hey, birthright was gud!
Didn't say it was bad (though most of the things in that list are bad), just that it isn't usually discussed and is more obscure.
hey, birthright was gud!
Be warned, there are some true pieces of shit in here and this is just off the top of my head
Those are not P&P adaptaions, are Dungeons & Dragons complete bastardizations like sword coast legends and warriors of the waterdeep. When I said "not counting shit like SCL", I was excluding such bastardizations.
Baldur's Gate starts by handing you over 5 fetch quests and surrounding you with 20 priests who tell you exactly how you need to play the game, you fucking muppet.Retard take #1234I would rate Larian's EA experience *far* above Obsidian's NWN2 Official Campaign at release, and even today.
I played that. It was shit but it was at least memorable, probably not so much for people playing it now but when it came out there was a fair bit of "I'm going to keep playing this because I can see the ghost of a cool game in here" going on. It was made worse because Conqueror AD 1086 came out a few years earlier and was a better mix of shitty RPG and strategy game, which is also something that people shouldn't bother with now since Mount and Blade is largely a straight improvement. Though I say all this and I haven't played either one for decade(s) now so it's theoretically possible they're better than I remember, I see there's a GoG version of Conqueror so maybe I'll look at that at some point just because I can be lazy.
Rat bashing's a proud tradition! The child of Bhaal's gotta start somewhere.Baldur's Gate starts by handing you over 5 fetch quests and surrounding you with 20 priests who tell you exactly how you need to play the game, you fucking muppet.
Hatred for Larian has just blinded you.
Baldur's Gate starts by handing you over 5 fetch quests and surrounding you with 20 priests who tell you exactly how you need to play the game, you fucking muppet.
I love BG1’s opening because it really takes its time while introducing you to the base game mechanics. But most importantly the opening in BG1 is a big hint for a player on how the world works: the game requires a player to be proactive exploring it. This is where the main difference between the BG1 and its sequel is most clearly seen with Irenicus’ dungeon being basically a railroad with its every room having a purpose in advancing the story.Honestly even with my annoyance that you take a brief stint in hell at level one with BG3 opening I think I'd still take it over BG1's opening.
Volourn who hates being quoted said:Irenicus' dungeon was awesome. One if the best, deepest prologues ever. The only thing missing is the ability to bang the dryads. The only people who whine about it are those who are idiots and/or played the game a dozen times.
I doubt it. The game does not explain stuff like THAC0 or saves, because these are covered in the manual, which was the old way (evenmoreso for the adventure games, when manuals were used as the anti-piracy measures). The contemporary standard is to explain stuff like this in the in-game tutorials, so it's yet another indicator as to who we're talking about (a modern player). However, with the internet the way it is now looking up this kind of information is really not an issue, meaning this is - beyond reasonable doubt - the real example of some annoying whiner who would complain about his own inadequacy rather than solve his problems. I mean, any sensible person who doesn't get the rules would check up on them, rather than play for 46 hours and make a review about not understanding what's going on. Conclusion - this is a manchild or just a stupid kid, but the review is likely genuine deal made by a real person.46 hours to get out of the starting dungeon and 77 hours on record? That has to be bullshit where the second guy is making fun of the first guy.
Your dude gains 2 levels over the course of a single day by attending a festival and participating in a militia and somehow that is not incongruous to you.You start at lv 3 after the tutorial in a village under attack
how can he play 12 hours in starting dungeon if he has only 7 hours played total?
5 hours offlinehow can he play 12 hours in starting dungeon if he has only 7 hours played total?
Your dude gains 2 levels over the course of a single day by attending a festival and participating in a militia and somehow that is not incongruous to you.You start at lv 3 after the tutorial in a village under attack
Codex will have to come to terms with the fact BG2 was never good.
Modern reviewers exposed the game for what it is... average.
But don't lose hope Codex, Larian will not disappoint you!.
Especially funny when you unironically write this again in a context of that old interview link which tells us that even half of Larian crew didn't know why BG3 is supposed to be a big deal. And in a context that you yourself like to repeat about dozens of gigabites mocap porn with Astarion.Except by Larian cultists, everyone agrees that is the worst D&D CRPG adaptation(not counting shit like SCL) but will sell well cuz brand recognition.
I read the official updates from Larian and Sven which is always humorous, honest and relevant