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May 2, 2021
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming!
I don't give a fuck about sexuality and shit. It is the manner in which it is shoehorned into the game, presumably to add more "depth" to the characters, but it just ends up making them more stupid and ends in cringe.
Is it too much to ask that modern devs and writers don't insert every one of their closet fetishes into their works?
If you see the type of profiles that end up being modern video-game writers, I do think you are expecting too much. I expect most video-game writers these days to have never interacted with a real person, let alone be emotionally stable.


Jan 1, 2016
I remember once being on a forum where there were some gay posters. These gay posters were joking about how conservatives (or religious folks or whatever) always say gays are coming after the kids. They chuckled like it was a deluded relic belief that would disappear soon, in the light of reason. Something was off-putting about this even though I wasn't a homophobe of any stripe.... perhaps the flippancy with which they talked about something as massive to people as the welfare of their children.

A marginal community that has no children naturally, is not going to be the ideal community to govern what helps or hinders the average family unit. They simply have no stake in it. Why would they care about the long term prospects of well-adjusted children, help straight reproduction, help a nuclear family, etc? There are all sorts of fundamental conflicts of interest like this in our world that are not allowed to be noted.

I take it there are a couple of gay posters here, defending some of this drag queen story hour stuff. Not all gays would defend it, because some are self-aware enough to know they don't really want their niche identity going mainstream, and that they have no right getting into straight people's affairs. If you are intensely honest, you should be able to recognise biases in yourself. Most people are not self-aware enough to actually to so, when it comes to race, sex or gay stuff; it's too fundamental to their conception of self, where politics has become identity.

The absolute screetching in the last two pages about how realistic representation is akin to erasing gays, just goes to show how hobbies get subverted. You can't settle for a few non-intrusive gay characters in a largely straight world, like real life. It has to become "conversion therapy" for straights, and you cannot see the irony.


Jun 19, 2018
Haven't seen any gayness yet except for astarion but 1 look at him and you know to leave him out of the party. So far only two chicks relentlessly fighting for MC's approval and constantly catfighting which feels very NWN2 although a bit tuned down.
I have no doubt it will come around though...


Sep 6, 2022
I remember once being on a forum where there were some gay posters. These gay posters were joking about how conservatives (or religious folks or whatever) always say gays are coming after the kids. They chuckled like it was a deluded relic belief that would disappear soon, in the light of reason. Something was off-putting about this even though I wasn't a homophobe of any stripe.... perhaps the flippancy with which they talked about something as massive to people as the welfare of their children.
Slippery Slope is real.
Remember that creepy "We'll corrupt your children" song made by deranged fags.


May 2, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
I remember once being on a forum where there were some gay posters. These gay posters were joking about how conservatives (or religious folks or whatever) always say gays are coming after the kids. They chuckled like it was a deluded relic belief that would disappear soon, in the light of reason. Something was off-putting about this even though I wasn't a homophobe of any stripe.... perhaps the flippancy with which they talked about something as massive to people as the welfare of their children.

A marginal community that has no children naturally, is not going to be the ideal community to govern what helps or hinders the average family unit. They simply have no stake in it. Why would they care about the long term prospects of well-adjusted children, help straight reproduction, help a nuclear family, etc? There are all sorts of fundamental conflicts of interest like this in our world that are not allowed to be noted.

I take it there are a couple of gay posters here, defending some of this drag queen story hour stuff. Not all gays would defend it, because some are self-aware enough to know they don't really want their niche identity going mainstream, and that they have no right getting into straight people's affairs. If you are intensely honest, you should be able to recognise biases in yourself. Most people are not self-aware enough to actually to so, when it comes to race, sex or gay stuff; it's too fundamental to their conception of self, where politics has become identity.

The absolute screetching in the last two pages about how realistic representation is akin to erasing gays, just goes to show how hobbies get subverted. You can't settle for a few non-intrusive gay characters in a largely straight world, like real life. It has to become "conversion therapy" for straights, and you cannot see the irony.
Nigga did you just write this epic to justify not bringing Astarion with you?
Jun 21, 2023
The Weird West
Well, my question was "Why bear sex?". I wasn't aware it was a joke. It may very well be one, but to say it is JUST that is disingenuous. They absolutely knew it would cause people to talk and, ultimately, would be good press, whether controversial or not. Bestiality has long been said by more reactionary fearmongers than I as the next thing to become normalized, along with MAPs, etc. I don't see this happening, but if Larian are moden humans and online humans, they know of this, and were absolutely poking the proverbial bear, so to speak, just to ruffle some fur and "make all the right people mad" as politically-minded people so often say. At the very least, it's not JUST a joke.

It is just a joke. US culture warriors like you might not realize that the rest of the world gives little crap about your hangups and woke vs anti-woke tribalism

But all this controversy could be avoided if they just had an option to choose sexual preference at the character creation.
Then they'd complain about the existence of a gay option in the character creator, like they complain about other options there.

In the end you can't win with these culture warrior mongoloids. They're never happy.

Anyway, I'm happy to see them seething though, peak entertainment.

Last edited:


Undisputed Queen of Faggotry Bethestard
Oct 24, 2018
they should just at character creation ask if your character likes men, women or both. then if they chose women only, male NPCs will not initiate romance. problem solved.


Jun 19, 2018
Haven't seen any gayness yet except for astarion
Every companion will come onto you at some point. You can say "no", and they stop asking. They are all playersexual. Astarion isn't "more gay" than Gale, he just comes on earlier, because of the blood drinking scene.
Astarion speaks in constant flirt with that tumblrina trap voice which qualifies as more gay than gayle in my book.


Apr 16, 2018
They made Viconia ugly as sin in this game, along with her story. I like the game overall, but bringing Viconia back just to make her look bad is lame, ngl. Of all the things Larian has done, this is the worst imo.
She was always ugly

Nice try. This is the Viconia everyone knows and likes:

The older I grow, the more I realize how much most of the character portraits in BG2 look like porn stars. Which would fit much better in the current iteration of the series for well known reasons.


May 2, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
Astarion speaks in constant flirt with that tumblrina trap voice which qualifies as more gay than gayle in my book.
Gayness is in the eye of the beholder, I suppose. But certainly no gay sex occurs, unless you consent to it. If you rebuff both LaeZel and Astarion, they get together on party night. I think the same applies for Gale and Shadowheart.
If Astarion and Gale can't fuck your hairy male ass, they will settle for poon.


Gourd vibes only
Mar 22, 2013
Well, my question was "Why bear sex?". I wasn't aware it was a joke. It may very well be one, but to say it is JUST that is disingenuous. They absolutely knew it would cause people to talk and, ultimately, would be good press, whether controversial or not. Bestiality has long been said by more reactionary fearmongers than I as the next thing to become normalized, along with MAPs, etc. I don't see this happening, but if Larian are moden humans and online humans, they know of this, and were absolutely poking the proverbial bear, so to speak, just to ruffle some fur and "make all the right people mad" as politically-minded people so often say. At the very least, it's not JUST a joke.

It is just a joke. US culture warriors like you might not realize that the rest of the world gives little crap about your hangups and woke vs anti-woke tribalism

But all this controversy could be avoided if they just had an option to choose sexual preference at the character creation.
Then they'd complain about the existence of a gay option in the character creator, like they complain about other options there.

In the end you can't win with these culture warrior mongoloids. They're never happy.

Anyway, I'm happy to see them seething though, peak entertainment.
Well, everyone likes a good joke. Except people like you apparently


May 4, 2020
Belgium, Ghent
Astarion speaks in constant flirt with that tumblrina trap voice which qualifies as more gay than gayle in my book.
Gayness is in the eye of the beholder, I suppose. But certainly no gay sex occurs, unless you consent to it. If you rebuff both LaeZel and Astarion, they get together on party night. I think the same applies for Gale and Shadowheart.
If Astarion and Gale can't fuck your hairy male ass, they will settle for poon.
Indeed, they're not even gay lol.

They're all bisexual


Nov 29, 2010
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
they should just at character creation ask if your character likes men, women or both. then if they chose women only, male NPCs will not initiate romance. problem solved.

Yeah if only it were that simple.

You have no idea how fucked up modern "gamers" are. You'd have an army of dangerhairs up in arms because there are 723 genders now and you're discriminating by having only two.

If you give woketards an inch, they take a mile.

The best solution would have been, as others have said, to have the other characters just like what they like.


Nov 13, 2007
Project: Eternity
I'm completely ignorant of what D&D is and so I'll run my mouth.

You'd be surprised since Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson were both Christians. Staunchly at that. Let me show you how wrong you are with the TSR Code of Ethics circa 1984.


Point 4. All scenes of horror, excessive bloodshed, gory or gruesome scenes, depravity, lust, sadism, and masochism shall not be permitted.

Point 6. Profanity, obscenity/smut, vulgarity or words or symbols which have aquired undesirable meanings - judged by contemporary standards - are prohibited.

I draw your attention to point 10. Nudity in any form is prohibited. Suggestive and salacious scenes are unacceptable.

Point 11. Illicit sex relations are not to be portrayed or discussed and sexual abnormalities are unacceptable.

Point 12. Rape or seduction are never to be portrayed or discussed.

Notice point 13. It clearly says Sex perversion or any inference to same is strictly forbidden.

So you just lied about what is D&D. 6 of 13 points says that you're a goddamn liar.

Did you have anything intelligent to add that actually pertains to the history of the D&D game?
I think you forget that rpgs of old were targeted at children. Thus the self-censoreship has nothing to do with religion or morals, but common sense, basic ethics and regulatory issues (if those did exist at the times).
Just like WotC asked Bioware to exclude romances from Neverwinter Nights because they thought their main audience were stil 10-14 year old boys who wouldn't be interested in such stuff.
Took them awhile to catch up with the fact that the boys have long became bearded men, still interested in d&d but obviously with a wider array of interests.
Same shit with gaming in general and other entertainment industries.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
omfg lol you can click the + sign next to the hotbar to expand it with more rows

this ui is very functional when you "get it" (though I'm still missing hotkey functionality?), but fucking hell is it ever uneccesarily esoteric
You... you only found about this... now?


tell me i've also missed the hotkey functionality and i'll give you a kiss

not having a hotkey for dash is murdering me

Don't do so, if I might suggest.

You're just one approval point away from Grunker jumping your ass in camp.



GM Extraordinaire
Jul 29, 2015
In the ether
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut
They made Viconia ugly as sin in this game, along with her story. I like the game overall, but bringing Viconia back just to make her look bad is lame, ngl. Of all the things Larian has done, this is the worst imo.
She was always ugly

Nice try. This is the Viconia everyone knows and likes:

The older I grow, the more I realize how much most of the character portraits in BG2 look like porn stars. Which would fit much better in the current iteration of the series for well known reasons.

So all beautiful women now look like porn stars huh? Talk about objectifying all women.


Nov 21, 2021
they should just at character creation ask if your character likes men, women or both. then if they chose women only, male NPCs will not initiate romance. problem solved.
Or you know just every character isn't romanceable for your main PC. You shouldn't get all butt hurt because a character is straight. Character X will never romance you because you're a dude and he's straight. Simple.


GM Extraordinaire
Jul 29, 2015
In the ether
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut
I think you forget that rpgs of old were targeted at children. Thus the self-censoreship has nothing to do with religion or morals, but common sense, basic ethics and regulatory issues (if those did exist at the times).
Just like WotC asked Bioware to exclude romances from Neverwinter Nights because they thought their main audience were stil 10-14 year old boys who wouldn't be interested in such stuff.
Took them awhile to catch up with the fact that the boys have long became bearded men, still interested in d&d but obviously with a wider array of interests.
Same shit with gaming in general and other entertainment industries.

No, rpgs were always targeted at older white men. I was there and experienced the entire thing. It wasn't until the 1980s that women started getting into the hobby and the men introducing their children to the games. Gary Gygax wrote a famous article about how women don't play these games in the late 1970s. Shall you try again with actual history?

Also, invalid comparison logical fallacy for bringing up Wizards of the Woke when dealing with TSR.


Undisputed Queen of Faggotry Bethestard
Oct 24, 2018
they should just at character creation ask if your character likes men, women or both. then if they chose women only, male NPCs will not initiate romance. problem solved.
Or you know just every character isn't romanceable for your main PC. You shouldn't get all butt hurt because a character is straight. Character X will never romance you because you're a dude and he's straight. Simple.
I think it's fine to have more options for those who want it. Just make it toggleable, hope they will tone it down in future games because even gays complain about too much sexuality in the game.


Sep 21, 2018
where the best is like the worst
But there's no classic male warrior/soldier personality trope
Arguably Wyll is exactly that. The tweeeeeeest here is that he's a warlock instead of a swashbuckling duelist.
Just like the twiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeest with Karlachs is that in addition to being a good natured dumb brute, she's also a naive girl.
Just like the TTTTTTTTTTTTTTWWWWWWWWWWWWWIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSTTTTTTTTTTT with both religious fanatics is that they were led astray by lying prophets, so to speak. Though in at least one case, you can make the lie real. No spoilers.
But that's how Avellone has been writing since forever and Codex loves it.
There's a succubi but the tweeeest is that she's a virgin
She runs a brothel but the tweeeest is that people talk instead of fuck
There's freedom-loving githyanki but the tweeeest is that he made himself an eternal slave by accident
You save the fallen angel but the tweeest is that he was imprisoned for a good reason
There's a demon but the tweeeeeest is that he's forced to do only good deeds
There's an NPC named "Damsel in Distress" but the tweest is that she's not in distress at all and it's a trap
Or the whole tweeeest about the Nameless One's immortality and the tweeests of KOTOR2 plot

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