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Auction House Online: The Game (Diablo 3) is a MASSIVE decline

Multi-headed Cow

Same as with Skyrim - "It's fun."
Good one, but next time try harder.

What, am I wrong? The game is mechanically dumbed down, has crappy art direction, awful writing, and always online DRM. You can still enjoy it if the core clickfest gameplay is enough to hold your attention, and apparently it becomes a lot better in coop. So yeah, "it's fun" is the only real reason people can like it, cause otherwise it's all shit.
Yeah, and I'm calling you full of shit. The game is longer than both D1 and D2 and has better replayability, it's also more difficult than either of them and you'd see that if you got to at least act 2 on normal. Contrary to Diablo 2, you're using 6 skills at once, not 1. The game is relatively well optimised and bug-free, unlike your pathetic example. The co-op aspect also has been improved in comparison to D2 since it's no longer "who can steal the most loot".
As for writing and art-style, I'm not even gonna bother, because if you're looking at those things in a fucking hack 'n slash then you're clearly clueless.


Dec 4, 2010

"I'm aware of internal bets on how many months it will take someone to beat Inferno."

Months. It took guys 2.5 days to clear act 2 on inferno.

Pure comedy.

Those few of you who don't like it, you'll love the game too because you're wrong. ;)

wtf? Literally will never buy this even if I end up thinking its worth it simply for that comment alone. fuck that faggot


Feb 29, 2012
Guys who currently finishing game on Inferno in 2.5 days are fine without MF buff.
Jan 7, 2012
Manatee, I suspect the AH would be dry of low-level items in a few months time when everyone is near max level. So those who actually have the gold to spend now, should hoard those lowbie power items to swap between chars. It makes complete sense IMO.

A player only needs one set of uber items per account to pass between characters. Any excess can be sold. Furthermore, once someone has all their characters at max level it can be presumed that they would sell their uber low level items as soon as they won't need them anymore. Production of new items may be low, but there is zero consumption (items are recycled) and a great very low amount of people who need the items at any given time.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
Manatee, I suspect the AH would be dry of low-level items in a few months time when everyone is near max level. So those who actually have the gold to spend now, should hoard those lowbie power items to swap between chars. It makes complete sense IMO.

A player only needs one set of uber items per account to pass between characters. Any excess can be sold. Furthermore, once someone has all their characters at max level it can be presumed that they would sell their uber low level items as soon as they won't need them anymore. Production of new items may be low, but there is zero consumption (items are recycled) and a great very low amount of people who need the items at any given time.

Wow. We can't have that, can't we? Soulbound to the rescue. ;)


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
No, Just slightly puzzled how anyone could have missed all the shit about always online DRM and waves of resulting butthurt.

I kept getting bad information that there was a single player mode but you needed to be online for a DRM check or something, not that there was NO single player mode and the only difference was private or public servers. I saw many sources claim that the single player mode just needs you on-line. I then had other people tell me that there was no single player mode.
And what's the difference? Even in D2 SP played like an MMO-lite and exactly the same as MP - death as slap on the wrist, lack of persistency, repeatedly raiding prime fucking evils for phat lewt.

Why did they ever think this was going to work?
Because a huge bunch of retards bought this game and are as happy with their decision as only retards can be.

And this includes quite a few "prestigious" codexers in this very thread.

Yes it's annoying to have to log in online to play SP but I guess there's not much that can be done about that.
How about not supporting such practices?

Because, yes, if you gobble this shit and pay for it, no matter how much they tighten the screws, then there is indeed not much that can be done about that by just whining.

Enjoy the fucking future you helped to bring, at least I keep my right to bitch about it without throwing my integrity outside the window.

The leveling process seems a bit too automated but I guess that's too make sure the great unwashed massess don't get stuck with "dud" characters.
Never really stopped D1 and D2 from being huge financial successes.

Also here's an IRC conversation where I ramble on about the game mechanics to myself.

<eric> also the game feels too cold and manipulative for me.
<GDwarf> What's really sad is that since people are putting up with it, 'cause it's Blizzard, everyone else will do it
<GDwarf> And people won't complain
<eric> I mean in terms of mechanics.
<GDwarf> 'Cause they already put up with it
<eric> the loot treadmill is just a bit too obvious.
<eric> the presentation of everything is a bit too meta.
<GDwarf> If this doesn't go bad fast, it's going to become the de facto standard
<GDwarf> Until a really big title completely crashes and burns
<eric> and then there's the combat.
<GDwarf> Which will take at least long enough for an entire generation of games to be unplayable after the publishers don't want to support them anymore
<eric> which mechanically speaking is... too simple.
<eric> at least right now.
<eric> everything is a function of DPS.
<eric> which is a direct result of two things.
<GDwarf> Unusual for a Diablo title
<GDwarf> But fits with how they coded WoW
<eric> a) your weapon and b) your primary attribute.
<eric> b) is of course influenced only by gear.
<eric> because there is no way to influence attributes otherwise.
<eric> except leveling which happens automagically.
<eric> and I mean, it works.
<eric> but it's too... obvious
<eric> and seeing stuff like "deals 200% of DPS as cold damage" is weird for a skill.
<GDwarf> Very WoW-esque, then
<eric> again, I understand how it works, and using percentages is actually good because it avoids the problem of having to balance every level of every skill etc.
<eric> but then you get into gameplay.
<eric> and the "flow" is very... I don't know
<eric> it's not really fun.
<eric> it seems more designed to keep you occupied.
<eric> as in.
<eric> staying alive is basically about a few things.
<eric> (since taking damage is unavoidable for the most part)
<eric> a) protection skills/spells
<eric> b) health orbs
<eric> c) healing potions
<eric> and the cooldowns of each of these seem balanced with enemy output specifically to make sure you are always going to be using one of the above.
<eric> and being too slow or mis-timing usually results in death
<eric> and again, they all kind of fit together in such a way that you are always mashing keys in sequence.
<eric> but it's not really fun, as I said, just... it's stuff to do.
<eric> it's not tactical at all once you've selected the right ability load-out.
<eric> (I refuse to call the builds, they're Call of Duty kits)
<eric> I also totally refuse to believe they couldn't have made manually assigning attributes work.
<eric> and in fact the lack of that really hurts customization more than they probably realized.
<eric> it's not just about "I can make numbars go up!!1"
<eric> it's also about things like, say.
<eric> I'm playing a Wizard. you could set up attributes like this:
<eric> 1) strength determines equipment I can wear and how fast I can move (heavier armor = slower movement)
<eric> 2) dexterity determines how quickly I can cast spells and how often I dodge
<eric> 3) vitality can be things like elemental resistances and max health, plus maybe some natural armor
<eric> 4) energy can be mana, mana regeneration, spell damage, etc.
<eric> Blizzard said that in Diablo II those were "broken" because everyone just got the minimums they needed for the best gear and pumped vitality.
<eric> so their solution was to just turn it all into equipment and get rid of the "middleman"
<eric> but that "middleman" could have had way more influence in gameplay if they had actually used their heads.
<eric> but my guess is, that was too complicated for the casual mass audiences who play MMOs.
<eric> so they decided to just go with cooldowns and constant button-mashing rhythm instead.
<eric> and leave the complexity not to planning etc. but to the item slot machine.
<eric> anyway fuck me, I'm a nerd :D

What, am I wrong? The game is mechanically dumbed down, has crappy art direction, awful writing, and always online DRM. You can still enjoy it if the core clickfest gameplay is enough to hold your attention, and apparently it becomes a lot better in coop. So yeah, "it's fun" is the only real reason people can like it, cause otherwise it's all shit.
Well, Skyrim, for all it sins and inexcusable mechanical dumbing down, is a vast incline over Oblivious (which was literally painful to play due to sheer stupidity pouring from the screen), and a game that champions sandbox with random events gameplay as opposed to storyfag cutscene rollercoaster (even though dungeons are mostly linear).

And it doesn't require you to be online for an SP game.

Iraqi information minister, is that you?
His IQ dropped when playing Morrowind, you'll have to excuse him.


Nov 20, 2010
casting coach
Guys who currently finishing game on Inferno in 2.5 days are fine without MF buff.

they're pro's doing it for the world firsts, not the items.

Hence the playing leapfrog with corpse banners.
Wouldn't progressing in the game be more appealing to most people, than just getting the means to do that (items)? Isn't beating challenges when underleveled more rewarding anyway...

I really don't get the mindset a lot of people have over the game - as if getting gear is the ultimate reward and somehow worth paying for or striving for as the end goal. When there's even no PvP to use them in.


Dec 4, 2010
Does the game have hardcore mode or did they remove that as well. only way to play diablo 2 imo


Lunacy of Caen: Todd Reaver
Aug 2, 2011
Still in Act1. LOL @ what happens after you get that third piece of the sword and head back to Tristram. How undignified. It was almost Toddworthy.


Jul 13, 2007
Does the game have hardcore mode or did they remove that as well. only way to play diablo 2 imo
There is Hardcore mode, at least there certainly are achievements for it. Not sure if you can get it from the get-go or after 1st playthrough, can check once I'm home.

Got to Act 3, shit's finally getting real, getting my resist/survivals-free Barbarian two-shot by some mobs a lot if I don't pay attention.


Jun 15, 2009
Got my hands on it too, something no one mention is when you install , it send you on NA servers by default, i couldnt see nor add my friends, and had to figure myself why .In option,region selection ,it was written europe server but i was on NA ones....11 levels of sorcerer to the trash bin, i had to restart on EU servers. Now with friends and with lag.
Game is extremely easy, i never die, the only way i die is answering someone on chat.They should have allowed harder modes from the beggining , i dont remenber diabo 2 being that easy,, i am slaying every bosses on the first try without loosing much if any health.Its ok , rather fun, but meh..
The mandatory online stuff is just to forbid piracy, it adds nothing to the game except crippling the latency and gameplay, but who cares of it if it sells millions ?It will definitvely sell millions.

Diablo 3 is the future ,mainstream, easy no frustration ,no challenge, good for all audience, and no piracy possible, we will get more and more of that.The new xbox will get all its game by direct download and i am sure diablo 3 is the perfect example of the kind of future games(except the once in a blue moon good indie) we will get now on pc, its a new milestone .

Get to Act 2 and start dying.
Nope , act 3 now , not dying ever. I was i no way pro at diablo 2, maybe its the voodo guy wich is especially easy compare to others, i dont know.


Jul 13, 2007
Could be that. After all, Int users automatically get resistances through said Int, and voodoo dude gets pets (I think?) and is generally meant to be played as ranged.


May 8, 2007
Contrary to Diablo 2, you're using 6 skills at once, not 1

Iraqi information minister, is that you?
Boy, spamming frozen orb pre 1.10 and blizzard post 1.10 sure required some skill!
Honestly, bro, there's no need to get so defensive about this anyway. You can play the game with your friends and enjoy it, won't judge you for it. It's when people try to claim D3 is actually good or an improvement over anything that I get a bit annoyed, since the game is essentially decline given material form.
Honestly, bro, one of us is actually playing the game, the other one is watching streams and looking at writing and art direction. In a hack and slash. Take a hint.
Yeah, and I'm calling you full of shit. The game is longer than both D1 and D2 and has better replayability, it's also more difficult than either of them and you'd see that if you got to at least act 2 on normal. Contrary to Diablo 2, you're using 6 skills at once, not 1.

Wake-up call: Inferno is already being cleared and by looks of it Inferno will be finished soon.
So? Where did I say that inferno will be unbeatable or that it should be? Oh, right, it's you, whisper. Carry on with your 4chan tier trolling.


Nov 1, 2011
Blizzard is down, WoW is down, Sc 2 is down, Diablo 3 is down whole battle net is down, you cannot play any game.
Nov 6, 2009
I like it more than Diablo 2 for it's more streamlined: they took away all the tedious and only left the delicious crack/heroin components. It's to Diablo 2 what Cataclysm was to Burning Crusade: at the same time more simple (less geeky theorycrafting) but retaining some kind of complexity. I think that in the future Blizzard will streamline its games more and more until they only play on the core mechanic of addiction and border abstraction. In that sense, in all of its MMO glory (AH auctions, MP finder, teenscape drone chat channels, social network lite, e-penis), Diablo 3 HAD to be played online even if soloeing. Seems to make perfect sense to me.
And yes, it is the future (and I enjoy it). And no, it doesn't disturb me as long as Wasteland 2 is being made on another model entirely.


Sep 2, 2011
couple of days after release of diablo 3, do i regret not getting it at release with all the others? nope, not regretting it at all. considering i didn't think it looked very interesting in the first place, i don't think i've missed anything.
Nov 6, 2009
The servers being down for an hour every three or four days on the first month (even if it clearly shows that Blizzard are sloppy and treat their customers like cattle) won't stop the game from being played intensely at least for the seven years to come and becoming a landmark on its own.

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