No we'd rather play pretend that we are doing that while sitting all alone with a piece of software that doesn't even do a particularly good job at trying.Are we actually going to act like dnd 2e is even good? Does anyone even play Table top rpgs? You're telling me you're willing to sit at a table with 4 other degenerates trying to roll play some crap while you add up a bunch of numbers?
As opposing to one that at least tries to do a good job OR one that lets you be that manly Viking type that shouts at dragons (is it that hard to not give a fuck about what a bunch of basement dwelling weirdoes say?).
Not to mention those that leave all that dweeby shit behind and let you pelt enemy with hundreds of nukes ow your own design from a glorious flying fortress of metal and ceramic that pumps tons of hydrogen per second through white hot nuclear reactor to fling it at enemy tens of times faster than the fastest rifle bullet while cutting anything that comes near into ribbons with rapid firing guns based on the fastest high explosives known to Man and piercing whatever survives by pouring more energy than generated by an entire nation into spears of light hotter than the heart of the Sun.
But sure, do pretend you are playing DnD using crappy piece of software that is not even good at doing that, because it was cobbled from a hastily refurbished wreck of an RTS when it turned out its makers won't manage to make a marketable one even when RTSes sold like they were buns still warm from the oven, do poke fun at those who can at least play actual DnD, and do derive your pathetic little pride out of that.
I mean people can be proud of weirdest things these days, so why not playing games that pretend to be tabletop, except poorly?