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shame people will still buy this turd, wish more would vote with their wallet.
I purchased in ARS, anyway, modders will fix BG3. Things that needs to be modded to make BG3 good,
Is like Neverwinter Nights 2. NWN2 is awful without mods like Spell Fixes but with Spell Fixes becomes a great game. I'm sure that BG3 heavily modded will become a great game. Without mods, will be a boring chore. One question. IF someone modds 3e or 2e into the game, do you guys think that WoTC will DMCA the mod?
- 3rd edition or 2nd edition hit point values. No more spiders with 144 hp, able to soak 6 shots from a 9 pound cannon(22 damage on average - source ).
- 3rd edition or 2nd edition spells
- The rest of previous edition ruleset if possible.
- Speed up animations in turn based mode
- Remove the awful single summon limit. You can't have mage hand + familiar
It’s a 5E game. Tweak 5E or bad Larian tweaks but don’t try to shoehorn it into some game you’ve got in your head that you autistically want to keep playing the rest of your life. Too many people did that with P:K (and 3.5 and/or MMOs) with or without mods and ended up causing a minor trainwreck that’s still ongoing into how people try (and fail) to play Wrath.
The number of people trying to do this (and the ongoing popularity of the games built on earlier editions) suggests that there may be a market for new games using those editions. No reason to turn a 5E game into an abortion that honors neither.
You know, if you don't wanna to play a hypotetical 3rd edition conversion in a mod, you can just .... NOT DOWNLOAD THE MOD. When I played Solasta, with 50% enemy health and 200% damage taken, I had way more fun than in my vanilla first run, same with NWN2 + Spell Fixes. I am glad that we are finally getting 5E adaptations into CRPG's, but if I can play the same adventure in 5E or previous editions, I will chose previous editions.
Lets be real, 3E has a lot of adaptations. ToEE, SW:Kotor 1/2, NWN1/2, DDO, IWD 2, and the Pathfinder Games which are 3.75. Not counting the OGL games like KoTC 1/2 and Low Magic Age. 5E untill Solasta and BG3 only got mobile cashgrabs. I don't wanna BG3 to be 3.*E or 2E but I wanna mods to make this options available for "grognards".
I’d rather the grogs focus on making 5E playable or better get started putting together all the best ideas into a dominant 6E that we can get a new generation hooked on.
People try to play PF as 3.75 but that makes them suck. It’s more like 4th Edition done right. I may never get to play the cRPG adaptions of 5E because they seem to be made by and for psychopaths but I don’t want to prejudge before I get to play the release version of BG3.
Hopefully Sven won’t gratuitously accuse me of genocide and force me to return the game so I can get a feel for it. I liked D:OS II at least until the D3 style item chasing got to be too much.