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Game News Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear Released


Dec 3, 2007
There is also no such thing as "sjw" anything. It is a completely made up position that doesn't exist. It is used by angry people to get angry at a dictional group of people as of way of them venting anger at something they don't like. They attribute everything they don't like to this phantom group, and then attack it. I'd argue latent feelings have more to do with the anger than anything based in reality. The fact that you care so much about any of this is astonishing and sad. Get a life.


Dec 3, 2007
Why does it look so much worse and less detailed than isometric games from 15+ years ago?

The hard truth is that the art of making these kinds of 2D games has been lost to time, much like the writings of the Greek philosophers were lost during the Dark Ages.

The hard truth is that most of the talent left the industry years ago.

“If there was something for the original Baldur’s Gate that just doesn’t mesh for modern day gamers like the sexism, [we tried to address that],” said writer Amber Scott. “In the original there’s a lot of jokes at women’s expense. Or if not a lot, there’s a couple, like Safana was just a sex object in BG 1, and Jaheira was the nagging wife and that was played for comedy. We were able to say, ‘No, that’s not really the kind of story we want to make.’ In Siege of Dragonspear, Safana gets her own little storyline, she got a way better personality upgrade. If people don’t like that, then too bad.”

“I got to write a little tender, romance-y side quest for Khalid and Jaheira where you could learn a little bit about how their marriage works and how they really feel about each other.”

There’s also four new companions, one of whom is gay, one of whom is bisexual. There’s even a monster companion, a throwback to a Baldur’s Gate II easter egg. But it’s not just about representation for representation’s sake. Beamdog wanted to give players options.

probably old news, but wtf

Here is a review from GoG:

Amber Scott, the writer of this game, says that the original Baldur's Gate is sexist. Captain Corwin, a major NPC, is a single bisexual mother whose daughter calls you out for mansplaining to her. There is a transgender NPC. Etc etcIf that's your sort of thing, then this review should be useless to you. But for people like me who don't want to financially or morally support the ever more omnipresent liberal lunacy injected in all forms of art, perhaps you should skip this.

Yeah, they can take their SJW homosexual glamorizing crap and piss off. Beamdog, you just established yourself as yet another Bioware, irrelevant storybooks for the mentally ill. Good luck with that, I won't be buying your shit games as you can't seem understand the difference between a game and that of pushing politics.

The is the perfect example of latent feelings being the likely culprit. It is just dripping with obsession and fixation. For someone to care about something this inane must be because of other underlying issues.

Gay people and stories about gay people have nothing to do with politics in any way, shape, or form. Gay people exist, and so they exist in forms of entertainment. Deal with it and get over your obsession.

I came to this thread to see how the game was. Instead, I see people with major, major issues. Seek help. Consider getting some action if it is your obsession.
Dec 14, 2012
There is also no such thing as "sjw" anything. It is a completely made up position that doesn't exist. It is used by angry people to get angry at a dictional group of people as of way of them venting anger at something they don't like. They attribute everything they don't like to this phantom group, and then attack it.

A phantom group with proud members:



Wormwood Studios
Aug 15, 2012
BG fan fiction.

That's rough, man. Is that an official quote as an inXile employee? :troll:
Obviously I'm speaking only in my personal capacity (which notwithstanding your troll smiley I now feel obliged to say). That said, I don't know what else you could call it. Obviously the term is somewhat pejorative, but if you're taking IP created by someone else and filling in blanks left by the original work, that seems almost definitionally fan fiction. The only way to get out from under the label is to be transformative in some way or to exceed the original production quality, and I don't think either is true here. Obviously there are some subtle differences in approach to characterization, but basically these are the same characters in the same environments doing the same kind of things, only with different people telling the story. In fact, while I'm not very much of BG fan and I haven't followed this project very closely, it does seem like the storyline includes various tropes that I would associate with fan fiction in how characters are handled.

I don't think fan fiction is necessarily something bad. It makes people happy, both the creators and a segment of the audience, so how could it be all bad, or even very bad? It's just that I think it's unlikely to attract top-notch artists; it's a great way to get attention when you're not established and it's a shortcut to worldbuilding and character creation, but neither of those upsides is as strong after you're past the first part of your career. Thus, for example, while I was overjoyed to have the opportunity to work on a "spiritual successor" to PS:T, I would have been lukewarm about working on an actual sequel. But when I was 18, if you'd offered me a chance to work on an actual sequel to even a pretty mediocre game, I would've been ecstatic because, wow, what an opportunity!

My sense is that the Beamdog team are true fans who are interested in building upon something they've loved for a long time. It's a noble effort. I just don't think you should expect its content to be any better than BG's content, notwithstanding the passage of time.

A user named cat

There is also no such thing as "sjw" anything. It is a completely made up position that doesn't exist. It is used by angry people to get angry at a dictional group of people as of way of them venting anger at something they don't like. They attribute everything they don't like to this phantom group, and then attack it. I'd argue latent feelings have more to do with the anger than anything based in reality. The fact that you care so much about any of this is astonishing and sad. Get a life.
Go back to neogaf, SJW.


Mar 10, 2016
There is also no such thing as "sjw" anything. It is a completely made up position that doesn't exist. It is used by angry people to get angry at a dictional group of people as of way of them venting anger at something they don't like. They attribute everything they don't like to this phantom group, and then attack it. I'd argue latent feelings have more to do with the anger than anything based in reality. The fact that you care so much about any of this is astonishing and sad. Get a life.

sounds double plus good to me

Excidium II

Jun 21, 2015
Third World
There is also no such thing as "sjw" anything. It is a completely made up position that doesn't exist. It is used by angry people to get angry at a dictional group of people as of way of them venting anger at something they don't like. They attribute everything they don't like to this phantom group, and then attack it. I'd argue latent feelings have more to do with the anger than anything based in reality. The fact that you care so much about any of this is astonishing and sad. Get a life.
Lurk more plz.


Nov 8, 2012
There is also no such thing as "sjw" anything. It is a completely made up position that doesn't exist. It is used by angry people to get angry at a dictional group of people as of way of them venting anger at something they don't like. They attribute everything they don't like to this phantom group, and then attack it. I'd argue latent feelings have more to do with the anger than anything based in reality. The fact that you care so much about any of this is astonishing and sad. Get a life.
You are lurking since 2007 and just come to shitpost on a shitty thread? Why?


Oct 25, 2007
Codex 2012 Codex 2014 Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
It's not about gay characters or not, it's about having them shoved down your throat by means of agenda. A lot of gays and trannies pretend like they're not represented. Bullshit. Game of Thrones has gay guys, trannies are on prime time TV and having a gay guy is a staple in most shoes for ages and ages now. Gay guys don't need 'more' representation, especially not forced representation.

I'm gay. I like when I meet a gay character I can relate to. You know the key to that? Make him the same as every-fucking-one else. Don't make him stand out, don't make him special, don't shield him from bad things happening. Being gay should be incidental. A footnote. You shouldn't even be able to tell the character is gay unless you specifically push your way into it and go out of your way to get to that content. Everything else is retarded. No matter what televitz and SJW games might have you believe, most gay people aren't hugely flamboyant queer faggots that stick out like a sore thumb. Most people are guys you'd never be able to tell with.

(Not including me, obviously.)

Being gay shouldn't be anything of importance. It shouldn't define a character. It shouldn't even be the center of his fucking arc unless you can do it well, which 99.9% of writers cannot for lack of being both gay and a good writer at the same time.


The worst part is, this shit is patronizing and pandering. Gay guys don't need your shitty SJW pandering or 'help.' Fuck off and leave us alone. Do they not realize how condescending it is to assume that oh, us poor fags, we can't play a game unless it has hard gay dicksucking? Fuck off.
And one random NPC does nothing you described. You people have taken your pitchforks and torches over 5s content for 30 hour game. Come the fuck on. The game is not about SJWing, there are just 3 LGBT characters in the game and you can ignore them. I think less pitchforks and torches were raised over "Ride the Bull"-shit... at this point it just seems like 'Dex is looking to create drama where there is very little of it.

Yeah Jasede, you need to pipe down while the only intelligent person left on the Codex, tells it to you the way it is.

For example when you go to the bank don't you want to tap the shoulder of the stranger in front of you, ask them if this is the gay line, explain you're gay, then go into intimate details of your fursona? This is the nuance of human interaction, and how gays need to act in a world where they don't suffer from terrible internalised homophobia.

With the refugees there's another perfect example of nuance, you either feel bad for the refugees or murder them. You see, you've been given choice and agency, between the only possible attitudes to the situation (good vs evil), really Jasede you are German and should be helping refugees no matter what, you should know better!
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Jan 8, 2009
So didn't read 13 + 57 pages, is the game any good, all I can see is people from Twitter clogging up my Codex


Dec 3, 2007
No doubt we oppose SJWs for the same reason we like FPSes.

What is always funny about the responses given is that they never actually have even a single argument to attempt. There is nothing wrong with first person shooters. I'm in the top 3% in the world for Battlefield 4. If you like single player first person shooters(or just plain suck at multiplayer first person shooters), then you shouldn't be ashamed of it... just like you shouldn't be ashamed that you fear and have latent issues regarding homosexuals and others. However, don't go and make up a fictional group to attack just because you have your own issues. Having some people who want attention on the internet claiming to be part of said fictional group, isn't proof either. The raging bigots need their fictional attack group so that they don't look in the mirror and feel disgusted at how pathetic they are.

It is kinda funny that a supposedly intellectual group on the internet runs rampant with people who fear gay people. Sad and pathetic... but seriously, you people need to get a life. It is pathetic that you are so afraid of people who have different sexual attraction. Is that something you really feel the need to obsess over? Get a fucking life. People don't choose which gender they are attracted to. Get over it. They don't harm any adult and it is all done with consent. Get the fuck over it and come into the 21st century.


Dec 3, 2007
There is also no such thing as "sjw" anything. It is a completely made up position that doesn't exist. It is used by angry people to get angry at a dictional group of people as of way of them venting anger at something they don't like. They attribute everything they don't like to this phantom group, and then attack it. I'd argue latent feelings have more to do with the anger than anything based in reality. The fact that you care so much about any of this is astonishing and sad. Get a life.
You are lurking since 2007 and just come to shitpost on a shitty thread? Why?

I've made posts throughout the years. The difference is that I have a life outside one tiny website on the internet. And yes, speaking out against bigotry by a bunch of lowlives and an admin that apparently has the same fixation is worth coming out of the woodwork for. If not that, then what is worth it?


Dec 3, 2007
Gay people and stories about gay people have nothing to do with politics in any way, shape, or form.

You have no argument, which tends to be the case with people that post pictures.

Bigots trying to make something political, when it isn't, doesn't magically make it so. Christmas isn't political because a bunch of pansies claim there is a war against it. People have consensual sex with other adults. That isn't political. Get the fuck over it.



You realize a lot of the people who post racist and sexist stuff are either

1.) Trolling
2.) 14 year olds who just like to say inflammatory shit
3.) And actual racists and sexists.

What makes you think there is any point on going on a diatribe against groups 1-3?


Dec 3, 2007

You realize a lot of the people who post racist and sexist stuff are either

1.) Trolling
2.) 14 year olds who just like to say inflammatory shit
3.) And actual racists and sexists.

What makes you think there is any point on going on a diatribe against groups 1-3?

1. "Troll" is a term often thrown around, but rarely is reality. It is generally used more to insult someone who has a different opinion, as a way to skirt moderation. However, for your first two points, if that is the case, then I still have nothing to lose by responding. If they are that desperate for attention, then I feel sad for them. Pity. There is nothing sadder than people so, so desperate for attention that they need to make an internet post in order to get it. Beyond desperate. I'd rather them make asinine posts than the alternatives. It is no sweat for me to say my piece and move on. It isn't like I'm going to get into a long drawn out argument about it. Look at how many posts I have.

3. This is likely the case. Bigots will always be around and there will always be a new made up boogieman to rile up the discontents. Sometimes one just feels the urge to stand up and say what you feel is right.


May 22, 2015
Opium den
Get the fuck over it and come into the 21st century.
Isn't the IT'S THE CURRENT YEAR meme rather stale by now? If you're going to troll you have to put some more effort into it.
You have no argument
I could make plenty of arguments but I'm not sure where I would begin. You either feign ignorance or have been living under a rock since the rise of identity politics.


Apr 18, 2013
Deep in your subconscious mind spreading lies.
I've made posts throughout the years. The difference is that I have a life outside one tiny website on the internet. And yes, speaking out against bigotry by a bunch of lowlives and an admin that apparently has the same fixation is worth coming out of the woodwork for. If not that, then what is worth it?
So let me get this straight. You only post when it's to defend gay people's honor on the internet?



Apr 5, 2009
I'm a Banana
Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity
[SJW] types have killed off my ability to enjoy most movies and many games these days.
There are a shitload of shit that make most movies and games unenjoyable with or without SJWism. Oblivion was just shitty. Call of Duty 4+ was just shitty. Shaky-cam is is just shitty.

It's funny because what I see is a new hipster crowd of anti-fedora-hipsters. Much edggy.

Like what is this shit:
Wulfric Pinewood said:
When i see that kind of "perspective", especially in my beloved Baldur's Gate im becoming real angry.
BGEE was shit before any SJW perspective, and if you weren't angry before, that just makes you the fucktard on the other end of the spectrum.

Never mind that RTWP is a piece of shit in the first place.

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