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Baldur's Gate Baldur's Gate 3 Early Access Thread [GAME RELEASED, GO TO NEW THREAD]


Feb 16, 2021
Well, I struggle to remember any other vampire companions in RPGs, but sure, he may be the worst. What I dislike about him the most is not even his manners and his evilness, and not even the fact you can't attack him in any of the circumstances where he gives you a reason to cut his head off (other than attacking him manually, like you'd do with any other NPC). I dislike his fans.
"Uwu, he's such a hurt, tortured character, which makes everything he does understandable. I can fix him, and make him my husbando, who'll be edgy to everyone else, but gentle and loving to me."

I want to fucking vomit.

Luckily, Saint Swen provided us with a CTRL+left click, which makes interacting with Astarion in any capacity absolutely unnecessary. In a lesser RPG - looking at you, Pathfinder - you'd be forced to take him with you, and drag him along for several acts at the minimum.


Sep 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
"Uwu, he's such a hurt, tortured character, which makes everything he does understandable. I can fix him, and make him my husbando, who'll be edgy to everyone else, but gentle and loving to me."

I want to fucking vomit.
This is an observable phenomenon not only in the sphere of RPGs. The serial killer Ted Bundy received letters of adoration from women who thought they could "fix" him and that he would love them regardless of his treatment of other women (i.e. murder).


Sep 18, 2014
Pro-Tip Corporation.
I was giving the game another go in the last few days, after months of barely finding any drive to touch it again, and I have to say that sometime all the (legitimate) bitching about its flaws makes me almost forget that there are also sides of this production where you can spot genuine excellency.

Which incidentally makes some of the most glaring issues so far ignored by Larian even more annoying, by contrast, because I can't help but think "So close to just nailing it and this is where you go and fuck things up?"
Why controlling the party outside of combat is such a nightmare? Why no day/night cycle? Why the rest system is such a half assed mess?

Playing this side by side with Kingmaker and Wrath of the Righteous, in particular, makes me wish for this imaginary chimera-production that could merge the strong points of both in a single outstanding game.
Exactly game got strong out of combat use for spells abilities, verticality etc but fails on other fronts. It's sad.


Feb 16, 2021
This is an observable phenomenon not only in the sphere of RPGs. The serial killer Ted Bundy received letters of adoration from women who thought they could "fix" him and that he would love them regardless of his treatment of other women (i.e. murder).
I'm aware of that. I just don't like having these people in the fanbase for the game I'm fanboying. They're polluting my chakras.


Glory to Ukraine
Jul 11, 2019
Luckily, Saint Swen provided us with a CTRL+left click, In a lesser RPG - looking at you, Pathfinder - you'd be forced to take him with you, and drag him along for several acts at the minimum.

I appreciate that Swen is giving a option to not have to deal with him, but there is no "forced companion" on any pathfinder game . In fact, there is only one part where you are forced to play as Amiri and I generally play solo on the first chapter to reach mid levels(8) quick and after it, play with a small party(2 companions + animal) and disable the "xp only to the active party" when reach about lv 13. Only pick the companions to do the companion quests(which are optional).

I don't know if Larian will allow you to create party members or not. You can even solo the game if you wanna. Honestly, I din't liked any BG3 EA companion. Wrath of the Righteous in other hands, I loved all interations with Regill, a gnome Hellknight, Arueshalae(succubus which is a marksman Goddess with her insane high DEX + spells) and Ember(Ostracized Witch). I found Gale interesting but I don't know much about him. I honestly only played BG3 EA once.
May 7, 2021
Regardless of how anybody feels about this game, I got to be honest. There are way better games out there, and even if Baldur's Gate 3 wasn't bad, just meh, it beckons the question of who would waste their time to play a meh game, when they can spend an extra hour searching for something like Mechajammer aka Copper Dreams for instance? Larian had an article I already mentioned somewhere in the thread about how surprised they were at how people ate up an early access game using a pre-existing franchise for full retail price. Then they humblebragged in that same article. Good RPGs may come out, but it's the same people who claim Divinity is worth playing for the multiplayer that make Larian bucks in the end. If they ever had any damned dreams about really making good rpgs, it went out the door the second the consumer let them know it's okay to not dream. It's just okay to sit there and ignore all the flaws as long as you and your buddies in a discord call can afk the game together.


Aug 13, 2017
Hexxat is probably worse vampire companion than BG3 faggot vampire.

Is every companion bisexual or some other form of degenerate?

underground nymph

I care not!
Jun 9, 2019
Strap Yourselves In
I mean it’s not that there’s really something wrong with Astarion per se, except his annoying faggotry probably. But yeah, his fans is a plague. My small observation so far: most of them have animu avatars in twatter. Didn’t dare to check further but my bet is they are woke as hell and aggressively progressive. There’s definitely something shameful in sharing love for the game with people whose only interest is in expanding romance options with a character.


Feb 16, 2021
Is every companion bisexual or some other form of degenerate?
Yes. Are you ready for the bisexual Minsc romance, probably featuring Boo in some capacity? I am.

except his annoying faggotry probably
But that's at least 80% of his entire character.

Regardless of how anybody feels about this game, I got to be honest. There are way better games out there, and even if Baldur's Gate 3 wasn't bad, just meh, it beckons the question of who would waste their time to play a meh game, when they can spend an extra hour searching for something like Mechajammer aka Copper Dreams for instance? Larian had an article I already mentioned somewhere in the thread about how surprised they were at how people ate up an early access game using a pre-existing franchise for full retail price. Then they humblebragged in that same article. Good RPGs may come out, but it's the same people who claim Divinity is worth playing for the multiplayer that make Larian bucks in the end. If they ever had any damned dreams about really making good rpgs, it went out the door the second the consumer let them know it's okay to not dream. It's just okay to sit there and ignore all the flaws as long as you and your buddies in a discord call can afk the game together.
Didn't read lol


Mar 12, 2020
Luckily, Saint Swen provided us with a CTRL+left click, which makes interacting with Astarion in any capacity absolutely unnecessary.
Okay, so he can do CTRL+Click to force-attack, but Shift+Click to multi-select is a bridge too far? They're, like... right next to each other!

In a lesser RPG - looking at you, Pathfinder
Avert thine lying eyes, heretic!


Glory to Ukraine
Jul 11, 2019
Hexxat is probably worse vampire companion than BG3 faggot vampire.

Yep. Forgot about her. Beamdog should't have implemented a single new companion on "Enhanced edition". I din't played much DOS2, but are DOS2 companions good? Is easy to bash companions on BG3, but BG3 has only the first chapter and the game is probably four chapters(not sure). We can't fully judge companions like Gale and Shadowheart till the game launch. Is not like PF:WoTR where you can play the prologue + four chapters and the game is faster paced, you are leading a crusade against demon invaders on chapter 2.
Jun 6, 2010
Milan, Italy
Hexxat is probably worse vampire companion than BG3 faggot vampire.

Yep. Forgot about her. Beamdog should't have implemented a single new companion on "Enhanced edition". I din't played much DOS2, but are DOS2 companions good?
Sort of? Their writing/acting isn't terrible (but then again I think the same of the ones in BG3 so far) and their stories are SOMEWHAT INTERESTING, but the other side of the coin is that they don't really "interject" a lot in conversations and they hardly ever interact with each other. Only with the MC.

Basically, they aren't too interesting mechanically speaking, especially with the "super-convenient" but also super-lame idea of making their class completely customizable by the player, which strips them of any real identity.

Maybe Larian could have expanded some of these aspects, but they decided to waste a shitton of money writing each one of them from multiple perspectives to make them "playable Origins", instead.
And of course the gaming press loved the shit out of these features, even if you'd be hard pressed to find any of these tossers who actually played the game from multiple perspectives. Fuck their lousy life.


Just like Yves, I chase tales.
May 3, 2018
The land of ice and snow.
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth
Astarion is imo the worst vampire companion




Glory to Ukraine
Jul 11, 2019
Astarion is imo the worst vampire companion


To be fair with Larian, he is a "vampire spawn", but on D&D, vampires are :

Is a bit off topic, but I never understood the idea of "rogue vampires", when someone talk "vampire", I imagine a undead noble, with powerful servants, in a castle and a lot of ancient power and knowledge. Like Castlevania's Dracula and original Bram Stoker Dracula.

Gale is the only exception.

Which makes him interesting.

Predictability makes stories less interesting IMO. This is why I love Arueshalae so much, a Succubus struggling against her own nature and trying to understand mortals is so interesting. The vampire spawn companion, which was enslaved by a true vampire could be interesting. Imagine if the tadpole somehow broke him free from his master control and now he is struggling to deal with the vampire and tadpole condition... He could even attempt suicide and the player have the option of allow him to suicide or save him from himself.


Is a bit off topic, but did Larian confirmed that the lv cap cap on final game? Some people said 10, others that they are planing to raising it but certainly not to 20, i think that 12 is a good level cap for a 5E game. 5E doesn't seem to work well on "teen" levels(thirteen+). And I say at someone who loves high level D&D.
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Dec 13, 2019
Is a bit off topic, but I never understood the idea of "rogue vampires", when someone talk "vampire", I imagine a undead noble, with powerful servants, in a castle and a lot of ancient power and knowledge. Like Castlevania's Dracula and original Bram Stoker Dracula.
Isn't that purely stereotypical thinking? Simply because Bram Stoker's Dracula is a noble doesn't mean all vampires have to be strictly nobles. Just look at Vampire: The Masquerade. In Redemption you start as a young crusader. In Bloodlines you are more or less a nobody.

Another consideration - in a world where vampires are known enough to be feared and hunted down, it wouldn't be wise to stay in a prominent location for long. It works for Dracula, because very few know/believe the vampires exist. Also, he lives in a secluded area (rural area of Romania) and is powerful enough to not need to fear a bunch of peasants who might suspect who he is, but don't have the means to get rid of him.
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Apr 2, 2018
Yes. Are you ready for the bisexual Minsc romance, probably featuring Boo in some capacity? I am.

I would not put it past Larian to make a living statue man a option for romancing. Does he even have the parts down there and what sculptor would go to such detail?

Though it is the Forgotten Realms and I wouldn't be surprised if some deviant would have put the extra effort to do so.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
"Succubus struggling against her own nature and trying to understand mortals is so interesting."

Deja vu.


Sep 25, 2012
Strap Yourselves In Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
you start as a young crusader.
Does not rule him out from being minor nobility though.
Simply because Bram Stoker's Dracula is a noble doesn't mean all vampires have to be strictly nobles. Just look at Vampire: The Masquerade. In Redemption you start as a young crusader. In Bloodlines you are more or less a nobody.
Well yeah, but then you observe that most of the bloodsuckers you talk to in VtmB are somewhat of an elite cadre themselves. If not by ancestry then certainly by position. Except, at best, the Anarchs.


Jun 7, 2019
Is a bit off topic, but did Larian confirmed that the lv cap cap on final game? Some people said 10, others that they are planing to raising it but certainly not to 20, i think that 12 is a good level cap for a 5E game. 5E doesn't seem to work well on "teen" levels(thirteen+). And I say at someone who loves high level D&D.
From what I seem to recall it was originally meant to be 10, but then later on they retracted that statement and said the level cap would be a bit higher. I don't think we know anything beyond that.


Dec 13, 2019
Does not rule him out from being minor nobility though.
In theory, but the backstory from the manual does not indicate anything like that. Ultimately the reason for embracing Christof was because he was powerful and could prove useful for the clan.


May 4, 2020
Belgium, Ghent
Ahhh you do know that posting it for 6th time,it kind off looses its impact?!
I'm sorry Mitko, can we be friends again?

As much as degeneracy checks in,we all know that it is not him.


Ahhh because he belgian,they are timid creatures that could only backstab a dying man.
That's not true, thanks to me the bulgarian GDP increased by 15% because I hired a lot of bulgarians to work at Larian.


Perfidious Pole
Feb 17, 2011
Stealth Orbital Nuke Control Centre
Yes. Are you ready for the bisexual Minsc romance, probably featuring Boo in some capacity? I am.

I would not put it past Larian to make a living statue man a option for romancing. Does he even have the parts down there and what sculptor would go to such detail?

Bitch please.


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