When people talk about balance what they mean can be either one of two things:Ahhh that is my point lol,balance is the killer of fun. It is thing that lets old people and journos to finish the first level. If i see a fucking dragon,i want to be able to go and get my ass handled 100 times and kill the bastard on my 101 time! Stop boggling us down with your lack of skills mate.
What ruins the immersion is allowing the player to do whatever he likes and act like a God. It makes the setting and the game world infantile and childish. What is worse, but not surprisingly, is that all this freedom is usually accompanied by terrible combat systems and a lack of challenge. What is fun for this breed of mongoloid irrationalist player is poison to me.HE is right; balance kills immersion, freedom, variety and fun.
What ruins the immersion is allowing the player to do whatever he likes and act like a God. It makes the setting and game world look infantile and childish. Not surprisingly, all this freedom is usually accompanied by terrible combat systems and lack of challenge. What is fun for this breed of mongoloid irrationalist player is poison to me.
Depends what you mean by oldschool. Would you say that Bloodlines is oldschool? I don't think it is. I know that the combat sucks and that you can breeze throughout the game with terrible builds because the character system is fluffy. People usually talk about the first FOs as if they were this massive open game where you can do whatever you like. This is irrationalist revisionism, of course. There is no such thing. There is plenty of gated content and soul-crushing mistakes.NAme one old school RPG where it happens. Just one.
Depends what you mean by oldschool. Would you say that Bloodlines is oldschool? I don't think it is. I know that the combat sucks and that you can breeze throughout the game with terrible builds because the character system is fluffy. People usually talk about the first FOs as if they were this massive open game where you can do whatever you like. This is irrationalist revisionism, of course. There is no such thing. There is plenty of gated content and soul-crushing mistakes.
What usually happens in RPGs to cause the power creep is the constant growth of the player's toolbox with more and more ludicrous powers because the designers run out of ideas. That's why I started advocating staggered spell circle acquisition in D&D. NPCs become more and more limited the more ridiculous spells and abilities we have, including in terms of AI. Numbers, like damage values and health pools, are easy to tweak, but actual effects are harder.
That's called *gasp* balance. Sometimes it works by buffing enemies, but sometimes the culprits are the player abilities.VtMB is more like a social game than a action challenging game.
That said, the problem on VtMB difficulty can be solved in a way that makes sense. Eg
- Give incendiary .410 judge revolvers to vampire hunters
- Make enemies use disciplines on you with far greater frequency
- Make you unable to carry an arsenal on your backpack, so you need to walk with a long weapon(shotgun/rifle) and 2 short weapons at max
- Make Bruno Giovanni use advanced necromancy disciplines
- Make money harder to obtain
- Make certain disciplines like Thaumaturgy requires that you talk with Maximillian Strauss and do quests for him, instead of just learning from the menu
- Gives Apex to some enemies
- Reduce the healing rate for aggravated damage even more
- Improve enemy AI
Not all of them at once and, like I said, sometimes the abilties themselves are a problem and need to go.Any spell/weapon/feat/etc that a PC can take, a NPC can take.
How does that work in 5e? With ToEE's max level of 10, 3.5, you could still fight a Balor. Or Iuz.Considering lv cap = 10, you will not fight much dragons...
An argument for turn based - The Magnificent Seven argument
Oct 30, 2002
How does that work in 5e? With ToEE's max level of 10, 3.5, you could still fight a Balor. Or Iuz.
That's called *gasp* balance. Sometimes it works by buffing enemies, but sometimes the culprits are the player abilities.
No shit.VtMB is more like a social game than a action challenging game.
Bloodbuff is a Discipline that all the vampires have, no matter the clan.
It gives the vampire a temporary boost to their physical abilities, so they may overcome obstacles such as picking locks or melee fighting.
With RTwP, and given a functional AI (but not a competent one), the game input needed from the player is: watch the overall proceedings of the battle and periodically adjust the decisions of the AI to more competent ones. That makes the critical moments of the battle - the moments that decide whether or not you will succeed - first and foremost based on whether you twitched at the right time.
Next time quote the entire fucking post.TB has always been because of technical limitations
It's the same as to say painting only existed because of technical limitations, and now as we have photos we don't need it.
It''s totally wrong.
Reads "Your stat/skill choices don't matter. This game will allow you to use your health bar to surpass any skill check or encounter". Ain't it grand? Now I don't have to worry about menial tasks such as character building anymore. Much better because it adds immersum to muh freedom!
You are living in an imaginary world nobody is advocating for.Depends the way that you call """balance""" but uter removing nosferatu because "it is too hard" and removing thaumaturgy because "it is too good" or nerfing thaumaturgy would be silly. Would kill variety, immersion, fun and etc.
All challenge ratings have been lowered to accommodate the lowered max lvl of 20.How does that work in 5e? With ToEE's max level of 10, 3.5, you could still fight a Balor. Or Iuz.
In fact, planning for the enemy's turn is what makes TB so interesting.
n fact, planning for the enemy's turn is what makes TB so interesting.
Yes. Yes it would.Are people really defending RTwP over TB?I love BG1+2 as much as the next guy and I've sunk a lot of hours in them but never have I been thinking that TB would've made them worse.
Yes. Yes it would.
a party of 4 lvl 10 in 5e can face an adult green dragon, deadly ecounter (Doable in 5e a decent fight is generally ranked Deadly by the CR calculation in particular a boss fight).How does that work in 5e? With ToEE's max level of 10, 3.5, you could still fight a Balor. Or Iuz.