In two hours of testimony I learned of a hidden network of animal sex offenders who communicate in online chat rooms. According to HSUS,
at any given time 900-1,000 bestiality networks are communicating, exchanging tips and trading animals. They call themselves “zoos” and
one group has over one million members.
On April 15, 2015
Reuters reported on bestiality in Denmark and cited a 2011 Justice Ministry report that found
17% of veterinarians suspected a human had sex with an animal they treated. (sic)
An expert on animal
sexual abuse,
M. Jenny Edwards offers sobering data to consider.1
56% of male sex offenders, 55% of female sex offenders, 38% of child sex offenders, and 11% of rapists reports having sexually abused an animal.
29% of inmates arrested for
pornography-related offenses collected animal porn as well as child porn.
25% of men who viewed adult pornography online also viewed animal porn.
6% of juvenile male offenders admitted to sexual contact with an animal.
35% of arrests for bestiality also involve child sexual abuse or exploitation. In addition, nearly 40% of offenders have prior criminal records for bestiality, child sexual abuse,
domestic violence, battery, adult rape,
substance abuse, trespass, public indecency, even murder.