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NSFW Best Thread Ever [No SJW-related posts allowed]


Sep 19, 2006
Ahzaruuk said:
Yes, it's a Gaia thread, but it's just too fucking hilarious to pass up.

Argument over wether Zelda is an RPG. :lol:


Fucking hell, the vast majority of the people in that thread are raging dipshits. Quotes like "OMFG ZELDA IS RPG CUZ U PLAY A ROLE LOL!!1!1!" were more plentiful than they are at the ESF. Some of the best quotes:

Just stick to your every day rpg.. and leave these puzzle RPG's to the adults.

link was saving the world when cloud was still sucking on his momma's tit!Zelda was the first true RPG of its time and its still going strong so all you fucks who diss it suck balls!


Alright tards lemme smack you up a bit. RPG - ROLE PLAYING GAME as Link you are playing a role! There is a huge storyline that involve all the real gamers in the world. There are choices you can chose in what order to do the missions in, and you can chse what to do like go fish or hunt or ride your hores or play the game which you will eventually have to do yes but you can CHOOSE when to do it and what to do while doing it. RPGs don't need hit points to make them an RPG just like the don't ghave to be turn based. Morrowid is an RPG and it doesn't have hit points, Oblivian is an RPG and it dosen't have hit points either so that provwes that Zelda is an RPG - ROLE PLAYING GAME!

There are two different kinds of RPG's. There's Eastern RPG's and Western RPG's. Eastern RPG's are the typical Final Fantasy type RPGs with parties and same storylines that are getting really, REALLY old by now.

Western RPG's are something like Diablo. Now, granted, in Diablo, you don't actually need any personal skill to fight the monsters, just maybe some tactic and strategy. So, even though Zelda has more of an action aspect to it, it still has the attributes of a Western RPG: Dungeons, Upgrades and special attirubtes, interaction with characters and running of errands. An item inventory system.

Final Fantasy is not the only kind of RPG, people.

Let me tell you about what an RPG is.
An RPG is a role playing game.
Where you play a role.
As such, all games are RPG's, including LoZ.

PS: There are different types of RPG. You are thinking LoZ is not a Final fantasy style RPG. It isn't, but that doesnt mean its not an RPG.


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
I hope you all get brain AIDS from reading such drivel. Even Nintendo calls Zelda an action-adventure at best and I am sure they would love to secretly torture all those retards, had they not bought the game, and are thus people that have to be grudgingly respected.


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
I just commited the horrible mistake of clicking Kreide's link. What kind of forum is that? Gathering place for post-lobotomy patients? What is this "Gay Online"?


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
After a cursory glance through it, I died on the inside.

I have a few questions, i am an English major with a learning disablity in grammar and mechanics (spelling). I write stories mostly about sad things, things that are dark and things that are slightly messed up. I write in what is known as 1st person continuative. (where you read from the 1st persons point of view in their mind)

I am trying to get a book published, i would ike ti know if it would be ok to post snippets of things i am working on and to get some feed back from people.



Jan 21, 2007
Gaia Online is the single biggest forum community in teh world! I know tons of people who post in that shit, and yes, they are as stupid in real life as they are in Gaia. They also spend money in order to "customize" their Gaia Avatar!


Nov 25, 2006
Land of big butts
RPGs have things like HP bars, tons of different weapons, different classes of weapons, and usually in depth character customizations.

Don't forget the different weapon colors.


I want to puke.


Sep 11, 2005
Over there.
I want everyone who said "That's a slippery slope!" to all those whoever said that the mainstream acceptance of homosexuality was a "gateway" towards acceptance of other abnormal behaviours such as pedophilia and beastiality to take a good long look at the last couple of pages in this thread. First NAMBLA, now this.

Call 'em furries or plushies, but the ugly truth is that there are animal fuckers among us.



Oct 25, 2006
Data4 said:
I want everyone who said "That's a slippery slope!" to all those whoever said that the mainstream acceptance of homosexuality was a "gateway" towards acceptance of other abnormal behaviours such as pedophilia and beastiality to take a good long look at the last couple of pages in this thread. First NAMBLA, now this.

Call 'em furries or plushies, but the ugly truth is that there are animal fuckers among us.

Um, furries and plushies aren't animal fuckers. The former like anthropomorphic non-humans or fucking other dudes dressed in a fursuit, and the latter fuck stuffed animals.

That's not anything like zoosexuality.

Anyway, boo-fucking-hoo; it's not like a completely harmless fantasy/erotic orientation affects you in any way.


Sep 19, 2006
Vipera said:
Anyway, boo-fucking-hoo; it's not like a completely harmless fantasy/erotic orientation affects you in any way.

As such revolting practices as beastiality and whatnot become more and more common and more and more accepted, the values and mores of a society naturally change in response, which most certainly effects everyone. Nothing you do happens in a vacuum.

And to everyone else, it seems that we have a new candidate for photoshopping :twisted::



Nov 23, 2005
not Eurofagistan
It's amusing how sexual deviants love classifying themselves into a million little sub-cliques in an effort to surround themselves with familiar perversions so that they don't seem unnatural. It's less amusing seeing so many hippy liberals argue that all sorts of sexual degeneracy ought to be embraced with open arms. They aren't helping anybody - if someone has the delusion that they're the queen of England, we don't treat them as if they are, we try to cure them. Yet, when one dude wants to "marry" another, lots of people say "Yeah, sure, why not - you some kind of bigot?" People want to fuck dolphins, and horses, and camels, and expect to be treated like a normal human being - you're not! You're a freak. Something has gone wrong. Stop trying to convince yourself that you're some sort of martyr, when all you are is a mental case. Instead of indulging in bizarre behavior that is in blatant contravention of human biology, fags and "zoophiles" ought to be trying to figure out what the fuck is wrong with them and how to fix it. The ass was not designed to take a cock, and animals were certainly not made to be fucked by people, or vice versa. Get over it, you degenerates.

edit: ah, thank you kriegbean. This will make my task much easier.


Oct 25, 2006
KreideBein said:
Vipera said:
Anyway, boo-fucking-hoo; it's not like a completely harmless fantasy/erotic orientation affects you in any way.
As such revolting practices as beastiality and whatnot become more and more common and more and more accepted, the values and mores of a society naturally change in response, which most certainly effects everyone. Nothing you do happens in a vacuum.
So if society becomes more tolerant that's a bad thing? Or are you implying harmless practices affect society in a negative way?

It's bestiality, by the way.

Chinese Jetpilot said:
Is that headset used to pick-up sonar signals?
Yep. I just picked up a message from Flipper's granddaughter saying how much she wants to bang me. We're going to hook up sometime next week.

SlavemasterT said:
It's amusing how sexual deviants love classifying themselves into a million little sub-cliques in an effort to surround themselves with familiar perversions so that they don't seem unnatural. It's less amusing seeing so many hippy liberals argue that all sorts of sexual degeneracy ought to be embraced with open arms. They aren't helping anybody - if someone has the delusion that they're the queen of England, we don't treat them as if they are, we try to cure them. Yet, when one dude wants to "marry" another, lots of people say "Yeah, sure, why not - you some kind of bigot?" People want to fuck dolphins, and horses, and camels, and expect to be treated like a normal human being - you're not! You're a freak. Something has gone wrong. Stop trying to convince yourself that you're some sort of martyr, when all you are is a mental case. Instead of indulging in bizarre behavior that is in blatant contravention of human biology, fags and "zoophiles" ought to be trying to figure out what the fuck is wrong with them and how to fix it. The ass was not designed to take a cock, and animals were certainly not made to be fucked by people, or vice versa. Get over it, you degenerates.
English motherfucker; do you speak it? When have I ever claimed to be normal (which is subjective), or a martyr?

It's interesting to note that sexuality is mostly determined by genetics, and you say some orientations aren't natural. Unless aliens are abducting people and manipulating their brainchemistry, which still isn't something anyone chooses, what I am is completely natural. Whether or not I fall in with what society at large deems "appropriate" is a different matter.

"The ass was not designed to take a cock." Yeah, I suppose you only have sex in the missionary position, abstained until married, and have about twelve kids. :roll:

Anyway, I'd prefer Flipper Fucker to freak, but whatever works for you is fine.
Nov 8, 2006
New York
I wish I had more time to work on this, but this'll have to do. What if (well, not if, but when) Vipera mated with a dolphin, a hybrid species was born?....



Oct 25, 2006
Oh man! :lol: You make such funny pictures!

Do you think you could improve the quality of that image though? I want to show the guys on TeamSpeak.

Humans and dolphins evolved at the same time, and our two species share a good amount of DNA; so I suppose if gametes from each were manipulated in a lab such a hybridization could occur. I highly doubt any offspring would result from a more erm, traditional union, but anything is possible.


Sep 19, 2006
Vipera said:
So if society becomes more tolerant that's a bad thing? Or are you implying harmless practices affect society in a negative way?

Fucking hell, what kind of relativistic shit is this? What the fuck happened to the critical thinking skills of this generation? Undermining the values and mores of a society by making everything acceptable destroys the society.

Vipera said:
It's bestiality, by the way.

It's fucking sick, by the way.


Oct 25, 2006
KreideBein said:
Vipera said:
So if society becomes more tolerant that's a bad thing? Or are you implying harmless practices affect society in a negative way?

Fucking hell, what kind of relativistic shit is this? What the fuck happened to the critical thinking skills of this generation? Undermining the values and mores of a society by making everything acceptable destroys the society.
I would assume it's the relativistic shit I'm spewing, but I could be wrong. As for my generation's critical thinking skills; apparently it outstripped that of its predecessors. I agree, if everything were acceptable it would destroy society, which is why I'm saying only things that are harmful should be discouraged.

KreideBein said:
Vipera said:
It's bestiality, by the way.

It's fucking sick, by the way.
Don't you love the 1st Amendment?


Nov 23, 2005
not Eurofagistan
Amasius said:
Best troll I've seen on the Codex so far. :hahano:
If jimbob hadn't fished (no pun intended) the story out of some other forum, and if there hadn't been such a large influx of furry faggots recently, I'd be inclined to think troll as well. I'm sure it's a combination of actual degeneracy and trolling at this point.


Oct 25, 2006
SlavemasterT said:
Amasius said:
Best troll I've seen on the Codex so far. :hahano:
If jimbob hadn't fished (no pun intended) the story out of some other forum, and if there hadn't been such a large influx of furry faggots recently, I'd be inclined to think troll as well. I'm sure it's a combination of actual degeneracy and trolling at this point.
Astounding deduction. You can think of me as OccupatedVoid's Flipper fucking twin.


Sep 19, 2006
Vipera said:
I agree, if everything were acceptable it would destroy society, which is why I'm saying only things that are harmful should be discouraged.

As more and more deviant behaviors become accepted in a society, a slippery slope phenomenon occurs. Whether the intent was there or not, it happens. And besides, you're assuming that there's no such thing as objective morality.

Vipera said:
Don't you love the 5th Amendment?

That I do. I also love the 1st Amendment, which permits me to freely declare you a perverse degenerate.


Oct 25, 2006
KreideBein said:
Vipera said:
I agree, if everything were acceptable it would destroy society, which is why I'm saying only things that are harmful should be discouraged.

As more and more deviant behaviors become accepted in a society, a slippery slope phenomenon occurs. Whether the intent was there or not, it happens. And besides, you're assuming that there's no such thing as objective morality.
What? How can something be wrong independently of opinion?

KreideBein said:
Vipera said:
Don't you love the 5th Amendment?

That I do. I also love the 1st Amendment, which permits me to freely declare you a perverse degenerate.
Oh snap, I can't believe I put 5th. >_<

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