I haven't found party optimization to be all that important - only for starting out. Just make sure you have someone good in Religion, Healing, and Alchemy; will come in handy later. For the first few weeks. You will want to grind out your combat skills first. It doesn't matter which city you start in. Wait till night time. Then travel around the city looking for thieves to kill. Best way to get your combat skills up. Can get up to five battles per night if you're good. Once you're semi competent in battle. Start looking for quests to kill robber knights. Avoid shit where they ask you to retrieve relics. Not worth at all. Anyways. It's pretty fun. See:
Wow. So this really isn't a game that I can just jump into blindly and haggle goyim out of their money
Oh yeah. Check this site out: https://wendigo.online-siesta.com/darklands/
You will want to get Darker Backgrounds, Better Fonts, Alchemy copy protection symbols with subtitles. Make sure you read the manual too. Contains pretty much everything you need to know.
Last thing. Keep the map open. You'll need it for general navigation on the world map.