You are a hamburger in the restaurant of McDonald's. You are about to be put on the grill, and must find a way to escape.
You look around for something that can help you. There is nothing but empty space in front of you. The only thing that could help you would be a wall or some other object.
I eat myself into oblivion! I am a hamburger in the restaurant of McDonald's. I am about to be put on the grill, and must find a way to escape.
look around for something that can help you There is nothing but empty space in front of you.
The only thing that could help you would be a wall or some other object.
I look for the "back" button... examine wall The wall is very smooth and has no symbols on it.
I press my hands against it
The wall is very smooth and has no symbols on it.
I cast a spell that opens up the secret passages in this game! You press your hands against the wall in an attempt to cast a spell that will reveal the hidden passages in this game!
cast spell
You begin to feel a pulse, then a light and then something else entirely. The wall in front of you begins to shine and you feel a slight tingling sensation.
open passage Your mind begins to be flooded with information. Where the passages are, what their symbols look like, what they do and so much more.
enter passage You walk down the passage way and nothing bad happens. You can't help but feel like this is what the Sorcerer's Guild would look like if it were real.
look for manager You begin to wonder if this is the manager, and if you're supposed to do something.
examine light The light is coming from a room with a big red door that is closed.
open door You open the door and see nothing but a stair case. You begin to wonder if this is a trap, but you decide to head down anyway.
go up stairs You walk up the stairs and you notice that it looks exactly like the stairs in your house. You take the second floor and exit out of the "secret passage".
eat cows You are walking down the hallway again and you start to wonder if this is some sort of recurring dream. This is definitely weird, but so far nothing has happened to you. You decide to just keep playing the game.
find cows You walk through the hallway again and nothing happens. You decide to take a break and think about what to do next.
examine button The button doesn't look like any other button you have ever seen.
look for fryer You take a break and think about what to do next.
look for ketchup You begin to wonder what the heck is going on at this point.
look for ketchup You notice that you have been using a large can of ketchup as a map. This is definitely not a good sign.
look for exit You take another break and think about what to do next.
put ketchup on self You put the ketchup on your hands and start to feel sick. What is going on? Did this ketchup send you on a path to eat yourself?
eat self You can't take it anymore. You decide to give in and eat yourself.
The End You ended the game