So you will end up with level 5 guy with two classes,that sound like being doubly useless . By the end of the game you will be able to cast a fireball lol. Multy classing is pretty shit at such low level campaigns. It comes in to being a great thing later one,when you could nuke shit with both wizard and clerical high level spells. For such low level campaign it would be bets to run with pure class to get the most power possible.Yeah, add to that "thrilling" gameplay of 1-3 lvl. On the other hand, BG1 had what, 7-8 cap? So we can call that improvementStill 10 levels from a modern day rpg is weird,it will either be a very short game or very tedious one. I can't see it being an epic as promised by the larian trailers. You will not be fighting mind flayers or dragons in this one......or they just fuck it up and make them some weak copies of what they should be. Levelling up half the fun of a RPG,having only 9 level up,say an hour per level....that will be like 10 hour game. Spacing them farer it will make the game more of a slog than anything. What,killing kobolds and goblins for 10 hours,till you hit level 6?
Anyway, at least they will implement multiclassing so it could be interesting enough in regard of progression.
That aside i do enjoy the low level slug if it is not too long . It feels good to become a god from a mud stain . Also BGEE did speed up the levelling and raised the cap,it feels better than the original in that way. I believe the levelling cap became 12-15 maybe.