
I can throw a small child, and I have 8 strength AT BEST, so I fail to see why an experienced adventurer with 17 strength shouldn't be able to throw a halfling.Maybe swen should try and throw a normal person and see how far it will fly.BTW I wasn't kidding about being able to throw your allies during combat. Swen said that's possible too, if the throwing character has enough strength.

And there is a halfling companion??? You being 8str clearly show since you have no idea how much a 50-80 kg is,and how hard is to throw a human.
How pumped is that in real world ? Even fairly strong people would have problem throwing a grown man,let alone with all his equipment and backpack. Also it depends what do see as successful throw distance. You could throw a person,maybe a meter to three if very strong and he very skinny.Does the throwing person have 20 STR?