Yesgrid based combat is bad if done bad (D3)
Only if something was added in return for subtracting movement mechanics.and static combat can be fantastic if done well (D2).
Nobody's complaining about abstraction. I'm talking about lack of complexity, or more specifically, taking away mechanics without adding substitute mechanics. I specifically said that if you replace "realistic" maneuvering/positioning with an abstract mechanic or resource, that's fine. But that's not happening.D2 is something like chess. Why are you complaining about abstraction in D2, when you accept abstraction in chess?
In other words, the wrong way to go would be like taking chess, and taking away movement, without adding anything else. You can capture a piece, but you have to go right back where you were. No positioning.
My "RPG remark" was "RPG blobbers." Is that too hard to understand?Then again perhaps your RPG remark meant something like P3 FES, or Nocturne.