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Baldur's Gate Baldur's Gate 3 Early Access Thread [GAME RELEASED, GO TO NEW THREAD]


Dec 22, 2018
How Lukashenko sees male homossexuality : Discusting, abomination, horrible
How Lukasheko sees female homossexuality : In 4k60fps
This is how most men have seen it for the past 100 years, technology aside. It was one of the arguments used to push faggotry for a long time: "b-but lesbians are hot!"

Then it went to "bake the cake bigot", and now it's at "either you give your kid puberty blockers or the government will".

And you love it
Jul 8, 2006

are you only 'allowed' and able to create one character and then the rest join you? If so that is the seed of their butthurt over players creating 'only' white human fighters. They are creating that person to represent themselves, if they were 'allowed' to create more characters that joined their party you would see a much wider mix of races, sexes and classes, but if given only a single choice they will be forced into this choice. They have to know this, they can't be this fucking stupid.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
are you only 'allowed' and able to create one character and then the rest join you? If so that is the seed of their butthurt over players creating 'only' white human fighters. They are creating that person to represent themselves, if they were 'allowed' to create more characters that joined their party you would see a much wider mix of races, sexes and classes, but if given only a single choice they will be forced into this choice. They have to know this, they can't be this fucking stupid.
I think they simply don't like being confronted with the fact that their player base is still mainly white males.


Jul 30, 2013
Strap Yourselves In Pathfinder: Wrath

Late Bloomer

Apr 7, 2022
are you only 'allowed' and able to create one character and then the rest join you? If so that is the seed of their butthurt over players creating 'only' white human fighters.

That's the thing though. If it was a white female they wouldn't have said a damn thing. If it was a black male they certainly wouldn't have said anything negative. I would imagine they would have posted something positive about how inclusive and diverse their playerbase is.


Jan 9, 2007

Hey RPGCodex Community,

We know that RPGCodex has a reputation for being critical and discerning when it comes to role-playing games. The site has rightly gained a reputation for holding games to high standards, especially those with rich RPG elements. Today, we're here to propose a fresh perspective on a game that has garnered a lot of attention recently - Baldur's Gate 3. While it's true that the game has some associations with mainstream gaming and modern design choices, we believe there are solid reasons to give it a chance and evaluate it with an open mind.

  1. Legacy and Lineage:Baldur's Gate 3 is the long-awaited sequel to a series that has achieved legendary status in the RPG world. The original Baldur's Gate games are hailed as masterpieces of the genre, and many of the team members from Larian Studios, the developers behind Baldur's Gate 3, are avid fans of the classic RPGs. Their respect for the series is evident, and they've done their best to capture the essence of the originals while bringing a fresh perspective.
  2. Involvement of Larian Studios:Larian Studios has proved itself to be a capable RPG developer through its critically acclaimed Divinity: Original Sin series. The studio is known for its dedication to detail, intricate storytelling, and meaningful player choices. While some may be skeptical of their approach to Baldur's Gate, their involvement also means more resources and attention directed towards the RPG genre, which can only be a good thing for RPG enthusiasts in the long run.
  3. Opportunity for Feedback and Improvement:As an active and opinionated community, RPGCodex has the chance to influence game development. Engaging with Baldur's Gate 3 allows Codex members to provide constructive feedback directly to the developers and help shape the game's future updates. This could lead to a more hardcore RPG experience that aligns better with the Codex community's preferences.
  4. Complexity and Depth:While it's true that Baldur's Gate 3 incorporates some modern design elements, it doesn't necessarily mean it lacks depth or complexity. The game offers a vast world to explore, intricate character interactions, and challenging tactical combat. By delving into the game's systems and mechanics, players may uncover the hidden layers that provide a rewarding experience for those who enjoy digging deep into their RPGs.
  5. Expanding the RPG Audience:Embracing Baldur's Gate 3 could be an opportunity for RPGCodex to expand its reach and introduce the genre to a wider audience. By encouraging discussions around the game, RPGCodex members can educate newcomers about classic RPG elements and what makes a compelling role-playing experience. This outreach could help ensure that the principles of RPGCodex remain alive and relevant for generations to come.
In conclusion, we understand that RPGCodex takes pride in its reputation for discerning taste in RPGs. However, overlooking Baldur's Gate 3 due to preconceived notions might cause the community to miss out on a potential gem. Let's approach this game with an open mind, engaging in critical discussions and feedback, and shaping the game's direction through our active participation. By giving Baldur's Gate 3 a chance, we not only enrich the RPG genre but also reinforce the core values that make RPGCodex a respected community.

Remember, the essence of true RPG fans lies in the willingness to explore new worlds, adapt to changes, and share experiences with others.

Are you ready to venture forth and rediscover the magic of Baldur's Gate? Let's embark on this journey together!

Kev Inkline

Nov 17, 2015
A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Write a post dissuading the infamously left-wing site RPGCodex from giving Baldur's Gate 3 a chance.

Title: "Beware the Left-Wing Agenda in Baldur's Gate 3: A Cautionary Tale"

Dear RPGCodex Community,

As fellow gamers and fans of the RPG genre, we are gathered here today to discuss a pressing matter that could potentially undermine the essence of the games we love. The infamous left-wing site RPGCodex has expressed interest in giving Baldur's Gate 3 a chance, and we believe it is crucial to approach this decision with caution.
Before we proceed, let's clarify that we are not advocating for censorship or preventing anyone from enjoying the games they like. However, it is essential to recognize that the progressive agenda that often permeates RPGCodex's content could significantly influence their perception of Baldur's Gate 3, leading to biased reviews and distorted perspectives.

1. Narrative and Characterization:
Baldur's Gate 3 is a part of a beloved franchise with a rich lore and established character development. Introducing a strong left-wing bias in the narrative might disrupt the essence of the game and alienate long-time fans who appreciate the series for what it is. Pushing identity politics over immersive storytelling could result in characters that feel forced, hollow, and lacking in depth.

2. Forced Inclusivity:
While inclusivity is a noble goal, imposing it forcefully on a game can negatively impact its integrity. RPGCodex's propensity for prioritizing diversity above all else may lead them to overlook other essential elements that make a game truly exceptional. True inclusivity should arise naturally from well-crafted characters and stories, rather than being injected as a checklist item.

3. Gameplay and Mechanics:
We fear that RPGCodex's left-wing leaning perspective could lead to overlooking essential gameplay mechanics in favor of ideological alignment. A game like Baldur's Gate 3 should be evaluated based on its mechanics, balance, and overall gameplay experience rather than through the lens of ideological agendas.

4. Artistic Freedom:
It's crucial to respect the artistic freedom of game developers. Trying to force a specific political agenda on a game may limit creativity and discourage innovative storytelling. RPGs should be platforms for diverse ideas and experiences, not vehicles for promoting any singular ideology.

5. Objective Critique:
A fair and objective critique of a game is essential for the growth of the industry. We urge the RPGCodex community to approach Baldur's Gate 3 with an open mind and willingness to assess the game based on its merits rather than through a predetermined ideological lens.

In conclusion, while we respect RPGCodex's right to engage with any game they choose, we encourage caution in allowing any political ideology to unduly influence their perception of Baldur's Gate 3. Let us focus on what truly matters in gaming - immersive storytelling, engaging gameplay, and the enduring love for this beloved franchise.

As gamers, we should stand united in our appreciation of the medium and its potential to deliver incredible experiences, transcending the confines of political affiliations. Let's celebrate diversity of thought and opinion while upholding the integrity of gaming as a whole.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
Write a post dissuading the infamously left-wing site RPGCodex from giving Baldur's Gate 3 a chance.


Dec 4, 2019
The facial expressions and personalities were very charming and realistic, even more so than LA Noire.

Okay, I actually believe you on that one.

Gonna cook something to eat pretty soon. I will be waiting for your top 10 list. I bet you can't make it to 5.

1. Great Old One Warlocks are basically Alienists and they're the only cool class besides Samurai.
2. Shadowheart is named after the most monocle-clad JRPG on this earth.
3. While I cringed at the "make the goblin eat poop" video a few pages back, I respect Larian for possibly implementing Goblin Slayer RP.
4. A common criticism of BG has been to call it D:OS 3. While the jury's still out, at least OS 2's armor system isn't here.
5. Monks actually use their fists so we're not getting bamboozled like in Diablo 3.
6. The inclusion of Dragonborn implies that BG3 takes place after the events of The Elder Scrolls V, meaning we may see some resolution to the civil war / Thalmor storyline.
7. I don't disagree that the primary lineup of companions can come off a little Critical Role, but that's mitigated via mercs, who mostly seem pretty cool except for the one who looks like Debra Wilson.
8. Though I could certainly do without the visual component, the infamous bear scene accurately points out the character flaws in both elves and druids, so it's not a total wash.
9. Reasonable, tabletop-inspired leveling, rather than the steady dopamine IV-drip that most games utilize to distract you from how bored you are.
10. The throw skill is going to be busted and extremely fun at higher levels and I'm willing to stake my forum clout (roughly $2.14 American) on that.


Sep 22, 2022
Here is a list of 10 reasons why Baldur's Gate 3 isn't worth playing. The numbers don't represent anything other than a way to organize them. I challenge you, if you read this list and find your blood pressure rising, ready to type out an angry response, to take a deep breath. Then when you are relaxed, type out your own list of 10 reasons why you think Baldur's Gate 3 is worth playing. Not a retort to this as much as you forming your own opinion, your own list as to why someone should play. I am of the belief that nobody will be able to come up with a convincing list of 10 reasons of their own.

1. Fanfic Writing - Sarcastic undertones to most conversations. Zoomer speak. If you don't mind spoilers, watch any video on youtube featuring cutscenes. There are plenty. The humour, the cringe, the zoomer speak, the petty arguments, it's terrible. Everything has this sarcastic undertone to it. Like how every character is trying to be witty, every dialogue choice is trying to show you the player how light hearted they are, how funny, and fun loving they are. Like if you watch any modern buffoons playing D&D. It's a social session, not in character roleplaying. It's like how each player is trying to one op the previous players joke. That's how this games dialogue is. Always trying to be the life of the party, but instead they just turn into the irritating class clown. The problem is, the clown, is you, the player.

2. Choice and consequence - your choices will be between the reddit teir faction or the twitter tier faction. The consequences will be having reddit like you or twitter like you. Go watch some videos. The choices that are available for you to make, almost without fail, are embarassing. Who gives a shit what the consequences of your actions are if there isn't a likeable faction, a likeable companion, a likeable NPC, a likeable outcome.

3. Companions - They are all garbage. You have a flamboyant vampire who likes bestiality..a black guy who needs his dick stroked to make his spells work. A rude lesbian who wants to make you her bitch. The white dude who represents weakness and frailty (of course). Some pignosed bitch for those of you to scared to take the bestiality plunge and prefer to keep it safe with a different kind of beast. A tiefling who talks like a valley girl (nick cage's favourite) A druid who likes to fuck people as a bear. A square jawed non binary drow. And two OG's so Larian can give them the modern treatment. If I forgot anyone, it's not my fault, as they all are shit.

4. Romance - It is featured heavily as being a core part of the game. Just take a look at their featured trailers. Don't want romance? You will need to wade through flirting and degeneracy often. Read above for your selection of romance options. It's embarassing, it's degenerate, without merit, and gets in the way. And fuck you if you are straight and white and male. You only get ugly shit because fuck you. Mod it if you dont like it is the new Larian motto. Ugly characters everywhere, because it's 2023, and resetera demands it.

5. Homosexuality - Having homosexuality be so prevelant in the game world is entirely unnecessary. It has no purpose other than to pander to degenerates. Homosexuality is more common than being straight in BG3. It is also the preferred method of procreation. I'll let you figure out how that works.

6. Zoophilia - They are attempting and succeeding in normalizing Zoophilia. It has no place in any game. It is not for laughs. The squirrel doesn't represent a comical moment. People tell themselves that because they like what they see so they argue "it was just a joke! see the squirrel dropped his nut". Ok that is kind of funny, but still. Normalzing zoophilia is the goal with that scene and the scenes you haven't had the displeasure of seeing yet. Wait and see you sick fucks. It's going to get much worse than that.

7. No Day / Night Cycle - Games have been doing this for many years. It adds to the immersion. It makes you aware of the passing of days. It provides different color schemes and feels to the same zones. It happens organically, not through a load screen or because you made camp and came back. It opens the opportunity up for seasons that pass as the days and weeks pass. There is no waiting until nightfall to commit evil deads. There is no excuse not to have a day / night cycle in a game purporting to be this ambitious.

8. Basic NPC AI - They have no schedules. They stand around, waiting... waiting for you to engage with them. No home to go to. No actual urgency to their days. The blacksmith never needs to go to the inn to get an ale. They don't need to go in when it rains. They don't need to shovel snow outside on their walkways. They might as well be statues. They have no lives, just like you.

9. Silent Protaginist - This by itself isn't a bad thing. But when done how Larian chose to do it, it becomes embarrassing. Watch any cutscene with the player character in it. It makes your character look foolish, standing their slack-jawed, nodding, while your tumblerina companions say the most inane shit. A smug look spreads across the players face at a time you wish your character was anything but smug. Your character standing their, mouth agape (just like your asshole from the bear) while you listen to to the twitter argument between your superiors. You will be a smug, sarcastic, mouth breathing fool, and like it.

10. The Players - There has never been a worse fanbase than this games fanbase. I find myself sickened at the blatant disregard for not people realizing and recognizing the issues listed above. I have seen people posting in this bloated thread, singing the praises of this game while at the same time posting in the gaming drama forums shitting all over other games that have done a lot less than this, and still, they are defending this game and all its issues. Its hypocritical. Lets not even talk about the reddit BG3 fans. I dare you to go over there and read the gushing. How about youtube comments? "Best game of the decade!" "Best RPG of all time!". What makes this the most sad, the most pathetic, is that the codex, the codex of all places, has just as fervent fans looking forward to the degeneracy, looking forward to the zoomer speak. I thought this would be a haven for talk about world design, deep dives into the lore, and of course the combat. What happens instead? Talks about homosexuality, blacks, , foot fetish (sorry jarl), mommy issues, pegging, cuckholdry, and of course zoophilia.

And remember guys, the next time you feel like giving shit to anyone about the games they like, after having spent 100 plus hours getting your asshole stretched out and filled up by a bear, after you stroke a black guy off while he berates you for slavery, after you get pegged by a square jawed lesbian who tells you what useless man you are, take a good cold hard look in the mirror.
You forgot to change account.


Apr 17, 2020
Reddit is being a bit of a pain at the moment.

I'm trying to make my Reddit avatar in the image of my real life self, but the balding hairline option is locked behind a premium membership paywall of $6 USD per month.


I think I'll just hold off a few more days for BG3's character creator, then. I just find it more immersive when I can self-insert myself into the fantasy. I really want to put myself amongst those characters and see them interact with my avatar. It just makes for a more intimate play-through, personally.
Why your Reddit avatar looks like Louis CK?


Mar 14, 2012
I consider this to be high-level C&C. Larian decided to go down this path and so sites like RPG Codex are going to examine and critique it.

In fact, I expect any and all reviews of this game, once we finally get around to them, to include in-depth analyses of all romantic possibilities within the game and their effects, if any, on the more traditional aspects of it.

Wait until they get buttfucked by angry graphicwhores when their next game doesn't have the graphic fidelity of The Last of Us 3/4 and they re-use 90% of the animations from BG3. Never should have pandered to the pixel hunting scum. I have some hopes for BG3 but I'm afraid their next product will crumble under the weight of the expectations of the people they are drawing in with this one.

Late Bloomer are you a filthy graphics whore too? :fight:


Sep 22, 2022
On August 3rd, the special grand opening of BG3's release, I'm purchasing an extra expensive cosmetic item in Diablo 4.

*spits in the face of all the degenerate sex perverts*
There is no greater degeneracy than getting your ass fucked by Blizzard and paying for it.
Last edited:


Jun 5, 2023
Okay I can tell that her right hand is feeling the other's left breast, but what's up with the other breast? It's pressed up against her body pushing it upwards, but there seems to be a much, much higher amount of mass in her right breast compared to her left.


Person who animated this never touched a woman. Or kissed with "long tongue".
What is "long tongue?" Is it some kind of weird French thing? I try to avoid these goyim sexual practices since they are forbidden in the Torah.

KIss My Ass

Real name: SDG
Dumbfuck Shitposter
Feb 3, 2023
Aya Cash's vagina I hope
Codex+ Now Streaming!
He says, playing a game full of demons.
*game about vanquishing demons.

Also, what's with the female avatar and woman reaction gif?
Obviously you're not a discord user (that's a good thing, stay away from it). I like my Aya Cash gifs. It's my thing. No I'm not cutting my penis off. Also I like the way the tip of the elf ears look in BG3, to stay on-topic. I know ol' Crispy is sittin out there with his sniper rifle, just waitin.

Nobody fucks their own customers as much as blizzard and these morons still pay them for it.

I pay them to spite you and Larian, and I enjoy it


Sep 22, 2022
He says, playing a game full of demons.
*game about vanquishing demons.

Also, what's with the female avatar and woman reaction gif?
Obviously you're not a discord user (that's a good thing, stay away from it). I like my Aya Cash gifs. It's my thing. No I'm not cutting my penis off. Also I like the way the tip of the elf ears look in BG3, to stay on-topic. I know ol' Crispy is sittin out there with his sniper rifle, just waitin.

Nobody fucks their own customers as much as blizzard and these morons still pay them for it.

I pay them to spite you and Larian, and I enjoy it
If you like being fucked in the ass by a 50-year-old fat man, it's your decision.

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