It's funny because what I see is a new hipster crowd of anti-fedora-hipsters. Much edggy.
Actually exactly what some of the edgier posts made me think off.
Scenario 1 = PoE is released, there's some shitty trany joke in there. SJW's lose their shit and boycott the game and developers.
Scenario 2 = SoD is released, there's some shitty ethics joke in there. Retards lose their shit and boycott the game and developers.
Granted in both cases the games were terrible and worthy of boycotting, but not because of "I don't like your opinion man!" or "Muh childhood!"
Be more positive Dreaad, Beamdog is burning down, whys and wherefores are incidental.
So far Beamdog has broken mod support, net code is apparently shit, SoD has plenty of bugs, original titles will now only be available packaged with their Enhanced Edition, hired David Gaider, written a few ham-fisted gay, trans characters to meet diversity quotas (handled way better in New Vegas, but Obsidian could actually write back then), rewritten 2 female characters due to sexism, Minsc Goobergate speak, added a refugee crisis (no prizes for guessing the nuance in that situation), added a fan fiction tier ending that makes no sense next to the Lore.
PoE on the other hand was disappointing as a story fag game, it was probably more polished and had better combat than some of Obsidians previous efforts, but people don't buy Obsidian games for combat and polish. In fairness, not SoD level trash atleast.