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Fallout As someone who loved playing Fallout New Vegas, is there any point in checking out FO3 or FO4?


Oct 21, 2019
However, you could easily tell that Bethesda was already on its way to "dumbing down" the Fallout series for mainstream appeal. From what I've heard and read about Fallout 4 and FO76, the transformation was complete :negative::argh:
Horseshit. Dunno about Fallout 76 but 3/4 are on the same damn level of utter retardation in terms of everything regarding game's world, quests, dialogues and mechanics. They didn't even tried one bit to build beleivable post-apoc world, let alone worthy of a next chapter in franchise, instead they just built an ugly theme-park through mish-mash of some recognizable parts and then wraped it up in their prominent braindead "immershun" plot to set you on a stroll around.

To be fair, Fallout 2 has its own fair share of wackiness and its world wasn't exactly that coherent but that's nothing compared to what Bethesda did with F3. So there wasn't any gradual process of dumbling down, they flushed it all down the toilet from the first try, starting with perversion or even complete discarding of the retro-futuristic concept.
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May 13, 2013
According to many members of the Codex, those two are not very enjoyable games, however, many if not most issues with games today can be fixed with mods. Do Fallout 3 and/or Fallout 4 fall into this category? Are they worth playing with mods?
I made a thread a while back arguing that fallout 3 wasn't that bad of a game and was actually pretty decent, obviously it got bombarded by too many sheep and goats.
The only real bad things about the game are the ending, some minor parts involving your "dad", and the kids, every other complained I would say is not justifiable or has been repeated by sheeple too much.
If you are planning on playing through it, then make sure to keep an open mind, especially in the beginning, the sheeple that say the beginning sucks don't know what they're talking about.


Glory to Ukraine
May 9, 2018
F03 and FO4 are games for low IQ americans. FNV has some nice writing and atmosphere because Obsidian still had some competent people who worked on it. Personally, i hate the FPS RPG combination. It works for some games but when you played the originals in 1998, it's hard to like the modern ones. Any sane gamer over 30 who played the originals , hates F03 and F04.
May 28, 2021
My dream mod of Fallout 4:

  • Replaces voiced protagonist with either no voice or a fully fleshed out selection of various voices, male and female, you can choose from to match your character. No more gruff black men who sound like Brian Delaney.
  • Replaces level perks with skills so that everyone will shut up lol. It's really not that bad as is, each star just represents a 20% increase in skill points which is what you'd roughly get in other games.
  • The settlements are actually integrated into the game so it really matters if you civilize the Commonwealth. Areas where you have a settlement with a bunch of turrets and guards no longer have as many enemies, and now random events like more wandering traders happen in the area.
  • Every NPC is now killlable, some quests will have to be reworked (like quests where NPCs have a high chance of dying in a gunfight like the Bunker Hill battle) or just allow you to fail.
  • Minor lore changes like ONLY T-45 REQUIRES CONSTANT BATTERY PACKS (old lore says every 45 minutes, hence the name?) but perhaps power armor is less common and better suits are a lot more expensive to maintain/modify. And make raider power armor actually worth a shit.
  • Fix Nuka World's stupid situation where if you don't build up a settlement before raiding it, you get practically nothing as far as food etc.
  • Back to 3/New Vegas-style dialogue instead of that monstrous wheel.
  • Change endgame faction quests to be less retarded and allow an Yes Man style ending but with Codsworth or Curie or PAM or another robot :^)
I'm sure there's a bunch more but most people are just crying over the skills and perceived lack of RP, which is an easy fix. Fallout 4 is underrated because 3D game with gunz bad but it has the potential to be the best nu-Fallout game.


Oct 1, 2018
My dream mod of Fallout 4:

  • Replaces voiced protagonist with either no voice or a fully fleshed out selection of various voices, male and female, you can choose from to match your character. No more gruff black men who sound like Brian Delaney.
  • Replaces level perks with skills so that everyone will shut up lol. It's really not that bad as is, each star just represents a 20% increase in skill points which is what you'd roughly get in other games.
  • The settlements are actually integrated into the game so it really matters if you civilize the Commonwealth. Areas where you have a settlement with a bunch of turrets and guards no longer have as many enemies, and now random events like more wandering traders happen in the area.
  • Every NPC is now killlable, some quests will have to be reworked (like quests where NPCs have a high chance of dying in a gunfight like the Bunker Hill battle) or just allow you to fail.
  • Minor lore changes like ONLY T-45 REQUIRES CONSTANT BATTERY PACKS (old lore says every 45 minutes, hence the name?) but perhaps power armor is less common and better suits are a lot more expensive to maintain/modify. And make raider power armor actually worth a shit.
  • Fix Nuka World's stupid situation where if you don't build up a settlement before raiding it, you get practically nothing as far as food etc.
  • Back to 3/New Vegas-style dialogue instead of that monstrous wheel.
  • Change endgame faction quests to be less retarded and allow an Yes Man style ending but with Codsworth or Curie or PAM or another robot :^)
I'm sure there's a bunch more but most people are just crying over the skills and perceived lack of RP, which is an easy fix. Fallout 4 is underrated because 3D game with gunz bad but it has the potential to be the best nu-Fallout game.
Still shit when 95% of quests are "Go clear out this building full of raiders and come back."


Glory to Ukraine
May 9, 2018
According to many members of the Codex, those two are not very enjoyable games, however, many if not most issues with games today can be fixed with mods. Do Fallout 3 and/or Fallout 4 fall into this category? Are they worth playing with mods?

After almost 50 NO buttons, finally one YES button! Maybe I should check out FO3 after all!
F03 has some of the most stupid writing ever. It looks like something i would write when i was 10. I'm glad i never bought any Bethesda game.


Jan 30, 2007
According to many members of the Codex, those two are not very enjoyable games, however, many issues with games today can be fixed with mods. Do Fallout 3 and/or Fallout 4 fall into this category? Are they worth playing with mods?

Depends. Does a game need to be a good RPG for you to enjoy it? Does it need to be in any way comparable experience to the original Fallout? If the answer to either of those questions is "yes", skip the Bethesda Fallouts. If you can enjoy a game as a standalone experience for what it is, then there's a lot of fun to be had in Fallout 4. But you need mods.

First of all using survival mode is mandatory. Don't even play the game without it unless you're super wasted or something. It's a mind-numbingly easy power fantasy. Mods are also needed to make the early game challenge in survival mode last longer, because the character system is so busted you'll have enabled god mode without trying to no matter how you assign your perk points.

The main mod you need isn't that well known. It's called Fallout 4: Wasteland Survival. It makes a lot of balance changes to introduce scarcity and difficulty to the game, and actually make it feel like you're struggling to survive in a hostile wasteland. Not playing dress up in a theme park. The other thing you'll want is a weather mod. There are several, but you don't need a fancy one. Just one that makes nights darker, because the default is just a slight tint. You can't even tell its supposed to be night.

Other than that there are quality of life things you can do. "Dogs not brahmin" replaces pack brahmin with dogs. The pack brahmin can't really handle pathfinding in the world and they get in lots of stupid, annoying situations that, while funny, get annoying. Another would be to mod out Brotherhood vertibirds. They're a huge pain. I think the default look of the game is kinda shitty too. That's not a big deal, but there are lots of good flora mods that make it look better, while still looking like a bombed out wasteland. Choose your favorite. It's been a long time since I played so I can't remember specific names for those ones.

It has a silly story. It isn't an RPG. It requires lots of mods to not be a hollow, vapid experience. But there is fun to be had here. A lot of it. I'd be lying if I said I hate Bethesda games. I've but thousands of hours into them collectively, and hundreds of those into Fallout 4. But it needs mods, like all Bethesda games. Not dozens of mods, that creates its own issues. Just five or six is usually what you need to get the most out of a Beth game.


Feb 20, 2021

Nah, bro they cannot be fixed only mitigated. You cannot really fix FO3 and 4 because their problems are too deeply baked in to be fixed. To "fix" FO3 you would basically need to completely rewrite pretty much every single quest and add several on top of that for the "fix" to have any significant effect. Anything less is just making a bad Oblivion conversion into a slightly less obnoxious Oblivion conversion.
Same with FO4 but there you would also have to re-implement skills and proper perks on top of that... oh and also you would have to do something with the settlement system on top of that.

Best case scenario you are looking at 100+ mods for each game if you want any sort of a serious "fix" for either and trust me I tried it never works out. Just pretend they do not exist save yourself the money and trouble.


Jan 3, 2022
Fallout 3 isn't great, but it can be pretty fun. It at least tries to resemble an RPG in spirit, even though it often fails. I'd still say it's worth playing, though.
Fallout 4 is only worth playing if you treat it like an Action-Adventure game. If you go in expecting anything RPG-like you'll be severely disappointed, but if you treat it like just another looter-shooter you'll probably have fun with it.


Feb 27, 2012
Had a blast with FO3, heavily modded though, something i do for all their games (since i just see the base game like kind of demo of what can be done with the engine). I treat all their games as a light RPG & make-your-own-adventure game with some sim-like aspects (usually modded in or just modded to make existing systems better/more fun).

The story or characters certainly isn't anything to write home about lol (not really why i play games at all though, a better, more fitting medium for that is books)... But NV isn't exactly fantastic either for story, it's very drawn out and tedious imo, i replayed FO3 two times (rarely happens with any game these days) and i struggled a lot to even finish NV, i never got into any of its DLC's (i started one and it was so terrible i had to reload a save to get out of it). For FO3 I finished at least 2 DLC's and one was really great and had a cool mad max vibe (no idea which one it is).

So yeah, don't listen to people saying it's terrible. None of their games are good as "books", and i couldn't care less personally, so it totally depends on what you're looking for.
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Jan 9, 2022
If you do like Fallout New Vegas i would recommend checking out Fallout 3, however it came before FNV so their is not a lot of features that made FNV so good. Personally i have nostalgia for Fallout 3 and FNV rom playing it so much as a teenager. Although i can admit their are many faults with both games, even though i love the shit out of them both. Fallout 4 however i was very much disappointed in playing though. I could go on a huge rant about the faults of Fallout 4, but i will not. However i will recommend you play Fallout 1 and 2, since both games takes place in California much like FNV. Both two Fallout games are CRPG's, so if you are not use to playing those kind of games it might be difficult to get into.

But i highly encourage you to look up good builds and walkthoughts if you are stuck. They are amazingly written, and the combat is very satisfying when your deep into it.


Dec 2, 2014
Turn right after Alpha Centauri
However, you could easily tell that Bethesda was already on its way to "dumbing down" the Fallout series for mainstream appeal. From what I've heard and read about Fallout 4 and FO76, the transformation was complete :negative::argh:
Horseshit. Dunno about Fallout 76 but 3/4 are on the same damn level of utter retardation in terms of everything regarding game's world, quests, dialogues and mechanics. They didn't even tried one bit to build beleivable post-apoc world, let alone worthy of a next chapter in franchise, instead they just built an ugly theme-park through mish-mash of some recognizable parts and then wraped it up in their prominent braindead "immershun" plot to set you on a stroll around.

To be fair, Fallout 2 has its own fair share of wackiness and its world wasn't exactly that coherent but that's nothing compared to what Bethesda did with F3. So there wasn't any gradual process of dumbling down, they flushed it all down the toilet from the first try, starting with perversion or even complete discarding of the retro-futuristic concept.

Well I guess we can thank them for sparing us another literal creation by being pressed out of virtual moms vaginal slit like in FO 3. Which fucking retard over at Bethderp thought that is a good idea? Though that saved us the trouble of them wasting resources on trying to let the parent bond with the player. On the other hand 95% of both games were a waste of resources so...

If you do like Fallout New Vegas i would recommend checking out Fallout 3...




RPG Codex Boomer
Nov 23, 2016
VR work with all the Bethesda games?

oh... that chick in the tv commercial just now has big tits. Damn.


RPG Codex Boomer
Nov 23, 2016
It was some local consumer product ad. They pop in Oregon from time to time. Product is never the same but this looks like a new chick. They advertise from asprin to cleaning products. That was one tight sweatshirt. Could be fake tits though.

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