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Baldur's Gate Baldur's Gate 3 RELEASE THREAD


Gourd vibes only
Mar 22, 2013
Most gays were actually abused, diddled or had an inappropriate sexual relationship at a young age making vampire fag even more believeable

Most people who believe that were actually abused, diddled or had an inappropriate sexual relationship at a young age and now just project their own experiences


May 4, 2020
Belgium, Ghent
U ever played DOS2?
no. why should we?
It's one of the best RPG's ever made.
really low bar

Cope, seethe and dilate


Jul 16, 2009
Just got the Wyll dance scene, I've never felt so embarrassed for an NPC in my life. I agree with what BrotherFrank said before, it feels so harsh and even if you reject him in the nicest way he looks at you like you've ruined his life. I guess props to the actor for capturing the emotion well but nobody wants to play a romantic rejection simulator
You know what we say. Don't hire black (non drow) into the party. If you didn't hire him, you wouldn't be disappointed.
Even if you go by the figure of 7.1% of people being gay or bi (which is almost certainly high), the chances of all 4 romanceable characters of the same gender as the PC being gay or bi are about .0025%.

And that is if we are assuming that in whatever universe your playthrough takes place in the characters of the opposite gender are either straight or bi.

If we go off of all 8 romanceable characters actually being bisexual it is drastically more unlikely by many orders of magnitude.

No real point to this post. I just felt like doing the math and wanted to present it as food for thought.
Homosexuality is about 0.5 percent, it kinda results from genetic equation because of heritability of gay genes.

Now bi isn't that rare because morons mimics it, especially in the army.

However with Larian characters, if there would be a sex machine usable for free as an alternative to a final boss, I suspect all would turn into sex machine room and stay there until boss would go to do something more important than fighting them.
Most gays were actually abused, diddled or had an inappropriate sexual relationship at a young age making vampire fag even more believeable
I wonder if modern school education, and gay parades, are some form of abuse. We might see more gays that do it for different reasons than genetics.


May 2, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
Most gays were actually abused, diddled or had an inappropriate sexual relationship at a young age making vampire fag even more believeable

Most people who believe that were actually abused, diddled or had an inappropriate sexual relationship at a young age and now just project their own experiences
More like in most cultures, when someone notices you are "acting gay", they abuse you. So then it follows that most gays were abused at a young age (for being gay).
Though I also agree that homosexuality as PTSD from earlier abuse is a thing that exists, though probably less prevalent than homosexuality as genetic mutation or homosexuality as self expression. There's still no discovery of a female "gay gene", and no evolutionary purpose for it, so it PTSD gayness might be more prevalent there.
Jun 21, 2023
The Weird West
Well, my question was "Why bear sex?". I wasn't aware it was a joke. It may very well be one, but to say it is JUST that is disingenuous. They absolutely knew it would cause people to talk and, ultimately, would be good press, whether controversial or not. Bestiality has long been said by more reactionary fearmongers than I as the next thing to become normalized, along with MAPs, etc. I don't see this happening, but if Larian are moden humans and online humans, they know of this, and were absolutely poking the proverbial bear, so to speak, just to ruffle some fur and "make all the right people mad" as politically-minded people so often say. At the very least, it's not JUST a joke.

It is just a joke. US culture warriors like you might not realize that the rest of the world gives little crap about your hangups and woke vs anti-woke tribalism
This so hard.

Oh well, US is a third world country anyway now. Their culture war retardation is one of many problems.


You realize that the core ideas that currently fuel what people call "woke" (a word I've not used once in this thread) in America's "culture war" all came from a philosopher in France, right?
All of those same people's economic ideas came from a German-born man?
I guess those huge ideas all came from where they started, travelled to America and stayed there. Makes sense....
If you think the culture war is limited to the U.S., you're just not paying attention to it where you are. Honestly, you should continue to do so. You are right to ignore it. It's bullshit.
But it IS happening. Are you so ignorant as to not know the HUGE deal that the same ideological battles in America also are in Europe? Of global battles of thought going on?
I don't like any of it and don't have a tribe, but you're one real-deal ostrich if you think it's a dumb American thing lol. It never was only that, historically, isn't now, and never will be.
You're living during a dumb culture war. I think you're wise to not take part in it, but let's not be ignorant. We're all living during it, like it or not.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
We’ve been over this - the squirrel clearly marks it as a joke and it is TYPICAL Larian humor, but these people *need* for it to be true degeneration and honest bestiality

I wonder whether these people also think the terribly unfunny ogre sex scene is in there because Swen has a hardon for fat women and not just because Belgians have a shit sense of humour
The interrupted ogre sex is the kind of scene you can get form any B-movie Hollywood comedy form roughly the 2000-2010s. Say, something in the lines of American Pie, Meet the Parents, etc.

Maybe the tone already comes off as a tad too old for the internet generation.

You are missing the part where that humor is beyond shit and part of the reason movies after 2000 are all colossal piles of shit.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
We’ve been over this - the squirrel clearly marks it as a joke and it is TYPICAL Larian humor, but these people *need* for it to be true degeneration and honest bestiality

I wonder whether these people also think the terribly unfunny ogre sex scene is in there because Swen has a hardon for fat women and not just because Belgians have a shit sense of humour
The interrupted ogre sex is the kind of scene you can get form any B-movie Hollywood comedy form roughly the 2000-2010s. Say, something in the lines of American Pie, Meet the Parents, etc.

Maybe the tone already comes off as a tad too old for the internet generation.

You are missing the part where that humor is beyond shit and part of the reason movies after 2000 are all colossal piles of shit.

we are?


Jan 1, 2016
We are already seeing the influx of superficial CRPG fans into the hobby, who are immediatly telling veterans that gay promiscuity being everywhere was always in D&D, beards on women is not a stomach-turning concept for 99.9% of the human race, Platonic male friendship does not exist, and that there is no agenda being driven, etc. All while there is plenty of evidence people are uncomfortable with this normalisation. Remember that beard drag queen thing in Eurovision a few years back (even if you don't watch it, it was in the news); an image literally nobody wanted to see normalised, just mysteriously being pushed as the winner, publicised as much as possible, nothing to see.



Geeks have learned through bitter experience that the moment people like this, often women (a group that famously can't seem to form Platonic friendships with each other), often gay (a group that famously sexualises all relations), are normalised into a masculine hobby, the hobby is marked for death. The hobby was always created by straight white men, paid for by them, maintained by them, brought to it's current popularity by them, often involving high levels of cameraderie, then the other communities jump on at the very end, as if this constitutes some kind of achievement, equal to originating it's entire creative energy then carrying it for 40 years. Think on that, and if you have a modicum of awareness the narrative should start to look shaky. The vectors of this propaganda themselves will not understand why they push what they push. They worship the shrine of egalitarianism obviously, without ever questioning whether egalitarianism is actually morally defensible or good for humanity. Their progressive axioms are too deeply ingrained, flatter their ego consciousness too much, to seriously question the damage their axioms do. Gatekeepers, knowing the process, feel they have to get nasty, tell these people to fuck off, make their hobby ngovernable, to maintain any hope of having their hard-won culture survive.

Happened to all sorts of pop culture in the last 20 years. Star Trek, Star Wars, Doctor Who, Marvel Comics, DC Comics, half of gaming, etc, etc, etc. Now it is CRPG's time. Critical Role did it for tabletop. Now Baldur's Gate III having 800,000 concurrent players, millions of sales, etc, will do it for CRPG gaming. Codex, prepare yourself for the next few years of entreeist subversion. The superior path is to create new tasteful gamers out of them.

Strange Fellow

Jun 21, 2018
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
The toilet-chain is the ultimate example of this. It is the most dumbfounding replacement for a system that works flawlessly and has worked flawlessly for 20 years I've ever seen in a game.
I'm pretty sure they are keeping this because of some underlying technical problem with reworking it.

It's likely connected to the pathfinding algorithms they use, maybe they've tested "drag-select and click", but it turned out characters bump into each other like idiots.

The current algorithm is that either party members follow one character, who leaves waypoints for them on the road (this is pretty efficient), or you command them one by one, so they are moving in an area where they know which place is occupied.

If you are quick at clicking, you can try assigning individual orders to two characters and depending on how much room there is, you will see that if one character blocks the other from reaching the initial destination, the blocked character will stop in place.

Now imagine this happens when you've lasso-selected all characters, not just two. You'll end up with "shitty pathfinding" because almost every time at least two characters will end up blocked. It will be a nightmare to test this pathfinding with the kind of maps larian are making.

So removing the toilet chain is most likely a huge amout of work and Swen won't even admit it when confronted in his forum or elsewhere, I remember him responding that the toilet chain works ok and they see no need to change it, at some point in the D:OS2 times.

There are many videos explaining pathfinding in videogames in Youtube. Watch some for more information on the different algorithms, it's quite interesting.
it's because of co-op my dudes


May 4, 2020
Belgium, Ghent


May 4, 2020
Belgium, Ghent
We are already seeing the influx of superficial CRPG fans into the hobby, who are immediatly telling veterans that gay promiscuity being everywhere was always in D&D, beards on women is not a stomach-turning concept for 99.9% of the human race, Platonic male friendship does not exist, and that there is no agenda being driven, etc. All while there is plenty of evidence people are uncomfortable with this normalisation. Remember that beard drag queen thing in Eurovision a few years back (even if you don't watch it, it was in the news); an image literally nobody wanted to see normalised, just mysteriously being pushed as the winner, publicised as much as possible, nothing to see.



Geeks have learned through bitter experience that the moment people like this, often women (a group that famously can't seem to form Platonic friendships with each other), often gay (a group that famously sexualises all relations), are normalised into a masculine hobby, the hobby is marked for death. The hobby was always created by straight white men, paid for by them, maintained by them, brought to it's current popularity by them, often involving high levels of cameraderie, then the other communities jump on at the very end, as if this constitutes some kind of achievement, equal to originating it's entire creative energy then carrying it for 40 years. Think on that, and if you have a modicum of awareness the narrative should start to look shaky. The vectors of this propaganda themselves will not understand why they push what they push. They worship the shrine of egalitarianism obviously, without ever questioning whether egalitarianism is actually morally defensible or good for humanity. Their progressive axioms are too deeply ingrained, flatter their ego consciousness too much, to seriously question the damage their axioms do. Gatekeepers, knowing the process, feel they have to get nasty, tell these people to fuck off, make their hobby ngovernable, to maintain any hope of having their hard-won culture survive.

Happened to all sorts of pop culture in the last 20 years. Star Trek, Star Wars, Doctor Who, Marvel Comics, DC Comics, half of gaming, etc, etc, etc. Now it is CRPG's time. Critical Role did it for tabletop. Now Baldur's Gate III having 800,000 concurrent players, millions of sales, etc, will do it for CRPG gaming. Codex, prepare yourself for the next few years of entreeist subversion. The superior path is to create new tasteful gamers out of them.
LMFAO at brainlets believing Larian is part of the woke cabal. Just LMFAO!


Oct 23, 2019
They made Viconia ugly as sin in this game, along with her story. I like the game overall, but bringing Viconia back just to make her look bad is lame, ngl. Of all the things Larian has done, this is the worst imo.


Nov 21, 2021
Most gays were actually abused, diddled or had an inappropriate sexual relationship at a young age making vampire fag even more believeable

Most people who believe that were actually abused, diddled or had an inappropriate sexual relationship at a young age and now just project their own experiences
The classic you don't like gays, you must actually be gay shit. Low IQ and degenerate. Sad!
Last edited:

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
We are already seeing the influx of superficial CRPG fans into the hobby, who are immediatly telling veterans that gay promiscuity being everywhere was always in D&D, beards on women is not a stomach-turning concept for 99.9% of the human race, Platonic male friendship does not exist, and that there is no agenda being driven, etc. All while there is plenty of evidence people are uncomfortable with this normalisation. Remember that beard drag queen thing in Eurovision a few years back (even if you don't watch it, it was in the news); an image literally nobody wanted to see normalised, just mysteriously being pushed as the winner, publicised as much as possible, nothing to see.



Geeks have learned through bitter experience that the moment people like this, often women (a group that famously can't seem to form Platonic friendships with each other), often gay (a group that famously sexualises all relations), are normalised into a masculine hobby, the hobby is marked for death. The hobby was always created by straight white men, paid for by them, maintained by them, brought to it's current popularity by them, often involving high levels of cameraderie, then the other communities jump on at the very end, as if this constitutes some kind of achievement, equal to originating it's entire creative energy then carrying it for 40 years. Think on that, and if you have a modicum of awareness the narrative should start to look shaky. The vectors of this propaganda themselves will not understand why they push what they push. They worship the shrine of egalitarianism obviously, without ever questioning whether egalitarianism is actually morally defensible or good for humanity. Their progressive axioms are too deeply ingrained, flatter their ego consciousness too much, to seriously question the damage their axioms do. Gatekeepers, knowing the process, feel they have to get nasty, tell these people to fuck off, make their hobby ngovernable, to maintain any hope of having their hard-won culture survive.

Happened to all sorts of pop culture in the last 20 years. Star Trek, Star Wars, Doctor Who, Marvel Comics, DC Comics, half of gaming, etc, etc, etc. Now it is CRPG's time. Critical Role did it for tabletop. Now Baldur's Gate III having 800,000 concurrent players, millions of sales, etc, will do it for CRPG gaming. Codex, prepare yourself for the next few years of entreeist subversion. The superior path is to create new tasteful gamers out of them.
LMFAO at brainlets believing Larian is part of the woke cabal. Just LMFAO!



Nov 29, 2010
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
So it sounds like everyone in BG3 fucks everyone else, including animals, and people are buying it in droves. I'll fight my cynical interpretation of that fact and say it's because people have just been jonesin' for another BG game, not a bunch of players whose dreams of a world that's inclusive of everything except heterosexuality and who want to fuck their friends, nature, and pay to watch Minsc fuck Boo. My cynicism tells me it's people tghat don't even know Minsc and Boo, but I'll silence that cynicism within me. I'm sure it's doing mega-numbers because of its genre and gameplay alone. Right?

Honestly it's only slightly worse than BG2/Ass Effect etc, in the sense that all the guys are raging homos. And only in camp. It sucks but it doesn't seem to affect the story much. Kind of like it was an afterthought some woke board member insisted had to be in there.

Do homosexual characters (or, actually, any characters) start to come onto you or flirt/hint at relationship options with them before you choose to answer something they say in dialogue with something suggestive or do they initiate it, themselves, before? If it's only after, I've no issue with it being one of many options in a game about role-playing, but I've seen more than a few complaints that others of the same mind as myself feel like they're being practically sexually harrassed by characters of the same sex that they didn't even initiate anything with, making this obnoxious and weirdly some form of "queer pressure". I hope that's not a pre-existing thing or else I just coined a good one.
Honestly, it varies.

Astarion makes it clear from the start, he's sooper gay and flamboyant and drops a hint, you can just say no.

Galen, you're just chatting about his ex wife or something, then suddenly he shows you how to do magic and it turns into the pottery scene from Ghost. (Still possible to escape tho)

Wyll, you just travel to camp one time and it triggers a cutscene for no reason, where he's prancing around. You ask him wtf is going on and he says he's practising new dance moves for his new partner. Ask him where's the partner, he says "he's just arrived". BOW CHICKA WOW WOW

The main issue is, as others have said (apart from them all being gay), there's usually no dialog option to politely decline, or to be just normal.

It's either

-OBVIOUS FAG RESPONSE (Yes big boy, show me your magic stick) - obvious result

-SEEMINGLY INNOCENT RESPONSE (That's a neat trick, hope you can use that against the monsters later) -leads to the same as the first response

-NEEDLESSLY MEAN RESPONSE (HAHAHAHAHA FUCK YOU, that's the dumbest shit I've ever seen) - get a message saying Galen disapproves

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
So it sounds like everyone in BG3 fucks everyone else, including animals, and people are buying it in droves. I'll fight my cynical interpretation of that fact and say it's because people have just been jonesin' for another BG game, not a bunch of players whose dreams of a world that's inclusive of everything except heterosexuality and who want to fuck their friends, nature, and pay to watch Minsc fuck Boo. My cynicism tells me it's people tghat don't even know Minsc and Boo, but I'll silence that cynicism within me. I'm sure it's doing mega-numbers because of its genre and gameplay alone. Right?

Honestly it's only slightly worse than BG2/Ass Effect etc, in the sense that all the guys are raging homos. And only in camp. It sucks but it doesn't seem to affect the story much. Kind of like it was an afterthought some woke board member insisted had to be in there.

Do homosexual characters (or, actually, any characters) start to come onto you or flirt/hint at relationship options with them before you choose to answer something they say in dialogue with something suggestive or do they initiate it, themselves, before? If it's only after, I've no issue with it being one of many options in a game about role-playing, but I've seen more than a few complaints that others of the same mind as myself feel like they're being practically sexually harrassed by characters of the same sex that they didn't even initiate anything with, making this obnoxious and weirdly some form of "queer pressure". I hope that's not a pre-existing thing or else I just coined a good one.
Honestly, it varies.

Astarion makes it clear from the start, he's sooper gay and flamboyant and drops a hint, you can just say no.

Galen, you're just chatting about his ex wife or something, then suddenly he shows you how to do magic and it turns into the pottery scene from Ghost. (Still possible to escape tho)

Wyll, you just travel to camp one time and it triggers a cutscene for no reason, where he's prancing around. You ask him wtf is going on and he says he's practising new dance moves for his new partner. Ask him where's the partner, he says "he's just arrived". BOW CHICKA WOW WOW

The main issue is, as others have said (apart from them all being gay), there's usually no dialog option to politely decline, or to be just normal.

It's either

-OBVIOUS FAG RESPONSE (Yes big boy, show me your magic stick) - obvious result

-SEEMINGLY INNOCENT RESPONSE (That's a neat trick, hope you can use that against the monsters later) -leads to the same as the first response

-NEEDLESSLY MEAN RESPONSE (HAHAHAHAHA FUCK YOU, that's the dumbest shit I've ever seen) - get a message saying Galen disapproves

Which is totally not intentional to force gayness normalization on unsuspecting normies.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
They made Viconia ugly as sin in this game, along with her story. I like the game overall, but bringing Viconia back just to make her look bad is lame, ngl. Of all the things Larian has done, this is the worst imo.
She whas always ugly


That's not ugly, the portrait is showing her evil.

This was back in the day when characters and their portraits were designed to rapresent a particular personality.


May 4, 2020
Belgium, Ghent
Tards have a hard time to understand companions are player sexual.

But all this controversy could be avoided if they just had an option to choose sexual preference at the character creation.


Jul 26, 2020
I played Divinity: Original Sin a year after its initial launch and hated it. So much so that I never bothered playing D:OS2, and was turned off from ever booting up any game developed by Larian. A part of it is how clunky the games generally felt. Not just glitches mind you, but the typical westoid software issues that plague all genres outside of FPS games, and AAA console titles. For what could at least be considered a title from a AA studio such as Larian, its annoying that people are willing to tolerate this shit. Past that, I believe that Larian's faggot logo spells out their general aesthetic approach: decent illustration of a stoic knight with le edgy grimace, just to be undermined by something as retarded/gay as a Nerf Gun. I can't stand FromSoft games, but they at least get credit in my book for having an excellent approach to aesthetics and general setting. Sure, there's silly stuff here and there, but its usually pretty light, and doesn't undermine the setting/tone that they're going for.

I will say, the initial trailer for Baldur's Gate 3 looked pretty rad. Games like Planescape: Torment & Dark Sun: Shattered Lands did what they could to do justice to grimdark settings that BG3's initial trailer attempt to do. But as established, Larian are a bunch of chucklefuck faggots who probably worship Hitchhiker's Guide as the pinnacle of literature. Worse yet, the graphics and animations looked fucking awful from a livestream I peeked at earlier today. I get that people here like to pretend that presentation doesn't matter, but its not like this game - and CRPGs as a whole - approach the complexity of even a run of the mill 4X game, much more a full simulation found in games such as Dwarf Fortress. BG3's initial trailer at least somewhat hooked me, but goddamn if Larian are a bunch of yokel faggots clearly browsing twitter/reddit all day.

I know I come across as overtly hostile here, but I ask this genuinely: can anyone properly explain if this game is even worth a quarter of the hype its received thus far? I don't care about them putting faggot zoophile shit in their game (would rather have a shitty late 90s Adam Sandler tier joke where a dood sodomizes a bear than get lectured on how kids ought to be given HRT while their mother has every right to abort them despite being in their 20th trimester), so there's nothing particularly 'political' that bothers me about the game. I know the game will not feature a single cool setting worth exploring/interacting with -- especially with how shite their art direction already comes across. At the very least, is the combat or general RPG mechanics any good? Is the game reactive in a way that at least accomplishes a few interesting alternative scenarios?

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