They sent in the youngsters, which was why you were slaughtering them so easily. The really old ones like Zeeaire don't leave the Astral, which was why when you forced her into the Material, she was severely weakened and was in deep doo-doo.The gith wouldn't want to be on Toril. It screws them up big time with the aging thing.After seeing the Nautiloid, I'm getting a vibe that githyanki will play a part in the story. The CHARNAME will travel to the astral plane and will somehow get the Githyanki to counter the Illithid threat and work on a solution to ensure that both the gith and flayers fuck off from Toril afterwards.
Didn't stop them from breached Toril before in BG2 when they intercepted CHARNAME looking for their silver sword.
They probably will just handwave the astral plane time catch-up/dilation stuff away.
Would the transition affect someone like Vlaakith? With her being a lich and whatnot. Plus the Gith are pretty longlived, 200+ year lifespans. I'm sure dipping into the material (or any plane with linear time traits) ain't no thing at this point for them. Chilling out on dead gods in the Astral Plane has gotta to get boring for them eventually.