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Baldur's Gate Baldur's Gate 3 - tips, tricks & helpful information


Sep 22, 2022
I must say I'm very impressed how much missable content this game has.

Exploration is very rewarding, game is packed with nooks and crannies... and they can hold valuable items.
Some quests can also be easily missed.
Even with my nasty habit of licking every wall I see in the game, I still missed a few things.


the determinator
Jan 15, 2015
Even with my nasty habit of licking every wall I see in the game, I still missed a few things.
yeah, literally. Most secrets that Ive missed are due to illusionary walls. Recently Ive learnt that there is a functioning djinni lamp behind such in arcaneum treasury. Was rubbing all those lamps hoping that one would be proper one, yet Ive still missed it

Zed Duke of Banville

Dungeon Master
Oct 3, 2015
You didn't miss terribly much; the djinn grants the PC a wish for taking the djinn's place in the lamp, and the PC then escapes via a summon quasit scroll conveniently located in the lamp itself.



Philosoraptor in Residence
Sep 30, 2009
Combatfag: Gold box / Pathfinder
Codex 2012 Codex+ Now Streaming! MCA Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
You didn't miss terribly much; the djinn grants the PC a wish for taking the djinn's place in the lamp, and the PC then escapes via a summon quasit scroll conveniently located in the lamp itself.
make your own fun. have a non standard game ending where the place is so cozy you delete your save
At least it'd be quiet and you wouldn't have to listen to companions like Frogface and Badhaircut bitch and moan at you anymore. I think it sounds like the S-tier best ending.


the determinator
Jan 15, 2015
You didn't miss terribly much; the djinn grants the PC a wish for taking the djinn's place in the lamp, and the PC then escapes via a summon quasit scroll conveniently located in the lamp itself.
make your own fun. have a non standard game ending where the place is so cozy you delete your save
as mentioned before thats missing ending, you deny bad guys the netherstones


Sep 18, 2021
How many summons can you have? I thought you would be limited to one and never tried more but it seems that was wrong. Does someone know how exactly it is limited or are there no limits at all?


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
I must say I'm very impressed how much missable content this game has.

Exploration is very rewarding, game is packed with nooks and crannies... and they can hold valuable items.
Some quests can also be easily missed.
I restarted like eleven times and completionismed the fuck out of it but ended up with way more shit than I could keep track of before even getting to lvl 7.

Ok, so Shadowheart's DEX and STR suck so I'll give her teh STR Elixir which makes her a good thrower, now which of these 13 different bombs shld I use, wait she has 21 STR maybe I shld give her a Glaive since Human, but I've got all these good shields and I don't want to break concentration, speaking of which should I use ghey Spirit Guardians and a Radiance package I don't know don't really need the damage and WIS save advantage would be gret against the stuff that's actually a problem and max heals goes well with the bonus on heal items, but...

Maybe this game's not for me.


May 28, 2018
Grand Chien
How many summons can you have? I thought you would be limited to one and never tried more but it seems that was wrong. Does someone know how exactly it is limited or are there no limits at all?
Each character can only have one instance of summoning from each spell available to them. Otherwise, no limit. So you can't cast Animate Dead twice to get two summons, but you can cast Animate Dead and Create Undead - or any other spell - and get summons from both, simultaneously.

Also you can upcast summon spells to get better summons, so for example you can upcast Conjure Elemental to level 6 to get a better summon.


Sep 18, 2021
I must say I'm very impressed how much missable content this game has.

Exploration is very rewarding, game is packed with nooks and crannies... and they can hold valuable items.
Some quests can also be easily missed.
I restarted like eleven times and completionismed the fuck out of it but ended up with way more shit than I could keep track of before even getting to lvl 7.

Ok, so Shadowheart's DEX and STR suck so I'll give her teh STR Elixir which makes her a good thrower, now which of these 13 different bombs shld I use, wait she has 21 STR maybe I shld give her a Glaive since Human, but I've got all these good shields and I don't want to break concentration, speaking of which should I use ghey Spirit Guardians and a Radiance package I don't know don't really need the damage and WIS save advantage would be gret against the stuff that's actually a problem and max heals goes well with the bonus on heal items, but...

Maybe this game's not for me.
Sounds like a classic case of analysis paralysis and the paradox of choice.


Sep 18, 2021
I've finished the game as Barbarian and never tried sneaking around. It seemed like a hassle, so I'm wondering if its viable. And potions/spells of invisibility appear to be more attractive. But I'm thinking of trying an "evil" run allying with the absolute. Is it possible to dodge most fights that way and to do a solo run as sneaker/talker?


Sep 14, 2016
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
The Reverb items are fun. Although you probably find them a little too soon/too close to each other/they are a bit too strong.
Multiclassed my level 5 Warlock to Tiger Barb for Tiger Cleave - should work great with Black Hole power later. Although cannot use Concentration spells with Rage. Therefore changed Patron to Fiend - some very nice instant spells there: Command (Approach would be nice for Cleaves!), Blindness, Fireball (although I still took HoH instead - for when the large zone CC is desirable)...

Use the Charge Bound Hammer with the Gloves of Beligerent Skies for -2 save Reverb per hit. Apply some affliction, say Tiger Barb Cleave Bleed with Boots of Stormy Clamour and its -2 more. And save or Prone (with crippled physical Saving Throws).
Wonder if it triggers for each enemy in the Cleave, will need to check it out...
Also could add Thunder enchant from Drakethroat Glaive to the hammer. Wonder if the gloves alone will give 4 stacks then - and Prone attempt on their own...

Alternatively could add Cold element, Snowburst Ring and boots that prevent slipping... and fight on ice... that'd be aoe surface for sure

Later might get Wolverine Aspect for Maim versus Bleeding enemies - so they can't get up from Prone due to 0 Movement...
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Love fool
Feb 7, 2013
Smyrna - Scalanouva
Divinity: Original Sin 2
I've finished the game as Barbarian and never tried sneaking around. It seemed like a hassle, so I'm wondering if its viable. And potions/spells of invisibility appear to be more attractive. But I'm thinking of trying an "evil" run allying with the absolute. Is it possible to dodge most fights that way and to do a solo run as sneaker/talker?

I finished the game mostly sneaking around and after a while it breaks the game. Suprise round with haste means most enemies die before react. And also yeah you can talk most of the fights in game, especially in act 2 you can kill most bosses via skill checks.


Sep 18, 2021
I've finished the game as Barbarian and never tried sneaking around. It seemed like a hassle, so I'm wondering if its viable. And potions/spells of invisibility appear to be more attractive. But I'm thinking of trying an "evil" run allying with the absolute. Is it possible to dodge most fights that way and to do a solo run as sneaker/talker?

I finished the game mostly sneaking around and after a while it breaks the game. Suprise round with haste means most enemies die before react. And also yeah you can talk most of the fights in game, especially in act 2 you can kill most bosses via skill checks.
With a single character or as group?


Sep 14, 2016
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
The Reverb items are fun.
myself was doing it in a3 with trident but it didnt really do much then, I guess you need to make it work early

Well yeah, upon some more testing, I think they are not that good for melee after all. Seem to only affect 1 target/trigger per item per action. The 4 Reverb trigger can be achieved easily after 1 strike with Boots + Gloves, but the DC appears to be locked at 10. Which is not quite as terrible as it sounds, as enemies have the -4 debuff then, but it certainly could be better, considering that its essentially single target.
It does work much better with something like Guardian Spirits - as then it triggers on each enemy as you com close to them.
Or with Lightning Charge flavoured Spike Growth - as then enemies trigger it themselves as they try to move trough it.

On the other hand, the Snowburst Ring looks promising. Appears to also only trigger once per action, but since its aoe ground effect, it can still affect multiple enemies close enough for a Cleave. Plus enemies approaching also risk slipping... Generally only seems to test once per enemy.... and they don't even roll always for some reason. But the DC is much better at 8 + Proficiency + spell attribute mod + extra modifiers. Currently 15 for my main, should be 16 next level when I pick Cha ASI (and then 17 after I get it to 22). Could go higher if I also pick and equip some +DC items, like the Helldusk Gloves. Also its Reflex - and probably fewer tough enemies are nimble.
Overall nice, nearly "free" CC.
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May 28, 2018
Grand Chien
You can get DC on the ice effect up to 27 without any temporary effects, 30 with the relevant elixir. At this point it's almost irrelevant whether enemies have DEX save proficiency or not.

Make all your front line immune to prone/ice and you effectively have permanent free advantage on melee attacks

You can also add DISADV on DEX saves to enemies by inflicting Encrusted With Ice on them. E.g. Markoheshkir


Sep 14, 2016
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
You can get DC on the ice effect up to 27 without any temporary effects, 30 with the relevant elixir. At this point it's almost irrelevant whether enemies have DEX save proficiency or not.

Make all your front line immune to prone/ice and you effectively have permanent free advantage on melee attacks

You can also add DISADV on DEX saves to enemies by inflicting Encrusted With Ice on them. E.g. Markoheshkir
Getting this kind of DC would require me to wear casting focused equipment... on a primarly melee. Plus Arcane Acuity helmet - instead of Diadem of Arcane Synergy, I guess.
I think I will give that helmet to Rogue / Sword Bard dual xbow Astarion - he should make better use of it.
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the determinator
Jan 15, 2015
Well yeah, upon some more testing, I think they are not that good for melee after all. Seem to only affect 1 target/trigger per item per action.
hence thrown returning trident. It was giving 2 stacks to main target and 1 stacks in aoe


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
Am I reading the new update right - we finally get a harder difficulty, and it's one with Legendary Actions (yay), but I *have* to play ironman to get the other benefits? Wut?


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
One save DNE ironman.

It would do you good to play a little more cautiously and use the abilities that are there for that instead of just maxxing out on big screenshots.


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
Playing tinman (minimizing reloads) ends up increasing the value of abilities that reduce variance which necessarily entails lowering the relative value of ones that merely increase the mean or produce big spikes, thus virtually providing more challenge.

Would probably also need big spike abilities from foes to punish players who forgo those defenses, but if that’s what they’ve added then you’ve got the difficulty increase that people were seeking that’s better than flat stat increases.

One save isn’t necessarily tinman but there you end up having to figure out how to live with a wider variety of C & C and plan ahead better.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
What are you rambling about, you crazy loon. In the new update description, it looks like Honour Mode is literally switched off the first time you die:

Honour Mode ups the intensity of what was previously our most challenging mode - Tactician - and not only makes the game more difficult in and out of combat, but also introduces over 30 new tweaks to all of Baldur's Gate 3’s boss-fights, with a new Legendary Action system designed to catch players off-guard and increase the challenge. Now, bosses can perform new actions, adding twists and turns to all major fights throughout the game.

When you inevitably die in Honour Mode, you’ll be presented with statistics from your journey, including how long and how far you survived. Should you so choose, you can continue your adventure, which will then disable Honour Mode. But players who do manage to complete the entire game with Honour Mode enabled without dying will be awarded the coveted Golden D20.

That’s what I’m asking. Is this just retarded wording or did they finally make a proper difficulty that will potentially offer some challenge only to then enforce Ironman on it?


Gourd vibes only
Mar 22, 2013
That’s what I’m asking. Is this just retarded wording or did they seriously just make a proper difficulty and then enforced Ironman on it?

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