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Baldur's Gate Baldur's Gate 3 RELEASE THREAD

Jun 6, 2010
Milan, Italy
This is the type of game some of you nutjobs would have begged to get 15 years ago.

Strong doubt has entered the chat.
You can go and tell that slimy faggot to fuck off. Also, follow him as we are on it.

Shit writing = shit RPG.
That's just something a wimpy, whiny storyfag would say.
Not to mention I'd be ready to bet big money on the fact you couldn't tell what count as "good writing" if Victor Hugo was shitting on your chest while finishing Les Misérables.


Dec 22, 2023
I know a lot of people on this forum can't get over their own crippling autism, but under several metric there are multiple aspect of this game that are genuinely of exceptional quality compared to pretty much anything else on the market.
This is the type of game some of you nutjobs would have begged to get 15 years ago. At a time before senile dementia started to kick in and some of you mongoloids started to revise more fondly your memories of complete shitstains like NWN 1 and 2.

The production value is stellar for a title in the genre, the engine is very solid (and I'm glad there's still some developers around who aren't just swapping to Unreal), the combat is MOSTLY tight and enjoyable in any of its parts (bar a couple of annoying "Larianisms" that could have been easily avoided, but that's beating a dead horse at this point) and interestingly enough for all the rabid spergning some you people love to raise about the inadequacies of D&D 5th edition, very few of the problems with the game actually come from it (maybe the relatively poor variety of "builds" offered, but there's still more than you'd get in a lot of titles in the genre in the end).

For all its over-simplifications, after both Solasta and this one it turns out that 5th edition actually works great in a tactical videogame, with a relatively quick pace and still enough depth to be enjoyable. it surely beats the pre-buffing and the over-reliance of "lucking out with the rolls" considered a mandatory part of the Pathfinder videogames, for example.

Party controls outside of combat are trash, but that's also beating a dead horse given that I complained about them since BG3 was in EA in the first days. No, since DOS 1 and 2 in fact.

The story is whatever. The premise could be intriguing and there are occasionally great character moments, but there's also a lot of missteps in the final attempts to tying everything together and I genuinely hate some of its keypoints (i.e. "the emperor" and almost everything tied to him as a character).

Characters and in particular companions are also a mixed bag, with the latter in particular being almost uniformingly a bunch of annoying sex pests.
I'm not even annoyed at the fact that everyone in the main cast is "playersexual" and romanceable as I am toward the "minor detail" that everyone is actively pestering me about it all the time.
The fact that most of the dialogue options with them seem to assume a flirty back-and-forth almost by default and that I have to CAREFULLY avoid triggering some sweet, sweet buttfuckery when conversing with companions feels genuinely grating after a while.


poop retainer
Feb 12, 2021
MFGA (Make Fantasy Great Again)
Codex Year of the Donut
That's just something a wimpy, whiny storyfag would say.
no, that's what anyone with a brain and good taste would say. RPG's are an attempt at world simulation, not combat simulators. Of which there are apparently better ones, why don't you go shit up the Battle Brothers thread with your faggotry.

Not to mention I'd be ready to bet big money on the fact you couldn't tell what count as "good writing" if Victor Hugo was shitting on your chest while finishing Les Misérables.

if that was true I'd be gobbling Swen's balls like you do. :smug:
Jun 6, 2010
Milan, Italy
no, that's what anyone with a brain and good taste would say.
"Me has a taste" "Muh good brain" "Meh can tell gooth writting".

Jesus Christ, can't you just fuck off, wanker?
Do you think you are going to impress anyone with the self-indulgent bullshit you are attempting here?
Bragging about your fictional high standards isn't going to magically make you an authority on anything.


poop retainer
Feb 12, 2021
MFGA (Make Fantasy Great Again)
Codex Year of the Donut
"Me has a taste" "Muh good brain" "Meh can tell gooth writting".

Jesus Christ, can't you just fuck off, wanker?
Do you think you are going to impress anyone with the self-indulgent bullshit you are attempting here?
Bragging about your fictional high standards isn't going to magically make you an authority on anything.

You are 'tarded enough to declare BG3 the game the Codex has been waiting for for years, so it's obvious who is delusional. It didn't even make first place in GOTY despite being the biggest name release of the year by far and the voting crawling with bots, fake accounts and retards.
Jun 6, 2010
Milan, Italy
You are 'tarded enough to declare BG3 the game the Codex has been waiting for for years, so it's obvious who is delusional. It didn't even make first place in GOTY despite being the biggest name release of the year by far and the voting crawling with bots, fake accounts and retards.
I was talking specifically about some aspects of the game (which I listed: production value, tech, combat system, etc; I even openly stated from the start that the writing is whatever) but despise your self-proclaimed expertise on "good writing" you seem to have the reading comprehension of a strabic chimp, so you started immediately sperging out and whining about "MUH STORY IN MUH RPGS".

P.S. For the record, while I don't think much of the writing in BG3, I also think that you freaking out about it for five posts straight as if it was the most offensively bad thing you ever played is equally laughable.
I'd be ready to bet it wouldn't take much to pass your post history through a filter and find some older post where you are declaring your love for something way more bland or incompetently written.


poop retainer
Feb 12, 2021
MFGA (Make Fantasy Great Again)
Codex Year of the Donut
I was talking specifically about some aspects of the game (which I listed: production value, tech, combat system, etc; I even openly stated from the start that the writing is whatever) but despise your self-proclaimed expertise on "good writing" you seem to have the reading comprehension of a strabic chimp, so you started immediately sperging out and whining about "MUH STORY IN MUH RPGS".

You assumed you know what people want. The people have disagreed.

Muh graphix and combat, who needs writing when you have GOBLIN ARCHERS ON THE ROOF!!!11

And that's exactly where we disagree. Good day to you, sir.


Mar 30, 2024
Ah yes, the holy grail of RPGs, a game that cannot into keep tracking of players’ choices, game full of cliche filler quests, modern agenda and infantile writing. Indeed, we must be thankful.


Oct 21, 2019
Ah yes, the holy grail of RPGs, a game that cannot into keep tracking of players’ choices, game full of cliche filler quests, modern agenda and infantile writing. Indeed, we must be thankful.
Ah yes, another enjoyer of an (imaginary) RPG which is much better than puny BG3. Subj isn't perfect by any margin but is better than any competition of today. Love the spergs. Sometimes you gotta ask yourself whether it's the right genre you're interesting in.
Vatnik Wumao
Oct 2, 2018
Ah yes, the holy grail of RPGs, a game that cannot into keep tracking of players’ choices, game full of cliche filler quests, modern agenda and infantile writing. Indeed, we must be thankful.
Ah yes, another enjoyer of an (imaginary) RPG which is much better than puny BG3.
Other recent RPGs at least aren't incomplete. Chapter 3 of BG3 is KotOR2 & VtMB tier of rushed development. I'll render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and acknowledge that the game had potential, but Larian decided to rush it out the door. And they won't even bother doing a proper enhanced edition (not that they could feasibly fix much, but still), so meh.


May 4, 2020
Belgium, Ghent
"Me has a taste" "Muh good brain" "Meh can tell gooth writting".

Jesus Christ, can't you just fuck off, wanker?
Do you think you are going to impress anyone with the self-indulgent bullshit you are attempting here?
Bragging about your fictional high standards isn't going to magically make you an authority on anything.

You are 'tarded enough to declare BG3 the game the Codex has been waiting for for years, so it's obvious who is delusional. It didn't even make first place in GOTY despite being the biggest name release of the year by far and the voting crawling with bots, fake accounts and retards.
BG3 won GOTY here because JA3 is not a real rpg.
Jun 6, 2010
Milan, Italy
I like how he listed more negative things than positive, then proceeds to call everyone else a retard. Swen has some serious competition in this thread.
That’s just you having poor comprehension. Or living in a fictional reality.

It’s entirely possible to like a game AND still to recognize its shortcoming in some areas.

Especially if you can manage going past the “spoiled brat” attitude that so many codexers love to take while throwing a fucking tantrum about their TRIVIAL complaints.

There’s “my ideal game should be this way” and there’s facing fucking reality and comparing what’s actually available as an alternative.

Clear example: “muhh choices and consequences feel so limited in bg3”. Compared to FUCKING WHAT?

The amount of granularity (and responsiveness) offered to your choices is staggering. You probably have to trace back to motherfuking Arcanum to spot something that come even close.. and that was mostly flavor text, anyway, without any of the effort required here to put any of that stuff in scene with animations, voice lines, etc.

There are characters in this game that have even custom reactions (in dialogue) when they realise the player pickpocketed them out of an important item. This is not a common level of detail in the genre, regardless of how much you delude yourselves.
Last edited:


Oct 23, 2019
It’s entirely possible to like a game AND still to recognize its shortcoming in some areas.
Yes, I know. Do you really think that people here consider Arcanum a masterpiece because of its combat design? No, it's because problems with BG3 go much deeper than that.
There’s “my ideal game should be this way” and there’s facing fucking reality and comparing what’s actually available as an alternative.
It has nothing to do with “my ideal game should be this way." It's about the core design principles of BG3 being completely wrong and thus resulting in something that is irredeemable, other than turn-based combat and interactivity which I think were done well.

BG3 was written by more than 10 people, which is the reason why its story and quests are such a disjointed mess that are a big turn-off for most people here, who prefer games that have a singular vision of what its story and setting are supposed to be like, with a focused scope. BG3 is the stark opposite.

Furthermore, Larian's approach to design through early access where only the first act is focused and the rest is based on the feedback from Larian forums/reddit furries only exacerbates my previous point. The story doesn't feel personal, it doesn't feel it was written by someone wanting to express any ideas other than pandering to current social norms and causing shock to anyone who doesn't agree with such norms. The game simply deserves no respect because of this approach.

The success of BG3 has nothing to do with the merits of its design, it's a knee jerk reaction to the overall state of the industry and a result of twisted mainstream culture surrounding it. No one will talk about it 10 years from now, and if they do, it will be about the problems I already mentioned, not qualities.


May 4, 2020
Belgium, Ghent
It’s entirely possible to like a game AND still to recognize its shortcoming in some areas.
Yes, I know. Do you really think that people here consider Arcanum a masterpiece because of its combat design? No, it's because problems with BG3 go much deeper than that.
There’s “my ideal game should be this way” and there’s facing fucking reality and comparing what’s actually available as an alternative.
It has nothing to do with “my ideal game should be this way." It's about the core design principles of BG3 being completely wrong and thus resulting in something that is irredeemable, other than turn-based combat and interactivity which I think were done well.

BG3 was written by more than 10 people, which is the reason why its story and quests are such a disjointed mess that are a big turn-off for most people here, who prefer games that have a singular vision of what its story and setting are supposed to be like, with a focused scope. BG3 is the stark opposite.

Furthermore, Larian's approach to design through early access where only the first act is focused and the rest is based on the feedback from Larian forums/reddit furries only exacerbates my previous point. The story doesn't feel personal, it doesn't feel it was written by someone wanting to express any ideas other than pandering to current social norms and causing shock to anyone who doesn't agree with such norms. The game simply deserves no respect because of this approach.

The success of BG3 has nothing to do with the merits of its design, it's a knee jerk reaction to the overall state of the industry and a result of twisted mainstream culture surrounding it. No one will talk about it 10 years from now, and if they do, it will be about the problems I already mentioned, not qualities.


Oct 21, 2019
Other recent RPGs at least aren't incomplete. Chapter 3 of BG3 is KotOR2 & VtMB tier of rushed development.
And your examples are one of the best games the genre has to offer? :)

Chapter 3 is indeed a mess but the whole story component of BG3 is a massive mess anyway. Thankfully though the gameplay foundation is so strong that it almost doesn't matter. In the end it boils down to personal story/combat faggotry levels.


Mar 30, 2024
I pity those poor bastards who really tried to make this game good. You can see these hints of incline here and there. Shame they were in minority unable to overcome the Larian’s raging retardation and staffing being overseen by furries and dangerheads. It’s heartbreaking seeing every sane soul gave up completely closer to the act III.


Nov 21, 2021
I pity those poor bastards who really tried to make this game good. You can see these hints of incline here and there. Shame they were in minority unable to overcome the Larian’s raging retardation and staffing being overseen by furries and dangerheads. It’s heartbreaking seeing every sane soul gave up completely closer to the act III.
Evil play thru is pretty enjoyable. Cut off Gales hand, cut off karlachs head, sacrifice wyll to the fish people. Have SH stab the night tranny. Minthara and lae'zel are decent companions

Man is the night song annoying.

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