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Dec 20, 2005
The Russian Federation (RF): an Introduction

map of the Russian Federation


flag of the Russian Federation; the blue white-shield symbolising Russia protects the orange background symbolising other republics and freedom

In the early 1990s the Soviet Union disintegrated, and a plethora of nation-states emerged. Yet the Russians remained without one to call their own, squeezed into the imperial ambitions of leaders like Yeltsin and Putin. Following a peaceful national-federalist revolution, the Russian Republic - an ethnic Russian nation-state - was formed to be the core of the Russian Federation. Idel-Ural (Tatarstan, Udmurtia, etc.) and the Caucasus (Chechnya, Dagestan, etc.) attained greater sovereignty on par with the Russians. The colonial territories of Siberia and Urals remained under Federal jurisdiction, comprising the more turbulent border territories and preventing the flow of illegal immigration from Asia into the Russian Republic and Idel-Ural. Belarus retained its close cooperation with Russia and became a part of the Federation.


Buryat shamans at a Pan-Central Asian Tengriist gathering

Fearful of Chinese and Islamic expansion, and seeing the autonomy of Idel-Ural and the Caucasus, the Central Asian states joined the Federation. The nationalist ideologies prevalent in the RF serve as a bulwark against religious fundamentalism in the Caucasus, Turan-Iranic Rep., and Idel-Ural. Islam is downplayed in favour of Tengriism, Pan-Turkic ideologies, and national mythologies.


Beloslavka Perov-Molotov, Speaker of the Russian Republican Parliament

The Russian Republic is the primary scientific and financial centre, and there are attempts to concentrate industry there instead of spreading it across the Federation. Akin to France and Germany in the EU of old, it is the informal leader of the RF. There is a great diversity of parties in Russia. The distribution of votes at the last elections was as follows: Russian National-Democratic Alliance (national-liberal) 30%, Russian Communist Party (socialist) 15%, "Yabloko" (social-democrat, liberal) 13%, Putin Centre (centrist, pro-Chinese) 12%, Slavic Union (nationalist, fascist) 9%, Russian National-Bolshevik Party (Stalinist) 7%.


flag of the Russian Republic and its space fleet, the cross combining Russian (St. Andrew's cross), Christian (Labarum), Slavic Pagan (Perun's cross) symbolism, as well as the naval flag

The Kosmoflot
The strongest fleet in the RF belongs to the Russian Republic, though it assists other national fleet and is willing to help any nation in space colonisation. Below is an excerpt from an interview of kontr-admiral Nataliia Korovin as the space leader, dwelling on some of the relevant issues.


1. kontr-admiral Nataliia Korovin, in a Russian national costume
2. journalist Yelena Pavlova, programme "Space and Race" ("Kosmos i Rasa")
3. volkhv Duboslav, a leading heathen priest

Journalist Pavlova: Ms Korovin, it is common to voice objection to the militarisation of our space programme. What is the stance of the government on this?
Kontr-Admiral Korovin: We believe that the space is but new territory and new resources, not a sacred cow. Our national idea is for the space to attain the orderliness of the Earth, for every nation to get a piece of space. It is common to imagine the future as a multicultural abyss where race plays no role, but that is an erroneous vision with a potential to bring the incoherence of Central America and Soviet Union upon us. We want a Russian planet, for Russians, a Kazakh planet, for Kazakhs - a space of New Englands, not New Orleanses. In order to secure this against the wishes of the less decent, we need a space fleet - the Kosmoflot.
What is the official stance towards the colonisation of space by other blocs?
We shall try to limit the spread of authoritarian, imperialist and totalitarian multiculturalist ideologies, though we will not risk the Russian population in an attempt to do so. We must secure the existence of our people and a future for Russian, European children.
What about the Caucasus, Central Asia, non-RF members?
Our top priority is the Russian program. Still, what sets RF apart from other blocs is its acceptance of other cultures without attempts to assimilate them. We shall welcome anyone into the RF and help them expand into space, so long as they are not a threat to Russia. Those threatened by other blocs are especially welcome, a balance of power is to be preserved.
The space program requires much government funding. Is that not a strain on a free economy and a step back to the inefficiency of the USSR and Putin-Yeltsin Russia?
A degree of government intervention is required, but part of the space program is already privatised by businessmen such as Mr Tinkin. From the start, we intend to put an emphasis on civilian uses of the research conducted for the Kosmoflot. We will be selling merchandise and attract investment from political funds. The Pagan and the Old Believers' societies are heavily involved in the program, the latter through merchants.
The spiritual has always been an important part of national culture, could you elaborate on the role of religious organisations in the colonisation?
It is crucial to give a greater ideological drive to the colonisation. Historically, Siberia was colonised in large part by Old Believer communities fleeing the Imperial tyrants. We should strive to achieve the benign side of this, perhaps Duboslav will help explain the way our program is perceived by religious people.
An age of great advancement has dawned, and we should drop our scepticism to the bold occult theories and “paganism” of the past. We should take advantage of our heritage. I am certain that other Heathen leaders will agree. In contrast to the obscurantist Judaeo-Christian religions that kept man shut in his tiny oppressive world, the space has always been of interest to Heathendom: sun and moon gods, unknown creatures and their origins, legends of people from the sky - we have always stressed the physical, objective existence of worlds beyond our own. If there is a faith for the future, then it is Heathenry – an unbroken, organic tradition syncretic with science, intertwined with the available knowledge, fit for a tiny yet willful man in a great unknown universe. Tsiolkosvky's Cosmism, Roerich's searches, Nazi Vrils are the inspiration for space travel and should be its spiritual guides, always moulded into a national form. The Turkic Tengri, for instance, is a true God of Space – it pleases me greatly that the Central Asians are getting further away from Islam to embrace their own religion. Heathenry, and Slavic Heathenry, is not obsessed with imposing moral limits and sorting out human social constructs, but is an endless source of heuristics, theories, creativity, nationalism, and acceptance of difference without giving up one’s own. Slava Perunu!


Mar 28, 2009

The African Union now has a new point of interest and possible future acquisition.


Mar 28, 2009


Ajuma Ali, one of the AU's many top scientists was killed when his house exploded in flames, yesterday morning. Initial reports state that Mr. Ali died apparently while making the traditional African dish "Jenkum Baka Sha." He leaves behind 2 duaghters.

A top official within the AU told us anonymously that foul play was also suspected. "There are many enemies of the AU, many jealous enemies that are trying to kill our top people. We cannot yet prove this, but let it be known that when we find out who is responsible it will be as if hellfire shall rain down upon their heads." He also added "This Jenkum dish is also temporarily banned until further investigation. Those found to be making this dish will be arrested."


Racism Expert
Nov 7, 2008
Insert clever insult here
Oh yeah, one thing about research - the Administrative Rating of a scientist measures how many Research Labs they can control/lead x5. So Bert Example, Admin Rating 4, could lead 20 labs, whereas Johnny Nogood, Admin Rating 1, could only lead 5. It can improve, especially through experience.


Racism Expert
Nov 7, 2008
Insert clever insult here
Global News Network
Strategy, military and you segment
May, 2012

: Welcome back good viewers! I am, as always, your host John Smith. Tonight we will turn our telescope towards future and space. Yes, that is correct, space! As so many nations seem to be starting their scramble towards outer space, there is a very strong possibility of space being militarized, as we discussed in the first part of this show. Now, we will inspect more closely possible techniques that future space navies - heh, I have to admit I feel kinda silly saying that - but yes, future space navies might employ. Here with me is the retired Admiral, Lord West, sharing his expertise. Thank you very much for joining us, Lord West.

: Not a problem at all, old chap, very nice to be here.

: So, you had a specific topic in mind for us tonight, if I have understood you correctly, Lord West?

: Indeed I have. And that topic is missiles and the lethal danger they pose to any modern navy, be it good old fashioned wet navy or one of these futuristic space navies. Missiles are easy enough to design and manufacture, enough so that every nation is capable of wielding them. They do require sophisticated sensors to be of any use but again, these sensors aren't exactly rocket science. Heh heh, rocket science...

: Eh, yes, yes. So, is there any way for ships to protect themselves against these missiles? Or are these hugely expensive Aircraft Carriers just waste of tax-payers money - just like any future combat space ships will be?

: Eh heh, rocket science. Uh, no, not at all! There are, I'm happy to say, technologies and methods to defeat a missile threat. It is nowadays a veritable form of art, missile defence, it is, if I may say so. The main principle is of course defence in-depth. You fight fire with fire, or in this case missiles with anti-missiles. These are small, fast missiles, expendable by nature, designed to seek out hostile missiles and to destroy them before they can cause any mischief. You need good sensors, quite massive ones, like the American AEGIS radar, to spot enemy missiles from far enough. It's no good to see them coming with the old Mark One Eyeball, then it's too late! No, you want a big hefty radar to see these buggers from as far as possible.

: So, let me recap this for our viewers. You first need sensors, correct?

: That exactly what I just said. Sensors. And not just any sensors, you need antennas built to spot tiny little targets like missiles. Then you need anti missiles. And a whole load of them! You want to engage each incoming enemy missiles with two, three or even five anti-missiles to ensure your own safety.

: Okay, so anti missiles. You earlier said these should be small, cheap and fast, correct?

: Yes, yes, exactly, so you can toss away them by the hundreds. In any case, no single defence is perfect, so you need defence-in-depth. You have your long range anti-missiles, then you have your short range anti-missiles. These are even faster because they need less fuel. Then we got to kinetic weapons, you know, guns! Or maybe even lasers! Wouldn't that be grand? Fancy laser guns, straight from Buck Rogers!

: Yes, well, as strange as it sounds, they might very well be reality shortly. So you were saying that you need guns?

: Aye, guns. It's good to have something with a solid range, like our 4.5 inch Mark 8 which we use on frigates. Good for surface combat and against aircraft and even missiles if you have bit of a luck with you and the turret wants to co-operate. Guns like those can put out solid wall of fire due to their high rate of fire and protect the whole task group. What a sight it is to see them firing full speed! Well, doesn't compare to the good old 15-inchers of HMS Vanguard, now that was a sight!

: Yes, Admiral, I'm sure it was. But to recap for our viewers, alongside sensors and anti missiles, you need a big gun with good range, yes?

: Well, that's what I bloody said, you tosser. Ears up! You also need small guns, one with a truly spectacular rate of fire, for close defence. They will take care of any leaks. On a ship I'd want them on little turrets and many of them but who knows what works with bloody space ships. Hmph. Well, then there's the last method - the Close-In-Weapon-System, what the bloody Yanks call them. It's just a tiny little gun on a tiny little turret, handled by a tiny little computer with a tiny little sensor. It's the last line of defence and can mean the difference between life and death.

: This is getting quite complicated. So you need sensors, anti missiles, big guns, small guns and then these CIWS, correct? That's quite a list to digest.

: Shows that you didn't go to a proper public school! All hair cut and no guts, I tell you. I knew this was going to be complicated, so I brought my grandsons schematic drawing. Here, take look. It should clear the point even to your dim viewers.


: That's a... that's a fine drawing instead. We must credit your grandson for making it. Thank you for coming, Admiral Lord Weston. We'll be back with the celebrity segment after these messages from our sponsors, dear viewers! Thank you for watching, this is the Global News Network!


Racism Expert
Nov 7, 2008
Insert clever insult here
Global News Network
Infrastructure & Industry Report
15th May 2012


GNN news team is on place at Utah, where the President of the United States is about to cut the symbolic ribbon in front of a gigantic construction site. The very first practical Mass Driver in the whole world is about to receive it's "basement stone". As the first of its kind, it is impossible to give any sort of estimate on how long this construction will take but our analysts claim that it will take longer than a year, perhaps even two, as nothing similar - on this scale - has been previously attempted. The Mass Driver 1 built by MIT students back in 1977 was a tiny contraception in comparison. Just what America tries to achieve with this Mass Driver is currently unknown - some experts speculate that it could be used to dispose of radioactive waste in a safe manner. Others claim that, thanks to TN-materials, it could be strong and accurate enough to lift cargo not only on Low Earth Orbit but even to Medium Earth Orbit, where the Geosynchronous satellites are located. We will maintain our watch here, waiting for the President's speech. Back to the studio!


Sep 9, 2007
Vault City


Union of Socialist South American Republics


The Union of Socialist South American Republics started after Brazil had an ULTIMATE ECONOMIC ITZ leading much of its middle class to abject poverty, which in turn gave to the revolutionary syndicalist Bernardo Ambia a chance to recruit them for his dreams of emancipating the workers from centuries of rule by imperialists, banksters, crooks and alike, culminating in a successful revolution that led to the establishment of a decentralized Confederation and participatory workers democracy instead of the sham of "democracy" it once was.

Economically the nation was transformed from a form of capitalism strongly tied to political favors and corruption to true socialism organized through cooperatives, unions and other workers and popular organizations free from totalitarian central authorities and central planning, in what can also be called Syndicalism. Of course, the bourgeois propaganda machines known as corporate mass media prefer to lie on how it is supposed to be a carbon copy of North Korea instead so that manboons in their sham "democracies" won't attempt revolution there. Which is nothing but a terrible lie as any browsing of Internet forums within the Union not covertly censored by the pseudo-democracies will prove.

Since then an once mostly functionally illiterate population has been raised to much better standard of living, education, healthcare and culture. But the ultimate goal of the Union goes beyond that, for within it lies also an organization that intends to be much larger: the Syndicalist International, which ultimate dream and goal is to utterly eradicate capitalism from the human race, while a more close-by goal is to unite the entirety of South America under such common ideology as a means of securing their future while the bourgeois and the old threats of fascism they endorse have grown even more stronger than they once were.

Recent History of the Union of Socialist South American Republics

The Union of Socialist South American Republics is the ideal the workers of what was once just another nation strive for. After over hundred years of cronyism, massive corruption, impunity, injustice and more than a century of sham democracies dancing together with the occasional dictatorship, the time has come to say "ENOUGH!". But the masses have been so brainwashed an educated stupid by a bankrupt and failed compulsory education system combined with the smegma flowing from Televitz that the threat of they ever standing up was considered nonexistent by the bourgeois and their bribed servitors. Where once the sheer majority of the population was functionally illiterate, as obviously an illiterate and ignorant population is much more sheeple than one that isn't either, now has been turned by the eradication of State-controlled education to a more efficient and less biased in favor of the 1% form of education.

All began during the August Revolution. ULTIMATE ECONOMIC ITZ struck the once submissive, colonial, Multinational corporations and banksters-serving economy of Brazil as their local currency became too even to the US dollar, crippling the colonial, undeveloped extraction, agricultural economy of the country that strongly relied on exports, while paradoxically internally an aurora of hyperinflation struck the country. The sheeple, relying on government welfare checks, although vote-buying alms is a more accurate definition of such, didn't flinch much, but a suddenly impoverished mass of middle class people gave the necessary recruitment base for the revolution, for once alienated in their comfort zone, they were now hopeless, and one man found in them the key to put an end to centuries of slavery to imperialist powers, to banksters and to capitalist pigs.

Bernardo Ambia was the leader of the previously obscure and fringe "Movimento Sindicalista", a forgotten branch of communism that proposed the formation of a just society of workers through the organization of unions and workers' cooperatives ran through either direct or participatory democratic processes where all their members had shared ownership over the means of production, serving also as the basis of organization for the future society, in opposition to the old Soviet Union school of a State-controlled and planned economy and of the dictatorship of the proletariat.

During the chaos he used his great charisma to recruit many to his cause, from all social classes and particularly among those who became suddely dispossessed, including even bankrupt "small bourgeoisie", for the only ones not affected in any serious manner by the ULTIMATE ECONOMIC ITZ were those suspected of having engineered it: the banksters, the speculators and other social parasites and scammers backed by the bourgeois "justice".

A civil war erupted and lasted shortly. For the newest generation of the military have endured for years the conditions of having terribly low wages compared to most military forces of the world, poorly maintained ordnance and facilities and other symptoms of several cutoffs as the quislings thought the people were too alienated and isolated to ever represent a serious threat. A significant part of the military supported the revolution, as many had close relatives suffering due to the crisis. Thus, after much blood, at last the traitors, the imperialism sellouts, the bourgeois pigs, the banksters, the crooks and all other dregs of Brazil were wiped out without mercy, for they never gave any to the people they starved when lining their pockets.

Workers through pressure, and sometimes, unfortunately through violent means as they had no other choice, took control of the factories, organizing them into cooperatives. The government buildings in Brasilia were razed to cinders and rubble due to the revolutionary fervor and to the association they had with all the cancers that were killing the country, and a second civil war happened as desperate, many big business crooks tried a last hope by hiring and bribing criminals, hired assassins and thugs to do their bidding and help them into creating a new corporate fascist State as their servant government collapsed, proving once again that the difference between the bourgeoisie and the Mafia is only that one had thugs entitled by a hypocritical "constitution" and false democracy to do their bidding. But they were outnumbered, and properly, one of Ambia's first decisions when he was acclaimed as a new representative was to lift all bans on firearms, leading to the inevitable defeat of the thugs and their corporate masters.

Afterwards the country was organized as a Confederation of cooperatives, unions and other democratically-run organizations, with Ambia having a mostly symbolic position, as he still has. The Propaganda spewing brainwashing machine corporate mass media is tries to demonize the Socialist Union as being dictatorial because they think Ambia has absolute power, except it is exactly the contrary. The reason he makes so many decisions that aren't objected by the people is because he has learned to know what the people, or at least most of them, desire, and through means of electronic direct democracy any decision he makes can be overturned.

Since then, educational and research programs have been enacted to gradually repair the damage of so many centuries of colonialism, both explicit and implicit, and to eradicate functional illiteracy from the nation, while on the same matter the quality of universal healthcare took a leap from Sierra Leone standards to Scandinavian golden age standards. Very little has changed from the early days of the revolution when it comes to the moral integrity of the same, and unlike the old Soviet Union, this time it has worked, which is why the bourgeois across the world are so afraid of the truth and cover it with a flood of bullshit and lies.

List of aliases of most wanted enemies of the Revolution, of the people and of the workers

  • The Brazilian Slaughter
  • Clockwork Knight
  • racofer
It is your duty to inform the location of any of these. For more details on why they are a threat to the revolution, read the entries on Integralism and Fascism, Wapanese as potential Japanese spies and on how normal people can be transformed into raving psychos given enough browsing of shock images for creation of collages and photoshops.


IMBEL MD-97 voted "Best Modern Rifle" and FN FAL voted "Best Rifle of all Time"

In a poll made by the most popular Brazilian firearms online community the venerable FN FAL was voted as the "Best Rifle of all Time" while its "spiritual successor" the MD-97 was voted "Best Modern Rifle". Other votes included the election of the FN SCAR as, in a free translation: "Most POPAMOLE Rifle", of the G11 as "ugliest future firearm prototype ever" and of the 5.56mm NATO caliber as the winner of the "EPIC FAIL BULLET" prize.


Racism Expert
Nov 7, 2008
Insert clever insult here
Global News Network
Science News
28th August 2012

New mineral deposit found

The Indian team did it again! Team leader Dakshina Sadathia was proud to announce that roughly 100,000 tons of Gallicite were discovered. Once again, the deposit is deep in the crust of Earth, making it available to all nations. Ms.Sadathia promises that "the search is on-going, day and night!"


Nov 20, 2010
casting coach
Republic of India

DELHI- Considering the latest scientifical advances, and the following political upsets, the Parliament of India has come to the conclusion that it must take initiative in ensuring peace on Earth and beyond. Maintaining the peace, by whatever means, is to be the doctrine - the means to accomplish this are of course good Indian presence in space, and also protecting the weaker, more vulnerable peoples of the planet from the ruthless forces that have oppressed them for ages.
Already India has begun mineral surveys for the benefit of every person on the globe.

To solve problems by Discussing them, so instead of bloated military budgets the nations of the world can use their focus on scientific pursuits for the Prosperity of all!


Of course, sometimes eXtreme measures are needed to ensure the greater good of not only the people of today, but also for the generations that will follow. Because as it is, the world is riddled by all kinds of cruel forces and race traitors.

Also of critical importance is granting the blessings of space travel to the still unaligned neighbors of India (ie. Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Nepal, Bangladesh), in the caring arms of the Indian Space Program. For outside colonialists to try confusing the populaces located therein, would be considered villainous and detrimental for the people of said country(s), and by extension detrimental to India and therefore to the whole world.


Dumbfuck Zionist Agent
Sep 29, 2010
Al Scandiya
The Imperial Herald

Official Voice of Japan, Greater East Asia and the East Asian Federation

Mineral Surveys: A Plea for Reason

As a result of our historical breakthroughs, a healthy interest in mineral excavation is not only to be expected, it is to be encouraged, wide and far. Humanity, as a whole, only stands to benefit from our newly acquired knowledge. And yet, just as Trans-Newtonian Technology promises great wealth and prosperity, it also requires us to act with great responsibility.

A full planetary survey is no easy feat, and there are many aspects of such a complicated undertaking that can lead to serious problems for our future mining prospects, lest they are properly observed and executed with extreme caution. While clearly gifted, our survey teams are still relatively inexperienced. Furthermore, our technology might seem impressive today, but the speed of our development as a species will assuredly make it seem antiquated in a mere decade from now. By acting too rashly, large quantities of precious mineral resources might remain unnoticed, and once large-scale drilling and detonations would commence, said resources could be rendered completely unfit for excavation.

There is currently no pressing need for a full planetary survey. In the already explored and developed mining zones, there are more than enough Trans-Newtonian minerals for all of us, for many years to come. Given these facts, the East Asian Federation would like to respectfully implore the Commonwealth, the Republic of India and all other major nations and coalitions of Earth to halt all planetary surveys, and resume them only when our teams are significantly more experienced and our technology is far more sophisticated. It is imperative that we do not allow the prospect of short-term benefits to overshadow our more important long-term needs.


Mar 28, 2009
AU Announces New Space Thing-

AU stunned the world when it announced that Dr. Prosper, the world famous scientist, developed for the struggling union a new Space Thing that is predicted to revolutionize the AU's space program. The AU provided a rough design doc to the press, but are reluctant to go into details for fear that its tech might be stolen. The schematic below is widely considered by the international science committee to be highly advanced:


"This Space Thing is likely going to give the AU the edge it needs in this new Space Race." said Dr. Desmond, chief science adviser with the AU. "With it we hope to increase space output designs by at least 44% if not more."

But what exactly it does is still not fully understood, but it has the rest of the nations more than worried. "The Western White Powers are trembling and calling for their mothers." said Mr. Ujobi, chief public relations agent of Mother Africa Union. "Soon all of space will be filled with African souls and peace and prosperity will be for all in outer space."

For now, only time will tell if the Space Thing will give the AU the edge it needs.


Racism Expert
Nov 7, 2008
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Global News Network
Infrastructure & Industry Report
5th October 2012


In a surprise turn, both the European Union and the East Asian Federation announced their plans to build Mass Drivers of their own. The EU one will be built on the plains of Slovenia and will take advantage of the Alps. The EAF one will be built in Japan, on Shizuoka and will similarly take advantage of Mt. Kurohoshi and Mt. Daimugen.

Our in-house experts all agree that this means a serious escalation of the New Space Race, so far only speculated of. GNN has sent news teams to both EU and EAF in the hopes of getting more in-depth coverage of the starting construction work.


Sep 9, 2007
Vault City


Verdade[1], the Newspaper for conscious Workers


Workers Celebrate the automation of all menial tasks made possible thanks to Trans-Newtonian technology by announcing a 365 days long Carnival in the Brazilian region of Bahia.

WORKERS OF THE WORLD! This is a day to enter History. This is the day the bourgeois have no more excuses! We approach de facto post-scarcity, the moment when everything will be so plentiful that a capitalist economy is no longer just an excuse as supposedly there is no better way, but a flat out SCAM!

As our society previously proved by using the industrial automation to greatly reduce the necessary work hours for everyone instead of enriching fat cats by enticing countless masses to reckless consumerism while engineered false needs through planned obsolescence and artificial scarcity, now we reached a threshold, a dividing moment in the history of all the human race that has made capitalism utterly obsolete and its perpetuation from now on comparable to the perpetuation of feudalism in Russia until the 19th Century.

Capitalism like Feudalism shall sooner or later become relics of the miserable past of mankind but out of nothing but pride and arrogance many will try to control these new technologies through bullshit laws like copyrights, DRM and patents limiting the maximum capabilities of new developments like replicators and nanotechnology that would make the monopoly over the means of production of the bourgeois pig obsolete if left unchecked. Of course since the revolution the Socialist Union rejects all of this bullshit created to generate artificial scarcity so a bunch of parasites leeching the creative works of others can line their pockets, but now this will reach an absurd. It is only a matter of time before molecules are patented and genetic modifications copyrighted by those fascistic laws of the bourgeois and imperialist lapdogs.

In short, the best of this lies in this list of all labors that now require no direct human involvement:

  • Cleaning
  • Sewer maintenance
  • Construction
  • Recycling
  • Artificial insemination
  • All types of still needed repetitive tasks in assembly lines
  • Basic cooking
  • Routine "paper"-pushing
  • Explosives defusal
  • Earthworks
  • Software testing and QA
  • Call centers
  • Shoes polishing
  • Any shit "interns" do in capitalist countries
  • Pretty much all jobs that are in one way or another banal, shit and boring.
People who are now too old to get into the necessary level of education to get higher-grade work functions requiring intelligence and/or creativity will have nothing to worry about if. For with the massive surplus this industrial revolution shall ensue, any form of trade and currency will soon become obsolete for all but the most unique and creative works and services, and charging a price for basic survival goods like food, toilet paper, water and electricity will make as much sense as trying to charge a price for oxygen, and they will most likely remain in the cooperatives they belong in managerial and creative roles while the robots replace what they did before.


thepiratebay.com.br 1 year anniversary

After the fascist European Union, as the lapdog to the massive entertainment monopoly it is, banned the old and "infamous" The Pirate Bay from Sweden and tried to prosecute their founders and the Pirate Party, they all moved to the only free place of Earth. Strangely WikiLeaks didn't do the same when it was being extensively persecuted by the "bastions of demokwacy and freedom", probably because they were all along astroturfing Shills in service of imperialism launching tame and controlled "leaks".

Although most "democracies" censor thepiratebay.com.br the site has millions of users and benefit greatly from the official Socialist Union position on how "copyright" is a bourgeois construct of exploitation and thus totally unrecognized, as are patents, for only open-source and creative commons licenses are recognized within the Socialist Union. Although shitty pop music truly went downhill after copyright was abolished, the same didn't happen to more genuine, dedicated works and regional culture that deserve to be considered part of our people culture instead of the smegma prolefeed the bourgeois and fascists brainwashed the workers with. For unlike what they want to believe, some people are above the motivation of money when they create a work of art, and these are indeed the greatest artists humanity has ever known instead of the greedy scum and the shitty mainstream imbeciles using autotune as they are total shit capitalism promoted for ages. To an extent, the same can be applied to literature, movies and games. With the abolition of copyright, a "dark age" of the bourgeois shoveling the same mass-marketed crap ripping off from the same model and style was fortunately buried forever, and creativity flourished greatly as under the vacuum the disappearance of shit romances involving undead and popamole millions of independent producers came in delivering a golden age of cinema, music, literature and gaming, all of course available in thepiratebay.com.br

Speaking of online news


"Projeto Independencia Online" concluded, making the Brazilian part of the Internet totally independent from the rest and from the possible control and censorship tools foreign imperialist fascist bourgeois lapdogs may apply to it.

The "Projeto Independencia Online" (Online Independence Project ), which started shortly after the revolution, has finally been completed. This project was one of the first projects after the revolution, as according to Ambia, "The Kwa has too much power over our part of the Internets(sic), we cannot leave such an important communication infrastructure at the mercy of foreign controllers, and thus we must immediately set up national backbones that will permanently allow us to have total control over our Internets(sic) no matter what happens to the Internets(sic) in the rest of the world. The history of fascistic corporate bootlicking laws for controlling the Internet like SOPA, PIPA and ACTA was more than enough evidence of how critical it is for our networks to be totally independent and neutral."

The backbones established over Brazil are way over what would be the minimum needed to support its Internet, and with the recent development of Trans-Newtonian technology and its applications such support will be way above, allowing Brazil to champion what could in the coming days become the last bastion of free, unrestricted and uncontrolled Internet in a world where corporate fascism attempts to crush the Internet and turn it into another totally censored and tamed brainwashing machine.

This is a great day for the revolution, and probably also a great day for the Internet itself, for 4chan.br, for Anonymous and for any Internet content that would be harmed by fascistic censorship laws.

Rumors exist also of a secondary project involving a worldwide spoofing system that will allow foreigners to bypass IP blocks against the Union, although the idea of fooling the entire Internet is entirely preposterous. Except that shortly after this implementation GeoIP stopped working in Brazil. Although the equally recent creation of their own "Sistema de Mapeamento Global" (Global Mapping System) in replacement of the Kwa-controlled GPS can serve as a replacement for those who really want a random stalker in the Internet to know right away their real location.


Search for leader of the Integralist Coup attempt The Brazilian Slaughter ends, as no signs or evidences pointing to his whereabouts were found.

The infamous man responsible for the attempt to transform Brazil into an integralist fascist dictatorship[1] during the times of the ULTIMATE ECONOMIC ITZ, The Brazilian Slaughter, has vanished and left no traces behind hinting his whereabouts. There are only unconfirmed rumors he is in a neighbor country making a living discreetly by selling counterfeit Louis Vuitton products, but neighboring countries, being still lapdogs of imperialism, refuse to give any aid to the investigations.

"I think it is time to let it go," Ambia stated recently, "we are better off investing the funds needed for conducting such an investigation to arrest this traitor into education, healthcare, science and other more important matters." The statement led to some controversy about he "going too softly with the enemies of the revolution and that snake will definitively try it again with CIA's support" along the more authoritarian branches of Syndicalists, also known as Totalitarian socialists or simply totalists. Ambia refused to comment other than a small note on how "the people can vote for diverting funds from education and healthcare to waste them into a manhunt for a lone man if that is their wish."

[1]Also known as Pravda or Truth

[2] Redundant for emphasis

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