Prime Junta
So you have no bro with a shield, and you rush the enemy archers and all? Damn, my men would die so fast. Do you use heavy armor? I suppose you have to be pretty mobile, but on the other hand since your soldiers rely only on armor for their protection, it's tough to give them light armor. What day & difficulty setting are you at?I stopped using shields altogether, I find the extra wallop a two-handed axe gives is more than worth it. So far anyway. I haven't had too much trouble with skirmishers (goblin or otherwise), they go down pretty quickly when you tap them with an axe and follow up with a strike or two from polearms. I do try to put my axmen on high ground though whenever possible.
Veteran difficulty. I'm not sure what day I'm on (I can check later today), but I'm at the point where I've just specialised some of my vets and am clearing ~800 crown contracts without too much difficulty, if it's over 1000 I expect to lose someone.
I play defensively: I look for high ground and retreat to that in the opening, then wait for the enemy to come to me. This leaves the archers lagging behind so it'll be a couple rounds before they even manage to start shooting, plus I can plink them with my crossbowman once they do come into range. I also fight at night whenever possible, if the enemy has archers, 'cuz they're useless in the dark.
I only start losing bros if they get mobbed, near the flanks usually. I've got chainmail on most (various types, between shirt and hauberk), lamellar on one or two second-line newbies.
I go for the heavy-hitters first (i.e., anyone without a shield), then I peel off the shields with the axmen and take care of those. Only once I have an armoured bro or two free, I rush the archers, with war dogs if I have them -- at that point they'll likely be retreating anyway.
The shields didn't really help against archers because they'd be targeting my un-shielded back row anyway, and by the time my frontline was free to rush them the battle was pretty much won anyway. I find the tradeoff of being able to clobber their melee guys faster is ultimately better. Might be that'll change with tougher enemies, but that's my feelz at this point anyway.