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NSFW Best Thread Ever [No SJW-related posts allowed]


Thread Incliner
Apr 5, 2008
Your ignore list.
Angthoron said:
No idea, haven't seen it.



Thread Incliner
Apr 5, 2008
Your ignore list.
The reason why Fallout3 (and NV too) combat is such a piece of rotting shit has been finally explained:

http://www.facepunch.com/threads/786320 ... st16491269

OK, first you say aiming feels clunky and weird, well it's not an FPS, it's not directly going to be Call of Duty like, VATS relies on your distance, your weapon, your weapon condition, your actions points and your skills, this is an RPG afterall. Stealth still relies on your character's skills and it's your choice on the difficulty, no one is forcing you that you want a masochostic torture or a walk in a park. Finally, Graphics don't mean shit

Fallout 3 is a RPG, after all, hence why the combat sucks. Thanks to VATS though, we can ignore that bad aspect of the game and rely on an old-school tactic based combat mode, akin to Pure RPG classics like KotOR and Diablo II.
Jan 7, 2007
Angthoron said:
I certainly facepalmed more watching Commando - it's a very camp film and I'm sure that everyone involved in making it knew of that.
As does anyone who likes that film (including me). It was p.much the whole point of the movie, and that's what made it awesome. :love:
Didn't have to be a tear-jerking pretentious mindfuck about things everyone knows, anyway, to be likable.

But anyway, I think what ruins all aliens is the familiarity of features they're given (e.g. likening xenomorphs to insects in Aliens). Worse crime yet is when a sci-fi writer anthropomorphizes that which is the whole point of the genre - the unknown. If I see another space lizard-camel shuffle his feet reading bad love poetry to his squiggle-head passion, I'm gonna get a brain aneurism. :ffff-:
Of course, when the whole point is for the reader/viewer to get pumped over the association with the alien, then who cares - the genre hardly comes into it (I'm guessing all the testosterone-gushing in Predator wasn't meant to appeal to higher brain functions).

What was the discussion about, again? Something about Bio's writers having no clue about where to look up the meaning of the word "imagination" and believing "science fiction" to be about "lol funny body part", probably. Well, in that case, they aren't doing their job as well as they could if they did. If you'll pardon my radical criticism.


Jul 11, 2010
I think it's gone now, but there was online a few years ago a great three-part article by the director of Commando, called 'Why Commando Is The Best Movie Ever', in which he went through every absurdity and plot-hole, shot by shot (it took him a while). It made me a lot happier about mankind's creative intelligence and it didn't detract at all from my love for that film, so I do recommend it.


Ford of the Llies
Nov 3, 2009
grotsnik said:
I think it's gone now, but there was online a few years ago a great three-part article by the director of Commando, called 'Why Commando Is The Best Movie Ever', in which he went through every absurdity and plot-hole, shot by shot (it took him a while). It made me a lot happier about mankind's creative intelligence and it didn't detract at all from my love for that film, so I do recommend it.
it does still exist, they just fucked up the links when they changed their site structure:


Jan 15, 2009

Decided to trawl the Unfortunate Implications page on TVTropes for some delicious butthurt. I got this instead:

A 2010 commercial for Sharp Quattron technology television, featuring Asian-American actor George Takei, introducing a fourth color to the standard TV Red-Green-Blue. Guess what color it is. That's right, Yellow. Unfortunate, indeed.

"P.S. I also saw a map of the continents where Asia was colored yellow. WHAT KIND OF MESSAGE DOES THIS SEND TO OUR CHILDREN???"

A series of Twix commercials ("Need a moment?") showed men accidentally irritating or offending women, only to eat a Twix and think of a credible (but really flimsy) lie. Examples include...

* Two men are disdainfully commenting to each other about how the bride at the wedding they're at shouldn't be wearing white (implying that she's promiscuous). The bride's father overhears and angrily asks what they mean by the comments. One man eats a Twix and makes the excuse that he meant that brighter colors would favor the bride's complexion. Implication — women with sexual pasts are unredeemable sluts, and the only men who will care about aspersions cast upon them are their male family members.

* A man is sitting with his wife and newborn child, when said wife angrily points out that he is ogling passing young women. The man eats a Twix and quickly responds that he is merely looking for potential babysitters. Implications — men are constantly ogling women out of their age range, even relatively early in their marriages, and wives who care are shrieking harpies, but it's okay as long as you lie to them.

* A troper is exhibiting poor reasoning. Implication - all tropers are complete dumbfucks and should be euthanized along with their families for the sake of the human race.

One episode of Family Matters, due to an odd set of circumstances, ends with a two-on-two basketball game with Eddie and a friend against Urkel and "Grandmama" Larry Johnson. The four players rack up the score with a montage of dunks until the game is tied one point from the win, and it comes down to Eddie vs. Urkel. Eddie goes for the shot... and it bounces away. Urkel recovers, makes a fast break and dunks it for the win. It was the only missed shot in the game... and the only shot in the game. Apparently black basketball players should stick to dunking.

Setting aside the warped train of logic that leads to such a conclusion in the first place, that's got to be the weakest racist message I've ever heard.

Speaking of warped logic, here are some links from the Insane Troll Logic page:

Did you know that you support (distasteful) rape? It's more likely than you think!

Women = Holes (NSFW):

Everytime I think of how men see vaginas, and by extention women, I get an image in my head I just can’t get rid of. A woman, just sleeping. And a dude thinking that her vagina is gaping. So he does what all dudes do to any hole, gay or straight-he sticks his dick in it.

I was going to respond to this, but then I saw my computer's USB port and, well... :oops:

There's several more examples of derp on all of these pages (and all throughout the blogs in the last two links), but I stopped keeping track after a while. Check them out for yourselves, you lazy, rape-supporting pricks.

P.S. On a different note, words cannot express how retarded this is.



Admiral jimbob

gay as all hell
Sep 29, 2009
truck stops and toilet stalls
Wasteland 2

Coyote said:
Speaking of warped logic, here are some links from the Insane Troll Logic page:

Did you know that you support (distasteful) rape? It's more likely than you think!

Women = Holes (NSFW):

Everytime I think of how men see vaginas, and by extention women, I get an image in my head I just can’t get rid of. A woman, just sleeping. And a dude thinking that her vagina is gaping. So he does what all dudes do to any hole, gay or straight-he sticks his dick in it.

I was going to respond to this, but then I saw my computer's USB port and, well... :oops:

There's several more examples of derp on all of these pages (and all throughout the blogs in the last two links), but I stopped keeping track after a while. Check them out for yourselves, you lazy, rape-supporting pricks.

May 6, 2009
Glass Fields, Ruins of Old Iran
Everytime I think of how men see vaginas, and by extention women, I get an image in my head I just can’t get rid of. A woman, just sleeping. And a dude thinking that her vagina is gaping. So he does what all dudes do to any hole, gay or straight-he sticks his dick in it.

Implication: this is what porn does to our children


Good Sir
Feb 12, 2009
Swedish Empire
Jools said:
Eh? WTF? I got lost.

in a hole, right? eh? EH? :smug:

also, new comment:

Yes, we dastardly men secretly wants enslave the noble Womynkind AGAIN so we can perform mass-vagina tightening operations on all of you, so we may oppress you with our slimy, engorged Dominator Meatpoles stretching out your delicate Femina Temple Halls.

But in other hand, if we men didn’t “fill holes” no babies would be born (yourself included, OP) and we would cease to exist as a species.

I fear for the future of Humanity of all women begin to think like this.
Maybe we should just move on to test-tube babies and send all the women to some space colony or Madagascar so they wont have to feel like gaping holes anymore.

Dec 31, 2009
Does the above have anything to do with RPGs? No? So why is it polluting the best thread ever?

Reported, lets hope all decliners and perpetrators are dealt with in a prudent manner.


Eater of Apples
Feb 1, 2009
Mêlée Island
Codex 2014 Make the Codex Great Again! Insert Title Here Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2
herostratus said:
Does the above have anything to do with RPGs? No? So why is it polluting the best thread ever?

Reported, lets hope all decliners and perpetrators are dealt with in a prudent manner.

No really, WTF is wrong with people?

List of priorities when evaluating a game:

1.Homosexuality options.
2.Romance options.
3.Marriage options.
4.Customizable character.
8573335.Well written.
4758876655.Good story.
872823658283. C&C

Get a fucking life ffs.


Apr 28, 2011
Jools said:
1.Homosexuality options.
2.Romance options.
3.Marriage options.
8573335.Well written.
4758876655.Good story.
872823658283. C&C
9353578375837. Character statistics.
9353578375838. Turn-based gameplay.


Formerly M4AE1BR0-something
Jul 6, 2011
@Surf Solar
That's disgusting, I think something just broke in my mind.


Formerly M4AE1BR0-something
Jul 6, 2011
Jools said:
M4BE1R0 said:
@Surf Solar
That's disgusting, I think something just broke in my pants.

That's true too, after seeing hell.jpg I just can't get it up anymore for some reason
Sounds like the codex is going to help me with time management

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