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Anime [AUTISM WARNING] Ciri's hair color.

What is Ciri's (book canon) hair color?

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Lagole Gon

Nov 4, 2011
Retaken Potato
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut Pathfinder: Wrath
Why the hell is it white?

The word used to describe it is "popielate", which translates to ashen. In Poland it's usually used to describe a type of blonde hair. In english it would be something like bright mousy blonde.
Before Witcher 3 was a thing, in all fanart and official book cover art, Ciri simply had blonde hair.

Or maybe you can treat the word "popielaty" literally and give her literal ashen gray hair.

But not fuckin' white.

Here's some rough early concepts from some Witcher 3 artbook:

Whew. I really needed to vent my frustrations about this totally super important thing.

Russia is over. The end.

Sep 28, 2014
The fact that poles care so much about a mediocre, run of the mill 90s heroic fantasy, really shows the shallowness of their culture. Not that Russian one is much better, that's not what this is about. It just makes me cringe whenever I see it. You should really mention it less often, preferably never again.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
The fact that poles care so much about a mediocre, run of the mill 90s heroic fantasy, really shows the shallowness of their culture. Not that Russian one is much better, that's not what this is about. It just makes me cringe whenever I see it. You should really mention it less often, preferably never again.
I did a DNA test on FTDNA.

Guess what? I have zilch russian genes. I can't fucking believe it, but it's true.


What surprises me most:
- Zero Russian genes. Can I even be a Vatnik? It's like that movie where a neonazi learns that he's a Jew (with Ryan Gosling).

- 61% Eastern Europe which is defined as mostly Poles and Eastern Germans. Well the German thing could be explained by some forced seks during WW2 I guess... Either that, or I'm just a fucking Pole (???).

- Finland 14%, Scandiniavia 6%. Viking shit, nice.

- 10% Jew. Pls don't comment.

- 7% Cockroach??? WHAT THE FUCK. I solemnly swear not to belittle the cockroach gentlemen from now on.

Also, I ran the genome through a health database. I got a few occasional increased risks of this and that,.. but for the prostate cancer, I have like 10+ genes that each increases prostate cancer risk significantly. I'm basically guaranteed to die from prostate cancer.


Nov 24, 2022
She's described in the books very plainly as having Ashen hair. I assumed it was meant to be a shade of grey and give her a gramma look, partly adding to her ethereal quality.

The in-game depiction makes her look like an anime character.


Jul 22, 2015
Ash tree, yeah. "Ashen" could also mean like the ashes of burned wood, but not "ashen hair".
I meant ashes when I wrote that. To my memory, ash, especially fresh ash always has a hint of beige/gold to it.
I have ash in my stove right here. It's gray, bro.

Ash wood is characteristically very "blonde", more of a white-ish blonde than a golden blonde:

May 25, 2021
The western road to Erromon.
I have ash in my stove right here. It's gray, bro.
Ah, what the hell... Since this thread is tagged autism, here I go.

Okay, but I linked a picture of ash that is not strictly capital G "grey". I acknowledge that ash can be Grey, often Grey even, but that's not how my mind pictures it at all times. When someone says ash colored, I'm thinking of the color of the ashes I gave as an example. For others, they might picture the color of the ashes in your stove and I'd not argue. I'm aware that ash wood is a light blonde color, but when we say Ash, and especially "ashen" we're talking something closer to grey than to yellow, where if it was the other way around we might say "flaxen". Anyway, the word(s) is referring to the ash of a fire, not the species of tree, even though by coincidence both can be fairly close in color.

As A dev, I'd have chosen the top row, third from the left. Close enough to grey, while still seeming like a natural, undyed hair color for a young woman to have been born with.


Jul 16, 2005
Small but great planet of Potatohole
is her bush also white

Nah, Ciri is naturally bald down there. Or maybe she always keep it that way so no one knows for sure.

Who the f..k cares!?
I nominate this thread to "Most autistic and nerdy thread of 2022" A late entry to this year's race but not without chances.

Kudos for that Heavy Metal fragment though! A better fantasy than the whole Sapkowski's Witcher. And not because of this nude scene. At least not only because of it. :smug:


Jan 1, 2014
Don't be so judgmental woman has a right to change her mind.

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