La vie sexuelle
There's probably a technical reason for it. They're using their own in-house engine, so who knows. There's also the issue of this having mocaped dialog and things looking weird in cutscenes if the faces are too morphed, I guess.You can't change your face but you can change your genital's and pubes. Jesus Christ Larian! You have gone out of your way to please the worst kind of female gamers with romances and fujoshi baiting but you decided to not add the thing that female gamers demand that you add in a game and that has a character creator. The RaceGen mod for Skyrim is the most popular mod on the Nexus and for good reasons. I can't believe they didn't learn anything from the 12+ years since Skyrim has been out. If the mods there are any indication players want a character creator that isn't ass and a hot female companion who they can romance. Instead you make restriction on the character creator and every female companion in the game looks like she has been hit hard with the ugly stick and cucks you. Fucking great game design right there.
They use quite advanced face motion-capture, but this probably is limiting possibilities to premade heads.