That's my point: you are specifically imagining a quest POORLY designed to fit the constraints of the game and attempting to use it as an excuse for dismissing an entire set of features that could be, you know, used properly instead.
Did I imagine the existence of these plot elements? No? Maybe you should use a different word.
And a quest? Wtf are you talking about? This is the main plot of the game. You can claim it's "poorly designed" all you want. It is what it is. For all you know, Wizards specifically asked for this plot.
It doesn't "need to" because time-skipping remains an option.
Remains? Where was the "time skip" button in BG 1 & 2?
But sure, do that. Again:
And if you had time run uncompressed and the odd rest issues don't bother you, you'd still have the issue of this constant timer running that the devs have no control over story-wise. What happens if the player goes afk and a day passes? Lots of tracking to be done that doesn't need to be.
It's a problem that doesn't need to be there. That primarily appeals to people who have long arguments about theoretical RPG features.
I would have cut it, and if it were your production time on the line, so would you.
We already went through it: a BASIC implementation of a day/night cycle even in absence of super-complex scheduling ALREADY comes with its own set of benefits and improvement to the game's immersion.
Cosmetic. Benefits.
On top of that it ALSO sets the foundations to build more over it, expand, improve and add content tailored around the feature.
For FREE mods that no one will PAY the company making the game for.
You realize that this will take a programmer to implement, right? Who will pay that programmer? You? The five other people on this forum who care?
No, you expect Larian to foot the bill because you totally promise that some mod later on will draw more customers to the game for this feature only a few people will give a shit about.
Conversely starting from the beginning with "I don't know if we should do it. It can be a lot of work to make it AWESOME, so let's build the rest and then evaluate"
Speaking of not knowing what you're talking about. How do you know that's the conversation that took place?
The whole reason I'm pointing out quest design is an issue is because it likely played a part in the decision not to add day/night when the game was still in the concept stage.
It doesn't mean I can't argue why that was not a good decision or worse that I should be the bling fanboy and attempt to rationalize why "that was achtually for the best" like you are doing.
I already said I'm not pleased with the game. I've complained about several features. That's not being a fanboy, is it?
You're nitpicking and getting upset with me over a non-issue. That's the problem I have with it.