Ah yes, YouTubers. The meter by which we all should judge society.YouTubers do it all the time.
Ah yes, YouTubers. The meter by which we all should judge society.YouTubers do it all the time.
smash that like button
Yes. And this is why society must burn!The meter by which we all should judge society.
no we won'tThe aliens are going to smash that exterminatus button.
Multiple times.Ah yes, YouTubers. The meter by which we all should judge society.YouTubers do it all the time.
It will definitely be the meter by which aliens judge us.
smash that like button
The aliens are going to smash that exterminatus button.
Fine, I'll bite.
You guys do realise this may be a regulatory requirement, right? If Steam have a publishing contract with Beamdog to distribute code that was last compiled by Beamdog, then that's what the store listing's gonna say. I don't have PST EE installed anymore, but as far as I recall their EEs still show the original developers credits at the end. It all comes down to whatever licensing terms were agreed, corporate trademarks are literally serious business.
As for asking for positive reviews, so what? It's not like they ran out into the street with a cardboard sign, they asked for satisfied customers to give them some gold stars, big whoop. YouTubers do it all the time. Uber drivers do it, for fuck's sake.
I welcome you back among the ranks of the righteous.Beamdog completely deserves its shitty reputation it has here for their lazy pieces of shit Enhanced Editions, and I repent for defending them in the past
I like IWDEE. Come at me Bro.
Mine still works perfectly. Through Win 7 and now Win 10.I like IWDEE. Come at me Bro.
I want IWD 2 EE. Alas, Beamdog is shit tier. I own the original version but last time I tried playing it I had a tonne of problems getting it to run. Now I have Windows 10 maybe I should give it another shot. It's been long enough that I probably don't remember any of it beyond the opening scene.
Mine still works perfectly. Through Win 7 and now Win 10.I like IWDEE. Come at me Bro.
I want IWD 2 EE. Alas, Beamdog is shit tier. I own the original version but last time I tried playing it I had a tonne of problems getting it to run. Now I have Windows 10 maybe I should give it another shot. It's been long enough that I probably don't remember any of it beyond the opening scene.
Odd, only played through it once but I didn't notice any issues. I had the release build and patched it to midway. Could it be an issue with backwards save compatibility or did new bugs pop up in later versions?I played PST normally once a few years ago, and when the EE came out I bought it and played for a few hours, nothing major happened, the system worked quite well. As such my opinion of the EE was initially quite high, it looks pretty and it works.
Today my opinion changed. Today I decided to replay that save.
Everything is fucked. Areas resetting left and right, quest triggers being broken as a result of that, music playing at random places, frequent crashes, crashes that kill every other fucking programm I have running at the same time and make my entire PC sluggish as hell until I restart, graphical glitches galore, music being fucked in random places, savegames disappearing, everything at once.
Your mileage may vary, the only original IE title I play is IWD2 and it's always taken some tinkering to get working. I've tried a bunch of fixes across a couple of different systems until it runs properly, including the 2010 DirectX SDK and different DirectDraw wrappers, and then I set GPU scaling and install the HD Fix and Zeckul's Widescreen mods. I'd be very happy for Beamdog to have a crack at it and save me the hassle, but they gave up on the idea once they couldn't turn up the source code.I had lots of issues in win 7, but I haven't tried win10 so I'm full of hope. I remember it being a lot of fun, but it's been so long since I last played it because they never made an EE version.
On my clean installation of Windows 10, IWD2 works without any external fix or mod, but only if I play in windowed mode and 1024 x 768 resolution (you can select both options in the included configuration utility).Your mileage may vary, the only original IE title I play is IWD2 and it's always taken some tinkering to get working. I've tried a bunch of fixes across a couple of different systems until it runs properly, including the 2010 DirectX SDK and different DirectDraw wrappers, and then I set GPU scaling and install the HD Fix and Zeckul's Widescreen mods. I'd be very happy for Beamdog to have a crack at it and save me the hassle, but they gave up on the idea once they couldn't turn up the source code.I had lots of issues in win 7, but I haven't tried win10 so I'm full of hope. I remember it being a lot of fun, but it's been so long since I last played it because they never made an EE version.
On my clean installation of Windows 10, IWD2 works without any external fix or mod, but only if I play in windowed mode and 1024 x 768 resolution (you can select both options in the included configuration utility).Your mileage may vary, the only original IE title I play is IWD2 and it's always taken some tinkering to get working. I've tried a bunch of fixes across a couple of different systems until it runs properly, including the 2010 DirectX SDK and different DirectDraw wrappers, and then I set GPU scaling and install the HD Fix and Zeckul's Widescreen mods. I'd be very happy for Beamdog to have a crack at it and save me the hassle, but they gave up on the idea once they couldn't turn up the source code.I had lots of issues in win 7, but I haven't tried win10 so I'm full of hope. I remember it being a lot of fun, but it's been so long since I last played it because they never made an EE version.