The Brazilian Slaughter said:Yeah, Dragons in AOW were very cheesy. Flying + Unlimited Range Attack = It can pretty much rape whole stacks by itself. I'm currently AOW Cult Campaign and I'm on the first level of the Dark Elf maps, and HOLY SHIT, my cities are all getting taken by the Elves and their golden dragons. Lots of archers don't even annoy them, Lighting doesn't bring flyers down in AOW1 (what a goof, Triumph!) so Storm Priests won't cut it, unless a city has two ballistas or more its goodbye and goodnight the moment a dragon shows up. One of my heroes and his stack are all running around to and from to kill those pesky dragons and recover my cities, but there are always MORE! What the fuck!
The concept of sieges is the same, it’s all about breaking through the wall and getting to the defender. We have changed the layout of siege maps, with the clashing armies standing opposite of each other and the wall in-between. The advantage is less longwinded treks around walls for multi-army attack and more realistic looking towns.
The siege system was one of the best and most unique parts of AoW 1/2. wtf are they doing messing with something that works so well? Clueless morons.
So reading through this thread made me get AoW:SM on GOG.
I really like it. Just doing the tutorial campaign, but I do enjoy it. Is there a regular skirmish-type sandbox mode, too?
I remember I managed to kill the Highmen, but then the Humans came at me with hordes upon hordes of Cavaliers, Salamanders, Ballistas, Green Wyrms and Air Galleys. I think I even saw some Basilisks there. In stacks upon stacks. I had to grind through something like two or three stacks per turn to try and reach human cities. That was on normal difficulty, I shudder on what the Sapiens will use in Hard.
How did your eagle riders bypassed the pissed-off in between the mountains? I do remember that mission was quite hard, because Orcs and Goblins went at you from underground while you were busy searching and regrouping dwarves.
Codex, I am disapoint. I don't see Codex going after news or fighting the good battle in forums.
Here's some Community Questions and Anwsers in the forums:
Codex, I am disapoint. I don't see Codex going after news or fighting the good battle in forums.
Here's some Community Questions and Anwsers in the forums:
Is Incline only what comes from Kickstarter?
BTW, is this Disciplines good?
Disciples (any) is a very mediocre game (3 is shit even). Combat is extremely dumbed down compared to AoW. There's no maneuvering, no positioning, just 6 units per side standing in front of each other and you select which one is to lose HP from your attack. That's it. It's like playing a boring blobber.
WTF are you smoking?Disciples 2 is for players who want to explore large, pretty looking isometric maps with lots of stuff on them. There is no tactical combat, just third rate JRPG combat.
WTF are you smoking?Disciples 2 is for players who want to explore large, pretty looking isometric maps with lots of stuff on them. There is no tactical combat, just third rate JRPG combat.
He's right, combat is pretty horrible and extremely grindy. You lose your main army you may as well reload.
Uh, no. It's not done in a "different" scale. It's done on too simple of a scale. I'm sorry, tactics without maneuvering and positioning (OR a resource/mechanic to take its place) is tactics without depth and complexity. In other words, dumbed down.D2 not "dumbed down", silly, it's just done in a different scale than AoW and is a fantastic game in its own right.
Definitely worth the few shekels it's on GoG.