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- Jul 11, 2019
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Is it mental gymnastics to recognize that some things are worse than others now?You're thinking in binary if you don't think there are different levels of degeneracy and that less degeneracy is preferable to more degeneracy.Didn't know a text sex scene compared to heavily marketed fully mo-capped sex scenes with multiple positions and sexual preference c&c. Let me know when WotR has body pillows for their glistening vampires.What is fucking wrong with that character sexualization in Dragon Age and BG3? I have bad feeling that BG3 will be another Dragon Age Inqusition for sure.
Didn't I see you jerking off to Kingmaker like yesterday? You know the game that has an Orc and Elf girl offering unsolicited threesome? This is why I can't take you guys seriously. The same design sins by mother Russia game is praised while simultaneously berated by Larian. At least be consistent.
What a shitty argument.
The principle is exactly the same, this is only a difference of budget and highlights your hypocrisy. Both are absolute decline, all you have done is decide to suck one dick and forego the other when I know for a fact that Swen's penis is as succulent as Regongar's.
Ladies and gentlemen, it's my pleasure to announce the gold medalist in mental gymnastics:
Minesweeper and dos2 both suck. Don't ask me to tell you wish one sucks more, because that would be mental gymnastics.
It's ok Onto, it's no homo as long as the gay orgy happens by text.