Disco Hitler
Wow. Good oneThis is a good thing. 2e was kind of shit and tablet top is definitely shit.
"Tablet" top is shit to you because the first requirement to play it is to have friends.

Wow. Good oneThis is a good thing. 2e was kind of shit and tablet top is definitely shit.
"Tablet" top is shit to you because the first requirement to play it is to have friends.
Onto, I did it! Now I finally understand where all your hate for TB and D&D stems from.Okay, enough Ontopoly for today. I need a little rest.
As is typical of a TBers. This is a forum. You can take all the time you need. Don't strain yourself too much in such a short amount of time
But sure, do pretend you are playing DnD
I'm not pretending to play dnd because dnd is trash. I'm actually playing a crpg. One that recognized that something as bad as dnd has some redeemable qualities and that if we take the good and leave the bad we can get an actual good product. One that will shape the industry only for some newbies to come in later and try to butcher it or shit talk it because they're basic bitches and lack perspective about the industry.
Do you honestly enjoy waiting around a table while some idiot takes 5 minutes to make a decision and when he finally finishes the next guy takes another 5? Something about TBers just makes them love waiting. Living at a snails pace. They probably can't even handle that.
Wow. Good oneThis is a good thing. 2e was kind of shit and tablet top is definitely shit.
"Tablet" top is shit to you because the first requirement to play it is to have friends.. The most basic comeback from the most basic rpg player. Good thing people liked you exist otherwise 250 Larian employees would need to find new work and would have to actually try to create something worth being proud of.
Numbers don't show up on your screen if your on mobile, I would have had to look it up on my profile for a part off my comment that isn't even that important to what I'm trying to say. Why would I need to put the exact number when it's around 600 when just saying 600 is close enough. You Larian fucks are really caught up on typos and little things like that for some reason. I guess it's just an easy way to attack someone. Lazy.Wow. Good oneThis is a good thing. 2e was kind of shit and tablet top is definitely shit.
"Tablet" top is shit to you because the first requirement to play it is to have friends.. The most basic comeback from the most basic rpg player. Good thing people liked you exist otherwise 250 Larian employees would need to find new work and would have to actually try to create something worth being proud of.
A good table top session expects the player to be creative and capable of interacting with other people. I understand why this would threaten you as you can't autisticly solve every challenge with a character build spreadsheet and number crunching - although I'm surprised this is where you want to make your stand seeing as you have difficulties counting up to 600.
Wow. Good oneThis is a good thing. 2e was kind of shit and tablet top is definitely shit.
"Tablet" top is shit to you because the first requirement to play it is to have friends.. The most basic comeback from the most basic rpg player. Good thing people liked you exist otherwise 250 Larian employees would need to find new work and would have to actually try to create something worth being proud of.
A good table top session expects the player to be creative and capable of interacting with other people. I understand why this would threaten you as you can't autisticly solve every challenge with a character build spreadsheet and number crunching - although I'm surprised this is where you want to make your stand seeing as you have difficulties counting up to 600.
Numbers don't show up on your screen if your on mobile, I would have had to look it up on my profile for a part off my comment that isn't even that important to what I'm trying to say. Why would I need to put the exact number when it's around 600 when just saying 600 is close enough. You Larian fucks are really caught up on typos and little things like that for some reason. I guess it's just an easy way to attack someone. Lazy.Wow. Good oneThis is a good thing. 2e was kind of shit and tablet top is definitely shit.
"Tablet" top is shit to you because the first requirement to play it is to have friends.. The most basic comeback from the most basic rpg player. Good thing people liked you exist otherwise 250 Larian employees would need to find new work and would have to actually try to create something worth being proud of.
A good table top session expects the player to be creative and capable of interacting with other people. I understand why this would threaten you as you can't autisticly solve every challenge with a character build spreadsheet and number crunching - although I'm surprised this is where you want to make your stand seeing as you have difficulties counting up to 600.
Why would I need to put the exact number when it's around 600 when just saying 600 is close enough. You Larian fucks are really caught up on typos and little things like that for some reason.
and 5e is the edition with a focus on creativity and improvisation, this is why 5e is light on detailed rule for everything and number crunching.
So, in your opinion, Baldur's Gate 1 & 2 have "math, complicated rules, spreadsheets and build planning"?and 5e is the edition with a focus on creativity and improvisation, this is why 5e is light on detailed rule for everything and number crunching.
And we are supposed to be excited about CRPG adaption of the rules that built around "imagination" and "creativity" of the diverse drama club that current gen of PnP players turned into?
Who hate math, complicated rules, spreadsheets, build planning, challenging combat and combat in general? (And probably any challenge in general too, since failure makes them feel bad so it is bad design)?
Who hate everything what I love CRPGs for.
You just write random stuff because you want to hate something you don’t know.and 5e is the edition with a focus on creativity and improvisation, this is why 5e is light on detailed rule for everything and number crunching.
And we are supposed to be excited about CRPG adaption of the rules that built around "imagination" and "creativity" of the diverse drama club that current gen of PnP players turned into?
Who hate math, complicated rules, spreadsheets, build planning, challenging combat and combat in general? (And probably any challenge in general too, since failure makes them feel bad so it is bad design)?
Who hate everything what I love CRPGs for.
Can you make even a single example of "build planning" in Baldur's Gate that goes deeper than "I'm gonna select this race and this class"? I guess you can select your weapon, but that can be considered "build planning" only if you are mentally impaired.
It does allow you to do that but why would anyone do it? There's a trick with 1 HP mage but that's a Bioware thing. I'm not sure where this obsession with bad builds comes from.
and 5e is the edition with a focus on creativity and improvisation, this is why 5e is light on detailed rule for everything and number crunching.
And we are supposed to be excited about CRPG adaption of the rules that built around "imagination" and "creativity" of the diverse drama club that current gen of PnP players turned into?
Who hate math, complicated rules, spreadsheets, build planning, challenging combat and combat in general? (And probably any challenge in general too, since failure makes them feel bad so it is bad design)?
Who hate everything what I love CRPGs for.
I don't understand why he's mad at me. I'm elevating the BG franchise to new heights and correct the mistakes of the past by turning to real D&D with TB gameplay. When I'm finished with BGIII, nobody will care anymore about BGII. I am the king of CRPG's.
It's just a question of how much time are you willing to spend to learn the system.
Actually it's BioWare that used the trademark for something unrelated since BG2 was not set anywhere near Baldur's Gate.It's Larian using the trademark for something unrelated, same as Beth with Fallout. Even worse, since Beth used the setting, whereas here even that's not the case.
this is the RPG equivalent of a nanny statewhat 5e cut on purpose is the splatbook bloat with tons of unbalanced subclass and feats.
You know you can do all that even with D&D 5, right?Can you make even a single example of "build planning" in Baldur's Gate that goes deeper than "I'm gonna select this race and this class"? I guess you can select your weapon, but that can be considered "build planning" only if you are mentally impaired.
It still allows you to make 1 HP mage, specialize in weapon that barely exist in the game or make warrior who is unable to wear a metal armor due to its weight.
Don't be silly. 5D is perfect!You know you can do all that even with D&D 5, right?Can you make even a single example of "build planning" in Baldur's Gate that goes deeper than "I'm gonna select this race and this class"? I guess you can select your weapon, but that can be considered "build planning" only if you are mentally impaired.
It still allows you to make 1 HP mage, specialize in weapon that barely exist in the game or make warrior who is unable to wear a metal armor due to its weight.
You can create a Wizard with 3 in Constitution, so that you start with 2 hit points on level 1 and barely gain any additional hit points levelling up. Having 20 hit points at level 20 is exactly like having 1.
You can specialize in a weapon that barely exists: you just need to use that weapon. Since it's a "flavor" thing that doesn't impact rules, your weapon of choice can be anything.
You can make a warrior who is unable to wear a metal armor due to its weight: you just need to make a warrior who's Strength score doesn't allow him to wear heavy armors.
More like newb traps that you'll avoid on your second character already. PnP doesn't work like a video game, if the players have created sub-optimal builds (or selected bad classes) the DM will adapt the campaign to suit their characters. There is no such thing in a video game and that's why balance is so difficult. Do you balance the game around the worst possible builds or the best possible builds? Something in the middle? Which middle? etc. You can't talk about bad builds in a PnP context the same was as in a video game.It is less about Bad Builds and more about Freedom of Failure that was systematically weeded out of any "popular" RPGs that hope to attract casual crowd alike to PnP's drama clubs.
DM will adapt the campaign to suit their characters.
Putting a troll face after every post doesn't automatically make you clever or cheeky or some master troll. It just makes you an idiot that's too afraid to commit to what you're saying.Literally close enough?
No but there's a way to stop you from being bugged by it. It's called not being a bitchCan you ignore not a user, but any conversation between two specific users on this forum?
Asking for a friend.
Swear to god people who genuinely think they are smart for being able to beat a single-player video game are the most sadcringe people. It's not difficult to beat Pathfinder on the highest difficulty or Dark Souls, or whichever old/new game you want to pick as a metric for challenge. It's just a question of how much time are you willing to spend to learn the system. I can appreciate a competitive FPS/RTS/MOBA player that's in the top 1% of their game but at least they have made a successful career at it and are making a living of it.