Jump is not on any shortcut.... why?
The real question is: why is it even in the game? What's the point of it?
"Hey look, there's a chasm (or an obstacle, or a difference in altitude) between where I am and where I want to go... hmmm, let's see how I can overcome this unexpected and surprising challenge... oh yes, I know: I can jump!"
Now do that 100 times.
The worst part is that the game also explicitly tells you "no, you can't go there with a simple left-click: you have to use your jump". I mean, okay? Just activate the jump instead of asking me to do it, it's not like there's some sort of resources management involved.
Not to mention the fact that it completely invalidates core mechanics of 5E's combat system. Basically everyone has the Rogue's Cunning Action feature, it's ridiculous.