We are already seeing the influx of superficial CRPG fans into the hobby, who are immediatly telling veterans that gay promiscuity being everywhere was always in D&D, beards on women is not a stomach-turning concept for 99.9% of the human race, Platonic male friendship does not exist, and that there is no agenda being driven, etc. All while there is plenty of evidence people are uncomfortable with this normalisation. Remember that beard drag queen thing in Eurovision a few years back (even if you don't watch it, it was in the news); an image literally nobody wanted to see normalised, just mysteriously being pushed as the winner, publicised as much as possible, nothing to see.
Geeks have learned through bitter experience that the moment people like this, often women (a group that famously can't seem to form Platonic friendships with each other), often gay (a group that famously sexualises all relations), are normalised into a masculine hobby, the hobby is marked for death. The hobby was always created by straight white men, paid for by them, maintained by them, brought to it's current popularity by them, often involving high levels of cameraderie, then the other communities jump on at the very end, as if this constitutes some kind of achievement, equal to originating it's entire creative energy then carrying it for 40 years. Think on that, and if you have a modicum of awareness the narrative should start to look shaky. The vectors of this propaganda themselves will not understand why they push what they push. They worship the shrine of egalitarianism obviously, without ever questioning whether egalitarianism is actually morally defensible or good for humanity. Their progressive axioms are too deeply ingrained, flatter their ego consciousness too much, to seriously question the damage their axioms do. Gatekeepers, knowing the process, feel they have to get nasty, tell these people to fuck off, make their hobby ngovernable, to maintain any hope of having their hard-won culture survive.
Happened to all sorts of pop culture in the last 20 years. Star Trek, Star Wars, Doctor Who, Marvel Comics, DC Comics, half of gaming, etc, etc, etc. Now it is CRPG's time. Critical Role did it for tabletop. Now Baldur's Gate III having 800,000 concurrent players, millions of sales, etc, will do it for CRPG gaming. Codex, prepare yourself for the next few years of entreeist subversion. The superior path is to create new tasteful gamers out of them.