In MYFAROG there is a rather complex alignment system. You are not "good" or "evil", but either contemplative or ecstatic; harmonic or disharmonic; spiritual or materialistic; sympathetic or unsympathetic; or neutral to all of these factors, which in MYFAROG are called attitudes.
The contemplative is intellectual, introvert and likes to meditate, think or pray. The ecstatic on the other hand is more extrovert and likes wild dancing, gorging, and other excitement, and is inclined to screaming and shouting or violence and combat. The harmonic is calm, peace seeking, balanced and conflict solving; he thinks things through before he acts. The disharmonic on the other hand is more hysterical, unbalanced, emotional and conflict seeking. “Dog does not eat dog.” The spiritual always thinks about the consequences of his actions on a spiritual level and believes in a life or at least some form of existence after death. The materialistic on the other hand only thinks about the consequences he will face in life. He might still believe in a life after death, but even if he does this belief hardly influences his actions in life. The sympathetic is considerate, altruistic, kind and empathic. The unsympathetic is more ruthless, egotistical and merciless.