It would be weird if 100 soldiers, capable of piercing the dragon in question, wouldn't be able to kill it. I prefer 5e's approach in this case.
Except that Tiamat is supposed to be a deity. Anything weaker than the strongest epic weapon and strongest spell should't even scratch a deity... That was the case on 3.5e.
everything can be killed by rolling enough 20s
Not true. To mention some things that ALL deities has on 3.5e >
some rules for deities on 3.5e said:
]Always Maximize Roll
Greater deities (rank 16-20) automatically get the best result possible on any check,
saving throw,
attack roll, or damage roll. Calculate success, failure, or other effects accordingly. When a greater deity makes a check, attack, or save assume a 20 was rolled and calculate success or failure from there. A d20 should still be rolled and used to check for a threat of a
critical hit. This quality means that greater deities never need the
Maximize Spell feat, because their spells have maximum effect already.
Deity Damage Reduction
- Quasi-deity (0) 10/epic
- Demigod (1-5) 15/epic
- Lesser deity (11-15) 20/epic
- Intermediate deity (11-15) 25/epic
- Greater deity (16-20) 30/epic
Spell Resistance
A deity has
spell resistance of 32 + its divine rank.
source >
That means that a soldier with a heavy crossbow(d10) will need to score a critical to damage even the weakest quasi deity with divine rank = 0. And will just deal zero damage on anything above the weakest lesser deity, even with criticals. Magicians in other hands, in order to a sorcerer makes any spell works against the weakest quasi deity, he needs to be at least lv 12 and even in that case, is only 5% of chance on hitting the weakest quasy deity. Of course i an not considering spell penetration, it would reduce the minimum level required to 8.
And even if you pick greater spell penetration(+4 to penetrate spell resistance), a lv 20 magician will have little chances ot hitting any deity ( 24 + D20 ) VS ( 32 + deity rank ) and any greater deity is literally out of grasp. And if he uses any spell which doesn't allow SR, the deity will get 20 on saves. And keep in mind that deities of rank 1 and above can easily create magical items which can give more SR, have followers, a divine realm where he can teleport back and if fighting a deity outside of his plane is already hard enough, imagine fighting on his realm.
If dragonic auras already are a pain in the **** mainly when the dragon dispels protections, imagine the deity's aura... Tiamat in other hands on 5e, looks like just a Giant multihead lizard. Not much different than a dragon. Gods should be epic. Kraken should be a poodle compared to any water deity.
"but you can fight lantern king on kingmaker" yes, but you weaken him a lot and is a party vs him.
Anyway, i an happy to see that they only ruined Tiamat on 5e. I an of the opinion that not including something is better than ruining it. And thus, the lv cap = 10 from BG3 doesn't seem that bad. Between it or ruining all high level spells... I just wish that the lv cap was 12, so we can see fighters with 3 attacks per rounds and other interesting stuff.