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Auction House Online: The Game (Diablo 3) is a MASSIVE decline

Jan 7, 2012
Which is why I mentioned L4D, which has none of these potential problems.

Which is why I said the two games are very different in structure.

Yes... that's the point. L4D's structure is good, D3's is Blizzard ramming their cock down your throat.

Diablo 2 already solved this problem. Open battlenet supported singleplayer/multiplayer/mods, closed battlenet supported tightly controlled legit play. You could start a single player character and bring them right into open battlenet, then take them into a mod (assuming the mod was compatible, most weren't of course).

Well, not really, D2 got this part right:

You had single/non-BN multi/open BN as offline mode and closed BN with full benefits of always online. It even had built-in patcher.
No deying it would have been nice to have an open B.net kind of thing for those who prefer it. But that still doesn't touch my original point much, or does it?

None of those points add or subtract anything from the fact that if D3 used L4D's system, or just D2's system with games staying open between players, the game would be unconditionally improved.

But what unconditional improvements are you talking about? Mod support would be nice for those who want it, but it's hardly mandatory. Playing offline and alone for those who prefer it would be nice too — even if Diablo 2 is a bore when played alone but to each his own.

You don't even have a point, you have a smattering of ideas that were already implemented in D2 and the vague denial that features like mod support and singleplayer aren't relevant if you don't use them. Will you please make your point and show us a useful feature that D3 has which requires a permanently closed battlenet?

Same standard? D3 already has dupes, maphacks, chicken hacks, pickits and so on?

Unconfirmable since I'm not playing the game (looks like yes), yes, yes, and yes. These are all issues that are purely due to programmer ineptness, the new battlenet has absolutely no effect on them (though Blizzard pretends it does in order to placate the morons). Even if they didn't exist it would only be because Blizzard pulled their heads out of their asses and properly ignored invalid clientside input.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
The Event Horizon comparison is just bizarre. If you are too stupid to understand the book, its not surprising that you cannot even begin to grasp the film, which was meant to undo Lem's point completely, if even a bit unsuccessfully (which is why Tarkovsky tried again in Stalker, where he succeeded completely). I don't think i even need to comment on the Sodershit version.


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
It may not take much time, but it still takes time. If this happens when you are in the middle of an action that requires timing and precision, it is likely that you'll defer success
Which already happens in D3. In SP. After you have waited in the queue.

A practical solution would be to make warning delay on planned server switch - unplanned would be rough, but it would only happen in case of power/connection/asshole malfunction.

Notice that pure online on closed BN would still be an option - Blizzard's server would then serve as a server of the game, server switch would be restricted and characters would be stored server-side on save.

There would be little mechanical difference, actually, apart from blizzard server not allowing importing character data from remote host (meaning that the character would have to be created and stored locally), while player's server would allow just that.

But that still doesn't touch my original point much, or does it?
It does, by showing that it cannot be justified - contrary to your claim.


Nov 1, 2007
Dans Ton Cul
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin
Yes... that's the point. L4D's structure is good, D3's is Blizzard ramming their cock down your throat.

How so?

You don't even have a point, you have a smattering of ideas that were already implemented in D2 and the vague denial that features like mod support and singleplayer aren't relevant if you don't use them. Will you please make your point and show us a useful feature that D3 has which requires a permanently closed battlenet?

I do have one and already expressed it, and that's when you originally quoted me. You took it in different direction and now try to muddle up the issue with a strawman, contradicting what I stated a few posts higher and in which I actually agree with you on certain points. Dialectic's a bitch, isn't it?

It may not take much time, but it still takes time. If this happens when you are in the middle of an action that requires timing and precision, it is likely that you'll defer success
Which already happens in D3. In SP. After you have waited in the queue.

When does it happen? I didn't have a "switching host" message since I started playing, nor did I see it mentioned somewhere else. I'm also quite curious about the queues. So far I haven't experienced a single one — actually my experience with Diablo 3 has been smooth so far — and the same with my friends and acquaintances. I know it's popular to take one fact and blow it out of proportions, especially on internet, but do we have some actual data on the queue issue?

Edit: misunderstood what you meant at first.

A practical solution would be to make warning delay on planned server switch - unplanned would be rough, but it would only happen in case of power/connection/asshole malfunction.

I think I'd keep the current model which I've seen working without trouble so far.

Notice that pure online on closed BN would still be an option - Blizzard's server would then serve as a server of the game, server switch would be restricted and characters would be stored server-side on save.

There would be little mechanical difference, actually, apart from blizzard server not allowing importing character data from remote host (meaning that the character would have to be created and stored locally), while player's server would allow just that.

As I said, that wouldn't be a bad thing for those who want it but it's been decided it wouldn't happen. So far I don't find many disadvantages to that decision, but it's always good to offer choice.

But that still doesn't touch my original point much, or does it?
It does, by showing that it cannot be justified - contrary to your claim.[/quote]

The problem with that is that the current D3 system still works and works well, and whatever you say doesn't change that fact. So far the problem appears to be mainly a question of preference.
Jan 7, 2012
I rest my case.

Your case of having exactly zero knowledge of basic computing security? Very well then. :retarded:

Yes... that's the point. L4D's structure is good, D3's is Blizzard ramming their cock down your throat.

How so?

Blizzards cock ->>> Your throat. Like that.

How is it even possible to pretend that the new Battlenet isn't this? :retarded:

You don't even have a point, you have a smattering of ideas that were already implemented in D2 and the vague denial that features like mod support and singleplayer aren't relevant if you don't use them. Will you please make your point and show us a useful feature that D3 has which requires a permanently closed battlenet?

I do have one and already expressed it, and that's when you originally quoted me. You took it in different direction and now try to muddle up the issue with a strawman, contradicting what I stated a few posts higher and in which I actually agree with you on certain points. Dialectic's a bitch, isn't it?

Your post that not having singleplayer means you can play multiplayer? Yes if you make the choice to play offline without lag + mods vs playing online with cheat protection and lag you can't undo that choice. C&C is a bitch. :retarded:

Jesus Christ the Codex is getting dumber by the day.


Nov 1, 2007
Dans Ton Cul
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin
Blizzards cock ->>> Your throat. Like that.

Ah, now we're at the cocks and balls level.

Your post that not having singleplayer means you can play multiplayer? Yes if you make the choice to play offline without lag + mods vs playing online with cheat protection and lag you can't undo that choice. C&C is a bitch.

How's that related to what I said?
Jan 7, 2012
How's that related to what I said?

I'm assuming you were referring to this post:

The thing is that D3 can at least justify it's "always online" requirement by making the game easier to use and go seamlessly from solo to multiplayer and vice-versa and gives you the tools to easily find games with friends. In the case of DRM schemes like Ubisoft's, there's no advantage gained to be always online as far as I know.

Which is just a joke for reasons that should be obvious. D2 had all of those options and D3's system has no reason to exist other than to make Blizzard more money by making your game suck more.


Sep 26, 2008
Project: Eternity
Ok, brahs so I played this a little bit and I must say... it has truly become enjoyable. Whereas with Diablo 2 I had this drab, nagging feeling that I could be doing something more worthwhile instead of clicking through hordes of pointless monsters with no challenge whatsoever except for a few bossfights, in this game there are genuinely challenging battles - even with mere mooks. Furthermore some boss battles have a gimmick to it - like battling the Butcher in a fiery forge where the floor assplodes in flames so you have to avoid being turned into a toast while huge arse monstrosity with a cleaver is constantly on your tail for 'Fresh Meat!'.

Let's face it, though:

1) This game is Diablo only by name - there's nothing that's left from Diablo I. The oppressive atmosphere is gone forever. You are not battling the evil itself anymore - you are popamoling critters on deserts, in crypts and so on.
2) The story is utter banal-shit-boring pile of turd. Everyone behaves like in a cartoon for teenage boys, while pretending it's all serious business and generally trying too hard. Here you especially see the rift between D1 and D3. Plus, you see all the banal twists from miles ahead.
3) The character progression is linear through and through. Aside from equipment you find your 50th level wizard will be the same like the 50th level wizard of the guy next to you. Whatever pretence of being RPG Diablo had, it's gone forever.
4) There's no point in playing singleplayer any more.
5) The sidekick characters you get are fucking infuriating.
Mar 13, 2012
Lost Hills bunker
Bros, fuck this Diablo 3 piece of shit.

Play Torchlight 2 if you want a real D2 sequel.

How good is randomization there?

If you mean map randomization then it's quite good. Maps that are randomly generated (boss maps are static) look nothing like they were previous time.

Great, finally some good map randomization in an arpg. How about monster and quest randomizations? If there is any? I mean, in Diablo 3 you can know what type of monster will be in what part on the map, there is very little randomization as far as I can see.


Jul 3, 2007
Nah quest and monsters are the same per their area.

It's pretty much Diablo 2 improved in many ways but with a cartoonish style, like it or not.


Sep 26, 2008
Project: Eternity
Nah quest and monsters are the same per their area.

It's pretty much Diablo 2 improved in many ways but with a cartoonish style, like it or not.

Considering that Diablo 3 has now cartoonish style too, that's hardly an issue. PAth of Exile has pretty much identical art-style to Diablo 2.


Jul 31, 2011
The Desert Wasteland
Ok, brahs so I played this a little bit and I must say... it has truly become enjoyable. Whereas with Diablo 2 I had this drab, nagging feeling that I could be doing something more worthwhile instead of clicking through hordes of pointless monsters with no challenge whatsoever except for a few bossfights, in this game there are genuinely challenging battles - even with mere mooks. Furthermore some boss battles have a gimmick to it - like battling the Butcher in a fiery forge where the floor assplodes in flames so you have to avoid being turned into a toast while huge arse monstrosity with a cleaver is constantly on your tail for 'Fresh Meat!'.

Let's face it, though:

1) This game is Diablo only by name - there's nothing that's left from Diablo I. The oppressive atmosphere is gone forever. You are not battling the evil itself anymore - you are popamoling critters on deserts, in crypts and so on.
2) The story is utter banal-shit-boring pile of turd. Everyone behaves like in a cartoon for teenage boys, while pretending it's all serious business and generally trying too hard. Here you especially see the rift between D1 and D3. Plus, you see all the banal twists from miles ahead.
3) The character progression is linear through and through. Aside from equipment you find your 50th level wizard will be the same like the 50th level wizard of the guy next to you. Whatever pretence of being RPG Diablo had, it's gone forever.
4) There's no point in playing singleplayer any more.
5) The sidekick characters you get are fucking infuriating.

Yeah that does sound...enjoyable.

Especially the part about "your level 50 wizard is the same as any other level 50 wizard" except for how much you spent at the RMAH.

Mar 13, 2012
Lost Hills bunker
Nah quest and monsters are the same per their area.

It's pretty much Diablo 2 improved in many ways but with a cartoonish style, like it or not.

Ok, thx for the info. The game actually looks a lot more fun than Diablo 3, so I'll keep my eye on it. At fist I didn't like that cartoony style, but the more I see about the game, the more I like it. And opposite is true to Diablo 3 unfortunately.

Father Walker

Potato Ranger
Apr 13, 2011
Finished normal difficulty yesterday. Took me about 15 hours.

Skill system is pretty decent imo. I've found myself using all six skills constantly instead of spamming just one of them.

Difficulty on normal is, well, normal. You die a few times here and there and that's it. Nightmare seems to introduce some fun stuff, so I look forward to playing it some more.

Auction house is cool. Allows me to buy any magical stuff I might need at the moment.

Ending is retarted majestic. Leonard Boyarsky did a great job on the story and lore :smug:

So, all in all, a it's a decent ARPG. Probably not worth all this hype, but still really fun to play. The only thing which pisses me off are pings. FFS, didn't Blizzard expect a lot of people playing the game? Almost week after the release and I still get 200+ ms pings?


Sep 26, 2008
Project: Eternity
Ok, brahs so I played this a little bit and I must say... it has truly become enjoyable. Whereas with Diablo 2 I had this drab, nagging feeling that I could be doing something more worthwhile instead of clicking through hordes of pointless monsters with no challenge whatsoever except for a few bossfights, in this game there are genuinely challenging battles - even with mere mooks. Furthermore some boss battles have a gimmick to it - like battling the Butcher in a fiery forge where the floor assplodes in flames so you have to avoid being turned into a toast while huge arse monstrosity with a cleaver is constantly on your tail for 'Fresh Meat!'.

Let's face it, though:

1) This game is Diablo only by name - there's nothing that's left from Diablo I. The oppressive atmosphere is gone forever. You are not battling the evil itself anymore - you are popamoling critters on deserts, in crypts and so on.
2) The story is utter banal-shit-boring pile of turd. Everyone behaves like in a cartoon for teenage boys, while pretending it's all serious business and generally trying too hard. Here you especially see the rift between D1 and D3. Plus, you see all the banal twists from miles ahead.
3) The character progression is linear through and through. Aside from equipment you find your 50th level wizard will be the same like the 50th level wizard of the guy next to you. Whatever pretence of being RPG Diablo had, it's gone forever.
4) There's no point in playing singleplayer any more.
5) The sidekick characters you get are fucking infuriating.

Yeah that does sound...enjoyable.

Especially the part about "your level 50 wizard is the same as any other level 50 wizard" except for how much you spent at the RMAH.


Cease looking at it like on an RPG. Look at it like on a overpriced, DRM-infestend hack&slash with no message whatsoever - just (admittedly, very enjoyable) action, hacking and slashing.

Personally, I have no idea what they spent on all those money and years of development on... And the price hardly warrants the purchase. No, it's not good enough to purchase it for $60. If it were sold for $20 - like Torchlight 2 will be, then maybe I could recommend buying it. As it is, from what I have seen it's better to invest in Torchlight 2 or wait for the Path of Exile.


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
I think I'd keep the current model which I've seen working without trouble so far.
Let's see what you will say in some years or when forced offline for some time - I, for one, am perfectly happy that I can play D1 anywhere I please 15 years after its release and foresee being equally happy about it in another 15 years.

Many things seem fun at first until you find out that you're not allowed to opt out.

Now enjoy :mhd: up your ass.

Nah quest and monsters are the same per their area.

It's pretty much Diablo 2 improved in many ways but with a cartoonish style, like it or not.
Fitting given that D2 was pretty much the only game I genuinely regretted buying (then I bought it bundled with LoD in some shit, but that's later and only because we didn't have anything to coop with some friends apart from running Unreal and custom mappacks *again*, so it's another story).

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