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Fallout As someone who loved playing Fallout New Vegas, is there any point in checking out FO3 or FO4?


Mar 12, 2020
If you're patient, hexer and other people are working on Fallout : Yesterday.
I mean, if you're gonna be that patient, you might as well wait/pray for the likes of F4NV or Cascadia. Again, it comes down to what the OP liked about New Vegas.

At any rate, easing into the MQ from zero level is more fitting to the vibe of the wasteland somehow; you can potter about as much as you like, even build a base, etc., before tackling the MQ as such.
The main plot's declared urgency is one of its bigger failures, yes.

You can mod the game to basically look like STALKER (just better quality assets) in terms of the environment. There are good ones for NV too..
More importantly, you should mod all of them to sound like STALKER. Seriously, it's amazing what a difference a proper Chernobyl soundtrack makes to 'em.


Feb 27, 2012
You can mod the game to basically look like STALKER

Impossible. Stalker has dynamic lightning from evey light source and I never heard of Gamebryo mods even for Skyrim to have more than 2 dynamic lights enabled (even then it'd be very glitchy)

Quote where i said specifically that lighting will look exactly like STALKER?

With ENB and weather mods you can get there though. you people have proven in this thread over and over that you can't mod these games for shit lol...

Robber Baron

Jun 15, 2020
Quote where i said specifically that lighting will look exactly like STALKER?
With ENB and weather mods you can get there though.

Honestly lightning is the heart of STALKERs look, you can't say it'll look like STALKER and omit aggresive normal maps and dynamic lightning


Jan 22, 2019
Strap Yourselves In
If you're patient, hexer and other people are working on Fallout : Yesterday.
I mean, if you're gonna be that patient, you might as well wait/pray for the likes of F4NV or Cascadia. Again, it comes down to what the OP liked about New Vegas.
I don't know about you, but I'm glad an alternative to Bethesda's "Fallout" 3 is in the works. Unlike Interplay's Fallout Online / Project 13, I'm sincerely interested in playing Van Buren (I know hexer isn't an Interplay developer, but like killap, he's developing something based on documents of developers).

If you want to rush things, you can do generous donations to his Patreon page. Feel free to do so.

But I would rather he and his team take their time, and make something truly awesome. Like Fallout 1.5, which took the czech developers many years to finish, but it was well worth the wait.
I'm a Berserk reader, I'm used to waiting for things. :lol:


Most trustworthy slavic man
Aug 17, 2016
don't identify with EU-NPC land
Strap Yourselves In
As someone pointed out, people are insincere and insecure here, being afraid of groupthink and rating appropriately. On the other hand same people play these games[skyrim, fallout 4] for hundred of hours.


A Memory of Eternity
Oct 7, 2019
If you throw on a bunch of mods, sure. All modern Bethseda games are worthy because of their vast array of mods.

If you're playing the vanilla games, then.... eh. Save your money.


Mar 12, 2020
If you're patient, hexer and other people are working on Fallout : Yesterday.
I mean, if you're gonna be that patient, you might as well wait/pray for the likes of F4NV or Cascadia. Again, it comes down to what the OP liked about New Vegas.
I don't know about you, but I'm glad an alternative to Bethesda's "Fallout" 3 is in the works. Unlike Interplay's Fallout Online / Project 13, I'm sincerely interested in playing Van Buren (I know hexer isn't an Interplay developer, but like killap, he's developing something based on documents of developers).

If you want to rush things, you can do generous donations to his Patreon page. Feel free to do so.

But I would rather he and his team take their time, and make something truly awesome. Like Fallout 1.5, which took the czech developers many years to finish, but it was well worth the wait.
I'm a Berserk reader, I'm used to waiting for things. :lol:
No argument there, I'm always happy to see gamers take a stab at developing what they love and I can certainly understand why Fallout fans aren't keen on Bethesda's run on the IP. My only point was that, without knowing what precisely OP is looking for, a (hypothetically well made) Fallout 4 mod might be closer to New Vegas than a Van Buren revival would.


Apr 18, 2016
The only reason to play Fallout 3 is to see differences of what it has to New Vegas, if you can stomach for that.
Considering the game is not optimized for Windows 7 though, good luck getting it running. I had to play it half the time on PS3 just from how many times it crashed on my PC. Quite opposite experience with New Vegas, where it was really stable on PC but froze constantly on PS3.

Fallout 4 is not worth it due to lack of content. And no, settlement building and crafting is not content. I didn't come in RPG to play Sim City.


Single handedly funding SMTVI
Nov 6, 2011
If you want to play Fallout 3, you do that with Fallout Tales of Two Wastelands instead.

the mole

Aug 1, 2019
there is no point in touching fallout 4

but fallout 3 can be modded into a more hardcore experience if that's your taste

the mole

Aug 1, 2019
I really don't understand the people who say fallout 4 had better shooting

you get a bunch of awkward screenshake but you're still stuck in the gamebryo engine, with all of its quirks

and you're somehow even slower and clunkier

fuckoff I'd rather take a smooth movement system where my screen isn't compulsing with every step and jump

only problem with fo3 was no ironsights but I'm sure there is a mod to fix that

also the maps in fallout 4 aren't conducive to shooting, you're huddled into these tiny skyrim hallways with very short sightlines due to console probably, the city section of fallout 4 is a joke, in the ruins of fallout 3 outer city areas you get these expansive ruins, it's a real sandbox and not a simple corridor

fallout 3 gives you a lot of space to tackle encounters out in the wasteland

everything in fallout 4 is smashed down and skyrimified
Jul 8, 2006
I have never played any of the fallout 3d games, not even NV, not even for 30 seconds. They look like shit, and I have no patience for arcade games. I wish I could tolerate NV, because I would like a new fallout game.

Fedora Master

Jun 28, 2017
How did this thread with a simple question/answer scheme blow up so much?
There's nothing to discuss here. "Are modern Fallouts good?" -> "NO"


Single handedly funding SMTVI
Nov 6, 2011
If you want to play Fallout 3, you do that with Fallout Tales of Two Wastelands instead.
Have you played it? What does it play like, from the POV of a FNV gamer?

It's Fallout 3 GOTY but with the NV engine, with NV content (including iron sights, weapon mods and so on), and new lore friendly content (mostly just items).

It's also much more stable than original Fallout 3.


Feb 27, 2012
How did this thread with a simple question/answer scheme blow up so much?
There's nothing to discuss here. "Are modern Fallouts good?" -> "NO"

The thread is just a ton of virtue signaling, "i don't like modern Fallouts!" (guess what, no one cares), when the OP clearly does like a modern FO and he would certainly like FO3.

The only conclusion you can get from the thread is that people who hates modern FO's has below average IQ since they don't understand how it's totally uninteresting that they don't like modern FO's in a thread about a modern FO.
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Jul 8, 2006
If you want to play Fallout 3, you do that with Fallout Tales of Two Wastelands instead.
Have you played it? What does it play like, from the POV of a FNV gamer?

It's Fallout 3 GOTY but with the NV engine, with NV content (including iron sights, weapon mods and so on), and new lore friendly content (mostly just items).

It's also much more stable than original Fallout 3.

I have been replaying the series and I'm going to run FO3 with TTW. Sure it won't fix the shit writing, but it will definitively make the gameplay better.

I have never played any of the fallout 3d games, not even NV, not even for 30 seconds. They look like shit, and I have no patience for arcade games. I wish I could tolerate NV, because I would like a new fallout game.

NV is GUD, tho. Give it a chance. It has the soul of the Classic Fallouts, even if it uses Fallout 3 as its basis. There's a reason many people call it the actual Fallout 3.

Only things holding FNV back are the limits of the Gamebryo engine.

Fallout 3 is a piece of shit, the best thing Fallout 3 did was allowing New Vegas to exist.
you are right, I probably should...but every time I have put it in my steam basket I start looking at the screenshots and the 3d engine turns me off so much I bail out....I have been doing that for like 10 years..lol...its still on my wish list though

Cleveland Mark Blakemore

Golden Era Games
Übermensch Developer
Apr 22, 2008
According to many members of the Codex, those two are not very enjoyable games, however, many if not most issues with games today can be fixed with mods. Do Fallout 3 and/or Fallout 4 fall into this category? Are they worth playing with mods?

Fallout 4 is like pulling teeth, its a miserably boring game. I could only stand it in little 15 minute slices once in a while and even then I just used it as a walking simulator to marvel at the awesome graphic scenery. I avoided any interaction with NPCs or enemies to make it bearable. To this day I cannot believe how much of the original Fallout RPG they tossed like skills. Unbelievably drab.

I am replaying Fallout 3 right now for the 22nd time. Still the greatest post-apoc ever created, I can barely criticize a single moment of it. Really becomes awesome once you get the DLCs. The only thing I have ever seen that is even better than Fallout 3 was Fallout New Vegas, which is multiple tsunamis of greatness in game design all around. Fallout New Vegas was basically life inside of a truly great science fiction novel.

P.S. If you only get one DLC, get Point Lookout. It's a fantastic addition to the game itself. The ending with Desmond should be left to the very last day on the island when you have exhausted everything else on the island. Desmond's mini shelter rocks, wish they had kept it in the game storyline. If you get another, get Broken Steel, it is really fun and expands your role with the Brotherhood. My only disappointment at the DLCs was being unable to take Fawkes to Point Lookout, that would have been hilarious in the fights with the smugglers.
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Feb 7, 2021
I liked Fallout 3 but it was the introductory game for me to the Fallout series. Some stuff was really boring (like the ufo dlc) but overall I really liked the atmosphere. But New Vegas was fucking awesome. I don't think I would have liked Fallout 3 so much when I had played New Vegas first.

Mark Richard

Mar 14, 2016
According to many members of the Codex, those two are not very enjoyable games, however, many if not most issues with games today can be fixed with mods. Do Fallout 3 and/or Fallout 4 fall into this category? Are they worth playing with mods?
My advice is to replay New Vegas, which is a meticulously interwoven masterpiece of writing, quest design, and world building. Off the top of my head:

Characters - New Vegas introduces more memorable characters in the first ten minutes than Fallout 3 does in its entire playthrough. Fallout 3 has only two memorable characters, Three Dog and Moira.

Quest Design - New Vegas has several quests which are designed to kill two birds with one stone by introducing new areas. Markers for just about every notable inhabited location can be unlocked through dialogue. In Fallout 3 the best content is hidden at the edges of the map, and your character has no in-game reason to visit/look for these places unless you pass off information obtained from a strategy guide as a drunken vision or something.

Factions - New Vegas continues the story of factions established from the first two Fallout games in a way that is both logical and interesting. Fallout 3 parades around the most marketable aspects of the series with no regard for internal consistency. The Brotherhood are powerful again, even though they should be on their last legs. Same story with the Enclave. Super Mutants are an army of mindless orcs.

Locations - The Mojave is easily navigated by its distinctive landmarks, which can be seen from a great distance and stand out against the surrounding desert. In Fallout 3 you're going to spend tens of hours looking at a compass in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen because everything else is an indistinguishable mass of concrete and there's nothing for your eyes to lock onto.

Fallout 3's value was as a 3D fallout game back when we had no idea what that would look like. Without that distinction its an obsolete waste of your time. I would only recommend it as part of a course for aspiring RPG developers interested in learning what to avoid, as New Vegas surpasses it in every way imaginable.
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