking towns
Mhmmhm i see how much "more" depth it has.AoW3 has more depth and challenge than the previous games