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Auction House Online: The Game (Diablo 3) is a MASSIVE decline


May 8, 2007
Mar 13, 2012
Lost Hills bunker
objective monocled review

Codexers who actually care about being "monocled" will just review it based on whatever paradigm they think oldfags will find acceptable. I'd rather have someone's honest impressions, ideally with their thoughts on how combat and levelling mechanics actually translate into an improved or injured gameplay experience, not just poseur bullshit about how "x" form of skill progression is bad because it doesn't meet some totally abstract standard of statfaggotry.

Well I thought "monocled" means honest, and without bullshit. Review by an objective individual, who isn't trying to be edgy (well a little is acceptable I suppose, this IS rpgcodex, after all :smug:), or who isn't some retarded kid OMG BLIZZ HAS DONE IT AGAIN AWESOME!! I am on this forum because there are still some intelligent people here, unlike most other gaming forums where kids just slurp developer cocks no matter what shit developers spew out and buy into all the retarded bullshit hype machine produces. Here, there is still some critical thought process left and not just degenerate morons that think and hope for games that are made to enjoy gay sex.


Lunacy of Caen: Todd Reaver
Aug 2, 2011
I will personally ban from CDS anyone who admits to pre-purchasing Diablo 3. Well, not actually ban, cos only Sov can do that, but I'll repeatedly kick you from chat.
100+ hours played in Skyrim^^^ :smug:

Not going to preorder because I predict their shit will be overloaded with kekekeke xexexexe huehuehue jajajaja players from around the universoul circus.

Maybe a week one purchase.


inXile Entertainment
May 3, 2011
I guess I will need to preorder, since I'm writing a review and Blizzard certainly don't care enough about little old me to give me a copy. Sigh, I needed that money for my heart pills. :(


May 8, 2003


Hasn't been since Diablo 1, really.

Diablo 1 : Pitch Black
Diablo 2 : Chronicles of Riddick
Diablo 3 : ?


Dec 17, 2008
I think D3 will be more atmospheric than D2 anyway. D2 was like a shit rainbow and the setting was just everywhere. Act 1 is green puke and knee high walls, Act 2 is blindingly bright yellow sand shit. Act 3 is horrific; I hate the jungle area entirely.

I feel like Act 1 of D3 is much more promising, and actually looks pretty damn good with the darkening/sharpening mod. Then again, from the short clips they've shown us the game is probably just as varied as D2 in setting, with deserts, snowy areas, etc. At least the overall tone seems much darker and closer to D1 than D2 was at least.

Really, nothing can beat Diablo 1, though. Fucking amazing setting and atmosphere that the series will never recapture.


May 8, 2003
act 3 of diablo 2 was innovative in how it brought the urban videogame sewer aesthetic and atmosphere to an overland environment
Mar 13, 2012
Lost Hills bunker
I think D3 will be more atmospheric than D2 anyway. D2 was like a shit rainbow and the setting was just everywhere. Act 1 is green puke and knee high walls, Act 2 is blindingly bright yellow sand shit. Act 3 is horrific; I hate the jungle area entirely.

I feel like Act 1 of D3 is much more promising, and actually looks pretty damn good with the darkening/sharpening mod. Then again, from the short clips they've shown us the game is probably just as varied as D2 in setting, with deserts, snowy areas, etc. At least the overall tone seems much darker and closer to D1 than D2 was at least.

Really, nothing can beat Diablo 1, though. Fucking amazing setting and atmosphere that the series will never recapture.

I always wondered why, though. It's not because it's impossible to capture that again, and I think that grimdark world would fit perfectly for "gamers" today. Ahhh probably isn't casual enough for Blizzard... :smug: They don't want to risk "alienating" their WOW crowd.


Dec 17, 2008
I think D3 will be more atmospheric than D2 anyway. D2 was like a shit rainbow and the setting was just everywhere. Act 1 is green puke and knee high walls, Act 2 is blindingly bright yellow sand shit. Act 3 is horrific; I hate the jungle area entirely.

I feel like Act 1 of D3 is much more promising, and actually looks pretty damn good with the darkening/sharpening mod. Then again, from the short clips they've shown us the game is probably just as varied as D2 in setting, with deserts, snowy areas, etc. At least the overall tone seems much darker and closer to D1 than D2 was at least.

Really, nothing can beat Diablo 1, though. Fucking amazing setting and atmosphere that the series will never recapture.

I always wondered why, though. It's not because it's impossible to capture that again, and I think that grimdark world would fit perfectly for "gamers" today. Ahhh probably isn't casual enough for Blizzard... :smug: They don't want to risk "alienating" their WOW crowd.
Yeah, I remember one of the original D3 concept art pieces looked incredibly good, recapturing the feel of Diablo 1 Tristram. They didn't exactly capture that feeling with the actual in-game graphics, though. :( You're right: they could do a D1-style game, but they won't.

I think they tried to go for more of a dark (grimdark) approach like D1 rather than D2, but the bloom and way everything seems to shine obliterates that.

I'm just glad that they kept the isometric view. That's honestly pretty surprising; I figured they'd go for a shit 360-degree thing like WoW.
Mar 13, 2012
Lost Hills bunker
Yeah, I remember one of the original D3 concept art pieces looked incredibly good, recapturing the feel of Diablo 1 Tristram. They didn't exactly capture that feeling with the actual in-game graphics, though. :( You're right: they could do a D1-style game, but they won't.

I think they tried to go for more of a dark (grimdark) approach like D1 rather than D2, but the bloom and way everything seems to shine obliterates that.

I'm just glad that they kept the isometric view. That's honestly pretty surprising; I figured they'd go for a shit 360-degree thing like WoW.

Yeah, if only the armors weren't so power rangery/transformery... Probably because of the "new kids" and wow crowd. They really look disgusting, and I don't get it why couldn't they make them better. But still 60$ is a lot of money, and I won't give it to Blizzard now for sure. Maybe in some time, if it becomes obvious that the game is really fun (other things aside) I get it to play coop with my girlfriend. Heroes 3 is a bit overplayed nowadays. :smug:


Dec 17, 2008
The beta was enough to convince me that I'll get $60 worth of entertainment out of it. I have a buddy I'll be playing through multiplayer with, which should be fun. It's cool that you have to spend $120 to play with a friend but I guess that's modern gaming.

Truth be told, I probably would have just downloaded the "DRM-free" version and played through single player once or twice if that was possible. Thanks to Blizzard for making it online-only, destroying the possibility of mods with that as well.
Mar 13, 2012
Lost Hills bunker
The beta was enough to convince me that I'll get $60 worth of entertainment out of it. I have a buddy I'll be playing through multiplayer with, which should be fun. It's cool that you have to spend $120 to play with a friend but I guess that's modern gaming.

Truth be told, I probably would have just downloaded the "DRM-free" version and played through single player once or twice if that was possible. Thanks to Blizzard for making it online-only, destroying the possibility of mods with that as well.

And just watch as the industry starts to follow Blizzard's way... :smug: In a few years, we won't be able to play a game offline at all. And a lot of people will try to emulate their "casino" auction house game model. I wouldn't support them with my money because of that mostly. But unfortunately my money doesn't mean shit, as Diablo 3 will be sold in billions of copies anyway... Man I just don't like where all of this is going. Like we don't have enough decline gameplay wise... :decline:


May 14, 2008
I don't understand why so many are trying to be so edgy. Diablo 3 will offer an excellent co-op experience and have a fun item system that facilitates trade. Yes, the previous games were more stylistic. But since when is the prestigious magazine about style over substance? Surely if you can stomach Fallout 2 on a modern monitor, you can handle the graphics of Diablo 3.


Mar 4, 2009
Perhaps if you hadn't skimmed over the previous 30 pages of discussion, you'd realize people are arguing over a lot more than just the game's aesthetics.

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