Anyone tried to storm black obelisk? 40 legionnaires is kinda impossible right?
In an amusing twist of fate, I couldn't find it or the massive goblin city for a long time. Eventually, on the west coast of the map, deep in former goblin territory, I found a hidden peninsula, and beyond that, Fuck You Island. Fuck You Island contains exactly two structures: the optional goblin supercity with 47 gobbos (3 overseers, 5 shamans, 8 wolfriders, and the rest fairly evenly split between ambushers and skirmishers), and the optional undead superlair with 47 undead (6 necrosavants, 3 priests, rest roughly split between honor guard and legionaries).
I can provide pictures and a narrative if people care, but basically:
Goblin City: You will be surrounded and your entire band immobilized by the end of turn 1. They'll be free to maneuver around you as they like. What this meant in my case was that the band of lightly armored dickheads with shit morale and bad antiarmor weapons elected to attempt to swarm the veritable gods of the battlefield in 300/300 armor, most with either greatswords or warscythes. This meant that by the end of turn 3, a third of their army were doing a pretty good impression of an exploded watermelon, and half of the remaining army is shitting their pants at a frequency approaching the coveted 60 shits per second rate. Then began the dangerous phase: 5 shamans is still enough to immobilize most of your army every turn, so each guy gets to move two tiles at most. Also, when you close to melee with most of the archers or overseers, they whip out stupid little knives and attempt to stab you in the dick. These attacks completely ignore armor (and, unlike other attacks that "ignore armor," these ones actually ignore it), so you need to proceed with caution and take them down quickly, all while the remaining horde attempts to plink at you. It's a really fun fight.
Black Monolith: The composition's a lot harder here. The legionaries are gadflies. The honor guard warscythers can beat you by attrition but are unlikely to beat you quickly, assuming you have the expected overpowered band. (My flank guards were a disowned noble midget with an enormous shield to compensate for . . . everything, and a cowardly deserter who was so afraid of getting hit that his melee defense was in the low 90s.) The real problems are the necrosavants and the priests. The necrosavants' khopeshes aren't antiarmor weapons, but they hit hard enough that it doesn't really matter; they chop through it pretty quickly. They're also probably the hardest enemy to kill in the game, so having 6 of them trying to insert themselves into your rear as the honor guards are hitting your front line is bad. Lastly, the 3 priests' miasma spam is hard to avoid, because you'll be swarmed. In other fights, it's a nuisance and can be safely ignored for the 2-3 turns necessary to crack the frontline, but in a battle as long as this one will be, it's a huge threat.
I waited at the end of turn 1, so the enemy saw me, then I started running backward. I found a couple trees that made for a good defensive position; otherwise, I'd have kept running until my back was to the edge of the map. (Hence, necrosavants could not teleport behind me.) I realized I was going to have to do this in two phases.
In phase 1, kill as many necrosavants as possible. If you can get them all, phase 2 is a lot easier. I managed to get them all + 10 legionaries / honor guards before my poor midget facing 7 polearm attacks per turn's armor got dangerously low. Then you retreat, go back to a town with a temple, treat your wounds, resupply, repair your armor, etc. This isn't cheap; it ran me at least 10k.
In phase 2, it's a pretty straightforward battle against the honor guards; the priests are still a real threat, though. The main thing is to get your AoE attackers (two handers / warscythers) in position to hit mulitple honor guard polearm users ASAP, which will probably mean making a hole in their frontline which you fill with a few zweihanders.