If that's the case, Swen, here's the list of changes to the game that would greatly help our love to bloom even more.
1) Dodge action implemented
2) Ready action/Overwatch implemented
3) Disengage nerfed to take an action
4) Casting a spell and repeated casting of that spell (speak with dead amulet) should be a single button, not two separate buttons.
5) Menacing/Pushing attack don't need to be separated into two buttons, but should instead do melee or ranged attack depending on the equipped weapon.
6) Sneak attack should not be a button at all, but should work automatically, including on opportunity attacks.
7) Reactions should be implemented properly, like in Solasta. Smites should work on the same principle.
8) Flaming sphere must take the caster's initiative, and be moved using their turn.
9) Mage hand should not be able to push people.
10) Please stop altering Shadowheart's character at Reddit's complaints.